Reopening: What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

Public Gatherings: In Phase Two of the regional reopening, non-essential public gatherings are only permitted if 10 or less people are in attendance. Gatherings of up to 25 people are allowed in Phase Three. Social Gatherings of 50 People and indoor religious gatherings at 33 Percent capacity are allowed in Phase Four. Check to see what phase your region is in.

Masks & Face Coverings: Individuals must wear face coverings when they are in a public and are: within six feet of distance from other individuals; or in a situation or setting where they are unable to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals; or in a public or private transportation carrier or for-hire vehicle.

Read the Department of Health guidance on the use of face coverings. 

Executive Order 202.16 directs employers to provide essential workers with masks free of charge to wear when interacting with the public.

Business operations: Executive Order 202.34 authorizes businesses to deny entry to individuals who do not wear masks or face-coverings. 

Schools: All K-12 schools and college facilities statewide will remain closed and continue to provide distance learning, meal delivery and childcare services for the remainder of the school year. 

School Graduations: Outdoor, socially distanced graduations of up to 150 people will be allowed beginning June 26th, subject to any outbreaks or significant changes in the metrics. Schools will also be permitted to hold drive-in and drive-through graduation ceremonies this year.

Summer School: Will be conducted through distance learning this year to help reduce the risk of spread. Meal programs and child care services for essential employees will continue.

Summer Camps: Summer day camps statewide can open on June 29. The state will make a decision on sleep-away camps in the coming weeks.

Higher Education: The State will issue guidance to colleges and universities to allow some in person instruction and on-campus housing and for the fall semester. Campuses must develop a plan, which attests to meeting the guidance and file plans with the State.

Youth Sports: Low-risk youth sports for regions in phase three of reopening can begin on July 6 with up to two spectators allowed per child.

Veterinarians: Practices are permitted to open in all regions of the state as of May 26.

Dentists: Offices can reopen statewide beginning June 1. They will be subject to state guidance on best practices for safety and social distancing.

Medical Schools: Medical schools statewide will be allowed to reopen on June 22, following appropriate precautions, in order to safely prepare for and welcome new cohorts of medical students this summer and fall. 

Hospital Visitation: Hospitals and group homes will be allowed to accept visitors at their discretion as of June 16. Any facility that chooses to allow visitors must follow state guidelines, including time-limited visits and requiring visitors to wear PPE and be subject to symptom and temperature checks. The prohibition on nursing home visitors remains in place as the state Department of Health continues to review.

Travelers:  All New York State roads, bridges and tunnels remain open. Essential travel is still allowed. That said, the public is urged to stay home and travel only if necessary. Be sure to practice social distancing. For current status of road and bridge closures in New York State, please visit or call 511.  It is also recommend that you contact the local county health department for the area you plan to visit/travel through.

Food establishments: Restaurants and bars can provide take-out and delivery services for off-premise consumption only. 

State Parks: State Parks are open and entrance fees have been waived. There are certain parking and trail restrictions. See NYS Parks COVID-19 page for more details.

Golf at State Parks: Starting Saturday, April 25 golf courses operated by State Parks may be open. Operating schedules will differ across the state. Call the course directly for current information.

Camping & Pavilion/Shelters: Campgrounds and RV parks are open statewide as of May 25. Visit the NYS Parks camping page for details.

Marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers: Allowed to open for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed. 

Landscaping, Gardening, Tennis & Drive-In-Movie Theaters: These and other low-risk business and recreational activities will reopen statewide on May 15.

New York Beaches: In coordination with neighboring states, public and private beaches will open under these guidelines on May 22.

Horse Race Tracks and Watkins Glen: Horse racing tracks across the state and Watkins Glen International Racetrack will open without fans as of June 1. 

File a Complaint

If you are aware of any non-essential gatherings or any non-essential businesses or entities operating in violation of "New York on PAUSE" please choose the appropriate complaint below.

Governor Cuomo also announced the state is increasing the maximum fine for violations of the state's social distancing protocol from $500 to $1,000 to help address the lack of adherence to social distancing protocols. The Governor reminded localities that they have the authority to enforce the protocols.

File a complaint against your employer or place of work.

File a complaint about a business, location or incident in your community.

You may also call 1-833-789-0470.