July 22, 2020

Puppehs & GAINZZZ Thread, For Those Tired of Endless Bad News



Meanwhile, Trump is giving a press conference about his plan to fight Democrats, I mean, criminals.

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Posted by Ace at 04:01 PM Comments

DOJ Declines to Prosecute FBI Senior Intelligence Analyst Who Admitted to Masturbating to Child Pornography Featuring Girls As Young as... 9


The Rulers =/= The Ruled.

An FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst admitted to viewing and downloading child pornography -- images of girls age 9 to 17 -- and was fired from his job earlier this year, but the agent was not prosecuted for the crime.


As a synopsis from the OIG states, "FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst [name redacted], during a post-polygraph interview, admitted to viewing and downloading child pornography (CP). Specifically, during an FBI five-year routine counterintelligence polygraph examination, [the FBI analyst] showed indications of countermeasures during the polygraph which led the examiner to conduct a post-polygraph interview."

"During the interview, [name redacted] admitted to viewing and downloading CP of girls ranging in age between 9 and 17 while searching the internet," states the synopsis. "Specifically, [the FBI analyst] admitted to searching on pornographic sites, and "undoubtedly" viewed CP [child pornography]."

"[The FBI analyst] stated that he preferred pornography depicting young females age 15-17, he then changed his preference during subsequent questioning, to females as young as 12 years old, and finally admitted to preferring females as young as 9 years old and just starting to show signs of maturation," reads the synopsis.

Fired -- but not prosecuted.

The only real impediment to prosecuting him -- apart from the Deep State protecting its own perverts -- is that there is only his word that he viewed child porn. I'm not sure they've got the actual child porn.

But 1, that is only a complication, not an insurmountable bar to prosecution and 2, he should be prosecuted just to get a plead guilty to being a sex predator.

Do you want Special Agent Short-Eyes over here showing up at your local school for Dirty Show and Tell?

Also: I don't get the sense that this guy's stash of child porn would remain hidden if a couple of experts spent a couple of hours searching his drives and dropboxes.

Argument from Commenters:

52 You can't be convicted of a crime solely on the basis of a confession. It's a legal principle called corpus delicti. There has to be some corroborating evidence. Posted by: Dilsin

Okay so maybe it is an insurmountable bar.

But how long do you think it would take to find his trove if they really wanted to?

54 As I said in the prior thread, it's really difficult to prosecute these cases. There needs to be proof, and that's not easy to get. Most of the models are unknown, and the global standard (right or wrong) is, any development means they can't "assume" the model is underage.

I could be wrong about this, but I think MOST prosecutions are made when there is transmitting, one way or the other, of images that CAN be traced through the internet. So even if you don't have proof the model is underaged, the fact that the guy is going to sites, downloading and/or uploading, that's a crime that can be prosecuted.
Posted by: BurtTC

Ah, okay, that would explain the article's reference for searching images for girls known to have been abused or trafficked. I guess just because they found pictures of very young looking girls, they can't prove the girls are underage.

So... lack of proof of intent spares the FBI again.

Posted by Ace at 03:09 PM Comments


James Comey: Never You Worry, I Will Soon Heal the Nation With a Book About My Own Personal Dedication to Integrity and Justice in 2021


This scumbag should be in prison already.

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Posted by Ace at 02:03 PM Comments

Antifa Terrorists and BLM Insurrectionists Dox At Least 38 Federal Officers


We're not voting out way out of this.

Dozens of federal law enforcement officers in Portland have had their personal information posted online by individuals who have also encouraged protesters to go to those officers' homes, officials said Tuesday.

Federal Protective Service (FPS) Deputy Director of Operations Richard Cline said at a press conference that approximately 38 law enforcement officers had been doxed as he explained why officers had had name badges removed.

"We are going to convert their name [tags] to their badge number as about 38 of our officers that are out there have been doxed and their personal infomation has been put online," he said.

The Department of Homeland Security has previously said that “violent anarchists” in the area have on multiple occasions released personal information to the public of those officers in Portland, but Cline gave an indication of how widespread the practice is.

Interesting that antifa terrorists deploy the exact same tactic preferred by CNN and NYT, no?

