Early Warning Monitoring Dashboard

Moving New York Forward
Region by Region Status

For detailed information, view the regional early warning sign metric dashboard.

Regional Dashboards

Regional Breakdown

Description of Metrics:

These metrics have been established based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Department of State, and other public health experts. The metrics will be considered both individually and in their totality to assess whether regions can safely move through the four phases of reopening, or whether additional policy measures to contain the virus are required. The investigation of new cases, clusters, and contacts will provide substantial information on the drivers of transmission, which will in turn guide these policy decisions. 

  • Diagnostic testing: The number on the left represents the 7-day average of total diagnostic tests conducted. The number on the right represents the target testing level per region (based on a goal of 30 tests per 1,000 residents per month).
  • Case and contact tracing capacity: The number of case and contact tracers required in each region (updated weekly). Thresholds are set by the Department of Health, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and Vital Strategies. This capacity will be used to interview positive patients; identify their close contacts; interview and alerting those contacts to the risk of infection; and closely monitor the isolation status of cases and the infection status of contacts. As case and contact tracing data become available, additional metrics will be developed to measure the performance of the state’s case and contact-tracing system. Such measurements will help determine whether the state’s case and contact tracing system is succeeding in controlling the virus through the reopening process.

  • Percent daily tests positive: The average share of tests that are positive over the last seven days.
  • New cases: Average of the most recent 7 days of new cases per 100,000 residents.
  • Gross new hospitalizations: Average of the most recent 7 days of new hospitalizations per 100,000 residents.
  • Share of total beds available: Average share of hospital beds available for the most recent 7 days, which is defined as total beds available divided by total beds in a region
  • Share of ICU beds available: Average share of ICU beds available for the most recent 7 days, which is defined as total ICU beds available divided by total ICU beds in a region