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The Economist today

News analysis
United States

America’s backwards coronavirus strategy

The federal government’s approach is like a hospital that invests in palliative care while abolishing the oncology department


America is in the midst of an extraordinary surge of covid-19


Britons tip the work-life balance

Working Britons have less time for leisure than other Europeans. Covid-19 is changing that


CTS Eventim is plotting a post-pandemic comeback tour

Europe’s live-music giant is unfazed by the coronavirus slump

From our columnists
United States

Lexington: Trouble in Trumplandia

The president’s growing authoritarianism is a sign of weakness not strength

Daily chart

China’s newest technology stock exchange is thriving despite the pandemic

But the country’s answer to America’s Nasdaq is not for the faint of heart

Books & arts

Bullfighting in the era of covid-19

Gore and pageantry on the sand, social distancing in the stands

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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In context: The rich-world recovery

Special report: The Midwest

A region with outsized punch

America’s Midwest matters out of proportion to its size, says Adam Roberts

The urban prairie

For the region to prosper, its bigger cities must flourish

Separate, downtrodden

The region has particular problems with segregation and policing

America’s Mittelstand

Advanced manufacturing can thrive, as Grand Rapids shows

From rustbelt to brainbelt

How higher education can drive prosperity

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