Posted by Ace at 12:58 PM Comments

NY Post: Lincoln Project Founders Have Ties to Russia, Massive Tax Problems


Conservative, Inc. finally finds a hill to die on: Finding new marks to grift now that the old ones have clamped shut their wallets.

The founders of the Lincoln Project, a headline-grabbing anti-Trump political action committee formed by GOP operatives who describe the president as a "crook" and "huckster," have their own checkered dealings with Russia and the tax man, documents obtained by The Post reveal.


Co-founder Weaver, a political consultant known for his work on John McCain's and John Kasich's presidential campaigns, registered as a Russian foreign agent for uranium conglomerate TENEX in a six-figure deal last year, filings with the Department of Justice show.

TENEX’s parent company is Rosatom, a Russian state-owned corporation that also owns Uranium One--— the company that paid Bill Clinton $500,000 in speaking fees and millions to the Clinton Foundation after then-President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off on the controversial merger in 2010.


According to IRS filings exclusively obtained by The Post, the Republican operative -- who has also repeatedly called Trump a "tax fraud" and a "tax crook" on Twitter -- also has an outstanding $313,655 federal tax lien against his Austin, Texas, home.

This March, an Austin shopping mall also filed a lawsuit against the children's clothing store that Weaver and his wife own, according to court documents obtained by The Post, just months after Weaver mocked the president's own string of failed businesses.

Weaver's fellow Lincoln Project founder Wilson also has an interesting financial past. According to IRS documents, the GOP strategist has an outstanding $389,420 federal tax lien against his Tallahassee, Florida, home, and his bank moved to foreclose on the property in 2016.

Posted by Ace at 12:08 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


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I loves me some guerilla theater. The best thing I love about it is when the left complains about it when it's done to them.

But unlike left-wing guerrilla theater, there is a real price to pay if you're on the right.

Bevelyn Beatty was arrested for dumping black paint on the Black Lives Matter "mural" that Mayor de Blasio arranged to have painted in front of Trump Tower. They charged her and Edmee Chavannes, who helped her carry out her nefarious deed, with "criminal mischief".

And her Twitter account got suspended.

Her official GoFundMe account was removed. They don't say why. Other than it violated "our terms and conditions." Which I guess means the unwritten condition that prohibits raising money for conservative causes.

A couple of third-party sponsored GoFundMe accounts on her behalf have also been deleted.

It is absolutely hilarious to listen to progressives sputtering and fuming and getting all pissy and indignant over her activities. They raise all sorts of dark suspicions about who's funding her travel, although her home is in New Jersey so she could almost walk into New York City. One referred to her as a Christian "activist" (with the ironic quote marks) as if her activities somehow don't qualify as activism. Because, you know, only left-wingers can do activism.

Bevelyn was released shortly after being arrested and she immediately desecrated two more BLM hagiographic displays elsewhere in New York City.

You can see why progressives hate her, though:

--She refuses to bow the knee to BLM, and has called it a 'terrorist organization'.
--She is a Trump supporter.
--She is an outspoken Christian
--She is an evangelist
--She is a pro-life activist
--She likes to use the #JesusMatters hashtag on social media

This 5 Fast Facts About Bevelyn Beatty is a surprisingly even-handed summation of who she is and what she's about. I especially like this:

The New York Post reported that in one video, Beatty said: “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in Brooklyn and it ain’t over. Jesus matters. We’re taking our country back. We’re taking it back. And let me tell you something, the police need our help. They can’t stand alone. Don’t just sit by idly and watch your country go to the ground.”

We cannot spare this woman. She fights.

Unlike Conservative, Inc. Well, actually, they fight, too. But what they fight are mostly other conservatives.

I think this well-known quote by Martin Luther is applicable here:

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved. And to be steady on all the battle fields besides is merely flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

Ms. Beatty is on the front lines, fighting where the action is hottest. These other guys, these William Kristols and David Frenches and Rick Wilsons, what are they doing? What have these "conservatives" doing to promote conservative principles? Nothing except losing their shit over Donald Trump for the past three and a half years. Meanwhile, our country is threatened with dissolution, you can practically hear the fault lines cracking, and the NeverTrumpers are off fighting their own little war.

