Amazing Tapes! S Press


There’s some real gems of rare sound recordings here - Jackson Mac Low, John Giorno, John Cage, Philip Corner, Patti Smith, Allen Ginsberg…!

Edition S Press, founded 1969 published an international selection of works on audio-cassette and (many titles) reel-to-reel tape, produced in close cooperation with the authors. 
Circulation varied with a maximum total run of around 300 copies.

John Giorno cassette tape patti smith Allen Ginsberg Philip Corner archive John Cage sound art audio

Ultra-Red | Tate

We Come From Your Future by Ultra-red


From the Tate archive, a whole series of interesting and highly relevant sound works from 2008: 
We Come From Your Future is a sound investigation into the future of anti-racism in the UK. It asks how the public discourse on ethnic-otherness, diversity, and multiculturalism may contribute to the very conditions of racism? How has the erasure of terms like anti-racism, racist violence, and justice from the official bureaucratic language actually worked to both conceal and foment new convergences of racial tension? How has the composition and re-composition of migration in the UK contributed to new lines of anti-racist experience and opened up to new fields of struggle? What are the obstacles for a re-constitution of an anti-racist movement?

ulta-red sound politics activism anti-racism



August 27 2020 – Midnight to Midnight Argentina Time – 24 HRS w/ 24 Radios – after 100 years of planetary wireless

LIVE now :) 

a 24hr radio broadcast marathon
August 27, 2020
Midnight-midnight Argentina Time (-3GMT)

On the 100th anniversary of the first global entertainment broadcast, online radio stations from across the world present WIRELESS, a 24-hr translingual radio broadcast on planetary wireless communication.

On August 27, 1920, “The crazy people on the roof” (Radio Argentina Society initiators Enrique Susini, César Guerrico, Miguel Mugica, Luis Romero and Ignacio Gómez) installed a Marconi transmitter assembled with equipment smuggled from France on the terrace of the Italian-purchased Teatro Coliseo in Buenos Aires. This broadcast of Wagner’s “Parsifal” marked the first radio broadcast in Argentina and the first mass public entertainment broadcast in the world.

On August 27, 2020, Wireless explores radio pasts and futures. Everything wireless runs on radio, radio waves are the medium of wireless internet. Through translingual dialogue, music and sound, Wireless will consider the various modalities of this evolving planetary condition–spectrum, networks, telecommunications, infrastructure, urban acrobatics, physics, entertainment and education. Each partner radio will rebroadcast the marathon stream, leading to an amplification of radio investigation, entertainment, and solidarity.

wireless Argentina pirate radio radio radio art

The Voice Is A Language | Tate


Found this in the Tate archive from 2012:

The Voice Is A Language is a live performance and screening project orbits the legacy of avant-garde pioneer Meredith Monk, casting her as an active player within a range of dynamic contemporary practices.

An online reader for the project, which includes essays, sound clips, documentation and other information can be found at

Meredith Monk The Voice Is A Language listen language voice

08:15 - 11.02

To commemorate Nagasaki day, London Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament have launched an online exhibition 08:15 - 11.02, Time, Memory and Nuclear Weapons.


This online exhibition considers our relationship to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki today, as we mark the 75th anniversary. Drawing together artists’ responses that hold time and remembrance as central themes, works in film, photography, sound and performance invite the visitor to pause for reflection and connect with these experiences through our everyday encounters with time.

The exhibition will be live until 26th September 2020, with works by Graham Ashton, Peter Barton, Steven Feld, Hannah Kemp-Welch, Peter Kennard, Martyl Langsdorf, Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti.

sound art Hiroshima Nagasaki Steven Feld Peter Kennard Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti online exhibition events time memory nuclear weapons CND

Longplayer Assembly


The Longplayer Assembly marks the twentieth anniversary of Jem Finer’s Longplayer – a continuous piece of music that began playing at the turn of the millennium made to last 1000 years. Embracing the essence of Longplayer as a creation that transcends time and challenges our linear continuities of how and who we create for, the Longplayer Assembly will replicate a similar pattern of continuity as the conversation relay will assemble a variety of voices from all over the world whose work and thinking captures the zeitgeist. Each participant will converse for one hour, firstly with one person, then another, passing the virtual seat to one another non-stop for 12-hours.

