Humor & Cartoons

A door open to a front yard and bright blue skies.
Daily Shouts

Things Abandoned During Quarantine

Meditation apps, windowsill green onions, friends, and other things lost at home during the pandemic.

Cartoons from the Issue

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Trump to Throw Out First Amendment at Yankee Stadium

Donald Trump throws the first pitch.

“Obama was President for eight years and never threw out an amendment,” he said. “What a loser.”

10:48 A.M.

Trump Aces the Cognitive Test

Proof that the President passed with flying colors.

July 23, 2020

Reading Between the Captions: Hidden Truths of 2020 Instagram Posts

 Plastic bucket with sidewalk chalk

Thanks, @Pinterest, for this sidewalk-chalk mosaic idea! My six-year-old loved it and is not squinting because his eyes can no longer adjust to natural light.

July 23, 2020
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Daily Cartoon


How to Repurpose Cop Gear if Police Get Abolished

Pepper-spray googles repurposed for scuba diving.

New uses for pepper-spray goggles, riot shields, bulletproof vests, and more.

Oh, to Be a Migratory Bird

A Cerulean Warbler.

This summer, like every other, the migrating birds are back in town to sing, socialize, and flirt. May we live vicariously through them!

Uses for Your COVID-19 Supplies After the Pandemic

Person repurposes leftover gloves as balloons for all the parties they can finally have.

What to do with your masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and more during better times.

Al Capone’s Tax Returns

Al Copone's 1928 tax return.

The mobster could have got away with tax evasion, too, had he not done such an incredibly bad job on his tax returns, which have been made public for the first time.