Put it another way: Bevelyn Beatty is out there past the trenches and barbed wire in no-man's land with a flame thrower and a belt of hand grenades, dodging shells and bullets as she tries to take out an enemy machine gun nest. Meanwhile, the NeverTrumper REMFs are well back away from any actual fighting, plotting against the general and lending aid and comfort to the enemy army. If this was an actual way, they could all executed as traitors.

One Bevelyn Beatty is worth a hundred Jonah Goldbergs.

On the Front Lines:

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:18 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


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His Majesty's Ship "Victory", Capt. E. Harvey, In The Memorable Battle Of Trafalgar Between Two French Ships Of The Line
John Constable

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 7/22/20

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning, kids. Wednesday and before we get to the fun and games of American cities being destroyed from within, this news item kind of jumped out at me this morning. Well, it is a fire, it is in an American city, and it involves Communists. That said...

Officials from the Houston Fire Department and Houston Police Department are responding to reports that documents are being set on fire in the courtyard at the Chinese Consulate-General in Houston.

"Houston police say they began receiving the reports that documents were being burned just after 8 p.m. at 3417 Montrose Boulevard where the Consulate General of China is located," Click 2 Houston reported. "A small amount of smoke could be seen and smelled from outside. Dozens of Houston first responders are at the scene..."

Tensions between the United States have continued to escalate in recent weeks after they hit near all-time highs earlier this year over the Chinese Communist Party's lies about the [Chinese] coronavirus pandemic..."

The only time I can recall documents being burned at foreign embassies was film footage taken at the Japanese Consulate in Washington DC on the morning of December 7th, 1941. I really do not want to jump to any conclusions here but given the internal strife in this country, the cold war between the US and the Chi-Coms over the Peking Pox, Hong Kong, trade, Chinese imperialism/militarism threatening world stability, China's dismal economy, and on top of all of that, an election that could seal their and our fate for the foreseeable future - - I think you can read your own tea leaves. Then again, sometimes a mass document fire at a foreign embassy is just a mass document fire at a foreign embassy, right?

Returning to our regularly scheduled meshugas, fish-faced enemy of the people Lori Lightfoot opened her titanic maw to slam President Trump for suggesting bringing in Federal troops to stop the violence and mayhem. In doing so, she got her two clown-shoed left feet shoved down her throat as a mass shooting outside a Chicago funeral home left 14 people wounded. And yet, we must defund the police because, racism or something.

... Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara reacted to the shootout that took place during a funeral in the city by stating that Cook County's justice system "is totally broken" and its dysfunction has emboldened criminals and is leading to a "bloodbath in the street" and commented on his dispute with Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) over requesting federal law enforcement assistance for the city stating that Lightfoot is running "the Titanic into an iceberg, intentionally."

Catanzara said that criminals are emboldened because "they know there's no consequences. The justice system in Cook County is totally broken. All the way from the President Preckwinkle (D), to Kim Foxx (D) the prosecutor, to Tom Dart (D) the Sheriff, to Tim Evans the Chief Judge. They have no idea what real justice is. And that's basically -- the bloodbath in the street is the result..."

The mass shooting is on the heels of particularly vicious rioting over the weekend that saw a number of Chicago cops injured after being set upon by "protesters" in Grant Park attempting to topple a statue of Christopher Columbus.

Meanwhile, in the capital of world Marxist-Leninism - Portland, Oregon - violent insurrection, the undeniable aim of which is overthrowing society and seizing power, continued for something like the 52nd or 53rd consecutive night. Despite hack propagandists like Jonathan Karl claiming the President has no right to use Federal power to interfere, which Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany immediately schooled him on, manifestly dangerous and irresponsible cretins like Ted Wheeler, Kate Brown and Earl Blumenauer, as well as Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, are abrogating their oaths while accusing Trump of being literally Hitler for wanting to step in and protect life property.

... This is part of a pattern of how the left works: Destroy the rule of law, the backbone of our free republic. Intimidate ordinary citizens into silence. Then support and elevate rule by power of unelected street thugs in Antifa and BLM. The meek may inherit the earth, but they won't get the big cities.

None of what we're seeing should be viewed as a surprise or some sort of accident. Far from it. The city's mayor, Ted Wheeler, and Portland's far-left city council, have not only permitted the violence, but enabled and encouraged it - just as mayors in Seattle, Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles have done.

You might think Wheeler & Co. would be grateful for U.S. troops restoring some semblance of order in the out-of-control city. Nope. Instead a few days ago the mayor told federal officials "Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city."

An invitation to more riots, in short.

That's why federal police had to step in to restore order. Radical politicians refused to do their duty.

We're seeing similar negligence from the now-openly socialist Democratic Party. Led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrats have expressed their "alarm" at President Donald Trump daring to enforce the nation's laws. Americans should think long and hard before they mark their ballots in November...

Of course, Wheeler, Brown and Blumenauer like arguably every member of the Democrat Party are in league with the aims of Antifa and BLM. I think it's safe to say that they know that despite what they have done and what the media is pumping out 24/7, they're not going to win in a legitimate contest this November against Trump. It might be their last shot at seizing absolute power once and for all. Seen in that light, Obama's presidency was a complete failure because they misread and/or ignored the sentiment of the silent majority of Americans, that despite everything is still a majority and thought America had changed for good after 2008. They may be dumb but they're not stupid. No way they are going to let that happen and so, by lies and deception now coupled with violence and intimidation, they are going to try to steal 2020 and that will be the end of it. Or so they hope.

I think the American people are wise to this. At the very least, they have to see and understand that the burning, rioting, murder and mayhem is completely unwarranted, unjustified and frightening. And any politican who praises it as Summer of Love 2: Kill the Pigs Boogaloo including Joe Biden and/or whoever is pulling his strings will be viewed as equally frightening for having no problems bringing Portland and Chicago to their front yard.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at CutJibNewsletter.com if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:20 AM Comments

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (7/21/20)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“The federal government cannot allow anarchists and insurrectionists to destroy federal courthouses, federal buildings, or other federal property,Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)

Quote II

"We've 10,000 people in volunteer, we'll try to get them plugged in as poll workers. Not for us, but running the mechanisms in the states, that they work for the state operations."Former VP Joe Biden

Quote III

They did have the right to do what they did. They were standing on their own property. Let’s just review the facts. They’re on their own property, they were carrying lawful firearms they lawfully possessed, there were trespassers who had broken down a gate and were coming on to their property and the couple said “get off our property.”

…This prosecutor is totally out of control. This is an abuse of power. You want to know what abuse of power looks like? This is a textbook example. I think the United States Department of Justice needs to open a civil rights investigation into the St. Louis circuit attorney’s office. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)

Quote IV

"We know this has been a trying year, and our associates have stepped up. "We hope they will enjoy a special Thanksgiving Day at home with their loved ones."John Furner, the president and CEO of Walmart US

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM Comments

Open Thread


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Posted by Ace at 07:11 PM Comments

John Weaver -- Registered Foreign Agent for Russia State-Controlled Energy Company -- Vows The "Conservative" Lincoln Project Will Support Nothing but Democrats and Leftwing Policies


What a shock.

I'm dumbfounded. I'm stunned. I'm all kaplotz.

The DC "Republican" grifter class has always been leftwing -- except for one thing. They really, really, really liked corporate money.

But since Clinton, Democrats have themselves taken more and more corporate money. They now take more than Republicans take.

So what's left for the fake "Republican" grifter class but to go all-in for the Corporate Progressive cult?

John Weaver -- who had to quickly file as a registered foreign agent of Russia -- progsplains that the Republican grifter class will now be attacking any Republican office holder who fights against hypothetical President Biden, and will fight for the Democrat expansion of "voting rights" -- basically, in favor of widespread voter fraud.

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Posted by Ace at 06:16 PM Comments

Ted Cuz Dares Big Mouthed Pussy Mark Cuban to Say "Free Hong Kong;"
Balless Corporate Tool Refuses to Upset His Communist Chinese Paymasters


Also: Trump restarts his covid press conferences in a few minutes.

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Posted by Ace at 04:53 PM Comments

Claim: Ghislaine Maxwell Played Shady Joke of an Operative Jacob Wohl to Smear Her Victims as Well as the US Attorney for the SDN


The claim is specifically that Wohl was paid to smear Geoffrey Berman, top prosecutor at the Southern District of NY.

What is being suggested is that the smear campaign "worked" in that Trump fired Berman.

But that's fucking stupid: Two weeks after Berman's firing, Maxwell was charged.