Longplayer Jem Fine artangel events sound time

radiophrenia | the light at the end of the dial

2020 - Open Call for Sound & Radio Works

Radiophrenia announce an open call for sound and transmission artworks for their upcoming broadcasts in November 2020. Radiophrenia is an artist run FM radio station broadcasting in Glasgow and online

We are seeking soundscapes, spoken word pieces, radio experiments, found sound, innovative approaches to drama and documentary, and radical and challenging new programme ideas. The station will be housed in Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts with a broadcast schedule including live shows, pre-recorded features and a series of in-studio performances (Covid permitting).

Radiophrenia aims to promote the medium of radio as an art form and encourage experimental approaches to making radio that are not catered for by mainstream stations. We want to hear from radio makers who are seeking a platform for their work to reach new audiences. The call is open to artists, musicians and producers at any career stage. It is intended primarily for existing works. Local artists may also propose live shows or performances that will take place in the studio (Covid permitting). Please note that there are no fees available for selected works.

Radiophrenia open call call for works community radio sound art radio Glasgow

Unsettling Scores | Liquid Architecture

Unsettling Scores | Liquid Architecture

Unsettling Scores is a three-part online program curated by Liquid Architecture for Monash University Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Samson Young: Real Music. Unsettling Scores will be distributed as newsletters, with works also appearing on our journal platform Disclaimer.

Bringing together artists, musicians and writers from around the world, the program examines how experimental and political sound and acts of listening—grounded in the language of musical scores—become vehicles of unsettlement, disrupting logics of settlerism, extractivism, expropriation and appropriation, while at the same time offering powerful assertions of sovereignty, resistance, and futurity. Unsettling Scores will comprise texts, videos, audio, notation, transcripts, proposals and documentation, collated in the form of an expanded dialogue between contributors.

Unsettling Scores Liquid Architecture scores sound art read

Untuned Bell 2020 - KORO

Untuned Bell 2020 - KORO

The untuned town hall bell, which was removed from its 48 fellow bells in the tower of Oslo City Hall in year 2000, is on its way back to its old neighborhood. On Saturday 22 of August, the artwork will be installed at Honnørbrygga on Rådhusplassen in Oslo.

A bell was removed from the bell tower of Oslo City Hall in connection with Oslo’s millennium celebrations, when it was found to be out of tune with the other 48 bells in the carillon. The artist A K Dolven discovered this 1.4-ton bell mute on the ground and has conserved its voice. Untuned Bell is installed close to the City Hall at Honnørbrygga, one of the quays adjacent to Rådhusplassen, The City Hall Square.

Keep reading

Oslo City Hall Rolf Wallin Untuned Bell read bells sound sound art A K Dolven

An online exhibition considering time, memory and nuclear weapons, launched on the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. Featuring sound works including by Steven Feld and Hannah Kemp-Welch.

sound art events listen sound hiroshima nagasaki nuclear weapons online exhibition cnd




EJTECH: Esteban de la Torre (MEX) media artist, Judit Eszter Kárpáti PhD (HU) textile artist, a duo exploring technospirituality via textile and sonic media, based in Budapest.

This piece recontextualizes textile as a sound emitter (all sounds are created by the textiles, no loudspeakers are used in the space), by making it vibrate in order to drown the space in various frequencies, creating a soundbath, not only experience though the ears and eyes, but through the skin and bones. This is an installation, as well as a performance, and we are constantly working on updated versions on the same technology.

Thank you Judit & Esteban for sharing this with us!

phase in EJTECH sound textiles technospirituality

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk