NS01 rh1004 rh1003 rh1002 rh0904 rh0702 rh0701 rh0601

Revolutionary History was set up by Socialist Platform Ltd, an independent, socialist publishing venture.  Revolutionary History maintains an archive and library. If you have material that is not available elsewhere, or if you want to discuss researching and publishing the history of the revolutionary movement, please contact us. Books still available for sale are in the BookShop. Many are out of print but most have their content on line.

Compiled by John Plant, with assistance from Ted Crawford. The web manager and bookshop manager is Alun Morgan  Issues RH0101 through to RH0904, (except RH0804) are now on-line and are in the public domain. When issues are sold out they too will be placed on-line. We would be very pleased to hear from you if you notice errors, whether typograpghical or more substantial. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., website manager, who will see to the corrections however minor.


 What's new:  Socialist Appeal is online ; La Vérité is online ; Marxist Writers has  just over 50 writers; 400 Obituaries; RH0901 "The 1905 revolution" is online




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