Berman seems much more like Ghislaine's protector than her persecutor.

EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell paid $25K to fake news purveyor Jacob Wohl to 'smear Epstein victims and to get prosecutor Geoffrey Berman fired in attempt to stall sex trafficking investigation against her'

Ghislaine Maxwell hired Jacob Wohl to smear alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein and her, a former friend told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview

As part of a $25k deal, Wohl and his lobbyist colleague Jack Burkman also allegedly pushed to get former New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman fired

Wohl and Burkman are far-right lobbyists who have become a laughing stock in DC after several failed attempts to smear top political figures

Maryland paralegal Kristin Spealman claims she was initially contacted by the duo to use her in a smear campaign against Nancy Pelosi and Ted Cruz

Spealman told DailyMail.com bragged to her they had been hired around early June for $25,000 to dig up dirt on Maxwell's alleged sex trafficking victims

Federal documents filed this month show a company linked to Maxwell had hired Wohl and Burkman to lobby on ‘issues relating to US DOJ, Senate Judiciary, House Judiciary,’ DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal

Berman's removal was intended to stall or stop the criminal investigation into Maxwell, Spealman said

Berman was ultimately pushed out by Barr in June, but two weeks later Maxwell was charged as part of Epstein's sex trafficking ring

I don't know how much of this to believe.

Whoops! Maybe I shouldn't have believed any of this.

Maybe Wohl planted this, and it's a made-up story.

Posted by Ace at 04:08 PM Comments

John Katshit Will Speak at Democrat National Convention in Favor of Joe Biden


All the Democrats are unmasking.

Amusingly, acceptance by their New Tribe continues to elude the Fake Former Republican turncoats:

The news drew a swift backlash from Democratic candidates, staffers, and activists on social media.

Meanwhile, as the Huffington Post reports, "Conservative Icon" George Will (what?) will vote for Biden.

The longtime conservative commentator said Monday he’ll cast his vote for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in order to help defeat President Donald Trump at the ballot box.

It will likely be the first time that he has ever voted for a Democrat, Will told USA Today's Susan Page during a conversation for The Aspen Institute.

"I'm a big believer in parties, in party strength and party tickets. Not this year," said Will, who quit the GOP in June 2016 in protest of Trump’s then-imminent nomination as the Republican presidential candidate.

Posted by Ace at 03:05 PM Comments

#MuhNorms: Reporter Calls Kayleigh McEnany a "Lying Bitch" in Press Conferene


To be honest, there's too much noise for me to say what she's saying, but other people hear this reporterette calling her a "lying bitch."

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Posted by Ace at 02:11 PM Comments

Soros' Pet Prosecutor Kim Gardener Charges McCloskey's With Felony Brandishing;
Missouri's AG Moves to Dismiss the Charges


We're at the tipping point of civil war.

We now have government actors attempting to jail anyone who defends himself against the left wing's Street Reparations squads, antifa and BLM.

A country cannot continue when half the population has not only declared vigilante war on the other half, but then seeks to use government power to imprison anyone who resists the vigilantes.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city's top prosecutor, said Mark and Patricia McCloskey – both personal injury attorneys in their 60s – will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon following the June 28 incident.

"It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner -- that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis," Gardner said in a statement. She added that she was recommending a diversion program as an alternative to jail if the McCloskeys are convicted.

Gardner declined to discuss to why Missouri’s “castle doctrine,” a law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders, didn’t apply.

Within hours of the ruling, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a brief seeking to dismiss Gardner’s charges against the McCloskeys on the grounds that their Second Amendment rights are being violated.

"The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm," Schmitt said in a prepared statement provided to Fox News.

Posted by Ace at 01:07 PM Comments

After New York Times Threatens to Reveal Tucker Carlson's New Address -- Having Been Forced to Move By Antifa After His Previous Address Was Published -- Someone Doxxes the NYT Reporter Threatening to Dox Carlson


Wait, the New York Times had claimed its own doxxing was just some fine journalisming.

Is it not journ0lisming when a New York Times' reporter's home address is publicized?

Video of Tucker Carlson announcing that the Times is doing target spotting for antifa terrorists, below.

