
Thank You

Some of you may be aware that Michael has been very ill with coronavirus and he would like to thank everyone who has sent kind get-well messages, poems, and drawings of support.

He is very sorry but, for the time being, while he recovers, he isn’t able to answer your emails.


Hello, welcome to my website.

Here you will be able to read about me, my books and what I’m doing.

If you click on the links you’ll be able to find your way to my videos, and adults may be interested in my blog where I post up articles on education, current affairs and the occasional poem.

Remember, my YouTube Channel is ‘Kids’ Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen.’ There are over 200 videos there, and I’m putting up new ones all the time.

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Crowdfunding You’re Thinking About Tomatoes

We’re crowdfunding the book that I’ve just read on our YouTube channel You’re Thinking About Tomatoes.

I’m working with artist, Cole Henley, to turn the book into a graphic novel. A beautiful full-colour hardback book of 128 pages, it’s perfect for introducing readers to the magic of comics! We would really like your support and there’s all sorts of rewards for people. Pledge levels include signed copies, original artwork, and appearing as a character in the book.

You're Thinking About Tomatoes

Full details at Unbound.


Buy Michael Rosen Merchandise at our Teespring Store.


My Complete List of Books

For people wanting a complete list of my books, I have compiled my own comprehensive bibliography.

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