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Posted by Ace at 12:09 PM Comments

The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition



Do you want to read what's coming if Gropin' Joe Biden manages to totter into the Oval Office, drool cup in the hand of his wife and extra Depends ready in the bathroom? Because Victor Davis Hanson wrote a terrifying description of what we can expect, and it isn't some fantasy plucked from the fervid imagination of a right-wing conspiracy theorist; it is based on some concrete examples like Cuba and Venezuela, and before those Maoist China and Stalinist Russia.

Will 2021 Be 1984?[link from Sefton's Morning Report]

If Joe Biden is elected, the effort to remove him by those now supporting him will begin the day after the election and it will not be as crude as rounding up a Yale psychiatrist to testify to his dementia in Congress or shaming the White House physician to give him the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test in the manner that the Left went after Donald Trump.

It will be far more insidious and successful: leaked stories to the New York Times and Washington Post from empathetic White House insiders will speak of how “heroically” Biden is fighting his inevitable decline—and how gamely he tries to marshal his progressive forces even as his faculties desert him. We would read about why Biden is a national treasure by sacrificing his health to get elected and then nobly bowing out as he realized the cost of his sacrifice on his person and family.

But that will just set the stage, as previously unimagined lunacy will become normalized. Good old Jew-Hate will be front-and-center. "Wealth taxes" in all of their glory will be trotted out to destroy the modern-day Kulaks, while the connected rich will protect themselves with official and unofficial contacts within government.

Apartheid and segregation will arrive as law, and success will be measured by radically different metrics; wokeness and connections to NGOs will dwarf actual skills.

Kiss the wall goodby. And with it American culture, as armies of the unwashed and uneducated pour over our borders and are favored, along with the ones already here, by law.

And that's just a taste (read the article; it's great)! Imagine what will happen to the military and our infrastructure and technological innovation and the simple freedom to jump into your car (begone! The Green Revolution is upon us!) and drive. Or go to the store and buy beef.

I and many others used to think that American Exceptionalism, coupled with the amazing drive and individualism of most of us, along with a pretty reasonable take on government power, would protect us from the occasional bad apple. Reagan followed Carter, and that was just grand! But Bush followed Clinton, and that didn't work so well because the genesis of our current demise waited in the wings: Obama the figurehead...the puppet for those who would ruthlessly use class and race and success against us.

You know that road strewn with broken glass? Crawling over it to vote for President Trump is looking more and more attractive.

Posted by CBD at 11:00 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


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The Port, Le Havre
Albert Marquet

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 7/21/20

—J.J. Sefton

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Good morning, kids. Tuesday, and as the saying goes, you take the most flak when you're directly over the target. A couple of stories from several categories underscore that notion and, collectively, seem to indicate that the Democrats - at least those not drinking the Kool Aid of their own polls or Twitter - sense electoral defeat this November.

First, and this observation is anecdotal and just my gut, while the BLM - burning, looting and murder - continue in the name of "oppressed" black Americans, it's by and large being committed by white college-age youths whose minds have been poisoned since kindergarten to hate the freest, most tolerant society ever created. At the same we have a black police officer on the front lines in Portland being utterly savaged verbally by these alleged champions of racial justice, while a completely unarmed black man went right to the scene of the violence carrying an American flag and got right in the face of the terrorists:

..."If you stand for justice come here and stand with me! Stand with me because I'm not here to tear down this f***ing fence, I'm not here to spray paint. It's going on every day!" the man shouted into the crowd. He placed himself directly between the crowd and the opening to the justice building. "If you don't want to get gassed, stop! If you don't want to get gassed, stop! It has to stop! This is not peaceful. None of you guys represent black lives! Sit and protest. Sit and protest..."

Then, there's the story of the black woman, Bevelyn Beatty, who after being arrested for dumping paint all over the Bill DeBolshevik "Black Lives Matter" sign/shrine in front of Trump Tower while railing against the Commie front group, did repeat performances on a couple of other BLM signs in the outer boroughs:

..."Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter, right?" Beatty says. "For the black people. This is for the black people. They're destroying business for black people. They're looting for black people."

"No" she says. "No. We're not standing with Black Lives Matter. We want our police. Re-fund our police..."

As I said, these are completely anecdotal. And yet, I cannot help but believe (or pray) that they represent a vast undercurrent of righteous anger that the propagandist media is refusing to report. The recent spike in the body count in places like Chicago and New York and every other major metropolitan area where Democrat rule has defunded and/or handcuffed police and released hardened criminals back onto the streets only adds to the decades of pain and misery inflicted on black Americans in the inner cities. They know full well what it means when there's no police and they're left at the mercy of drug lords and gangs. The inescapable fact is that with rare exceptions, black Americans reflexively vote Democrat. But the difference this time is Trump. Aside from his rhetoric, which in telling blacks directly "what have they got to lose" in taking a chance on him after decades of being defecated on by Leftists - something the GOP never did, he delivered with things like record employment for minorities (and everyone) as well as the push for school choice. And now, all of that has been burned and destroyed, both figuratively and quite literally.

Again, this is purely me putting anecdotal pieces of a puzzle together and interpreting it as one of those sea change moments in history. Remember, just like hate crimes, as well as the lethality of Chinese Lung AIDS, "white supremacy" and "institutional racism" are so prevalent in America that the Left has to fake them to prove they exist. Recall the so-called "grassroots" Occupy Wall Street, which was nothing more than a cheap propaganda stunt aimed at disproving the very real and at the time politically significant Tea Party movement that took back the House in 2010. It's all a titanic dodge. Unfortunately much of Main Street and Wall Street are in its thrall.

Yet even there, there are flashes of sanity with brands such as Goya and Red Bull, as well as Ford telling the black clad brown-shirts to FOAD. As the late great Milton Friedman observed about "making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing," we have to make it economically profitable for American business to do the right thing, insofar as rejecting the totalitarian bent of BLM et al. Tough nut to crack given the nature of corporatism, academia, the culture etc. and the state of decay and dissolution of our society.

Circling back to my original observations about the panic the Democrats must be in, I give you the ever-increasing madness surrounding the lockdowns over Sino Sinus Syphilis. The numbers, even when they have not been faked and inflated, now prove that this virus is marginally worse than seasonal flu, and children are essentially immune from it. Yet, we are still to be imprisoned and schools are to remain shut. If kids are out of school, a parent or parents must stay home. And isn't this a strange coincidence? Schools happen to be quite popular as polling places for elections. Now, we can't risk people getting sick and dying to cast their votes - four months from now - can we?

And that leads us to the absolutely desperate attempt to shove mail-in voting down our throats.

...Democrats are pushing mail-in voting for the November election using the pretext of COVID-19. Mail-in voting differs from absentee ballots because it requires no action on the part of the voter. Instead, it pushes ballots out to registered voters no matter how inaccurate the voter rolls are. Commentator Tim Pool did a summary of some of the glaring issues with mail-in voting. Everything from a dead cat receiving a voter registration application to fraud prosecuted by the DOJ...

Mail-in voting has led to widespread disenfranchisement in New York City. Why isn't John Kerry worried about that? Because Russia collusion didn't work and Democrats want to ensure voters lose confidence in the integrity of the November election should President Trump win. And they have been laying the groundwork for a revolution since election night 2016...

Widespread mail-in voting could destroy confidence in fair and free elections at a time when this institution could not be more critical. It is not clear that Democrats have any problem with challenging our 240-year history of peaceful transfers of power. They tried in 2016 and appear to be more determined in 2020 if they fail to gain power.

Bingo. If the Democrats were so cocksure that Biden, or whoever is his puppet master, has it in the bag, then we would not have rioting and mayhem (although that may be Antifa and BLM going rogue), we would not have continued calls for lockdowns despite zero danger now from this virus and we would not see an all out push for mail-in election thievery. We also would not have Schiff-for-Brains starting to spout off about Russia again. Then again, maybe they think these multiple schemes are all insurance policies to deliver the victory in November.

There's no doubt, at least by all appearances, that the President and indeed all of us are under siege. But you have to ask yourself, is what is happening his fault by way of his policies or direct actions that he took that the electorate did not approve of? The answer of course is a resounding "no." So by extension, whatever the Democrats are throwing up now, like everything they've done since the Access Hollywood tape is destined to fail. It's a crime that we all have to suffer in the interim.

And then there's 2021 and beyond. But that's another story.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at CutJibNewsletter.com if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:58 AM Comments

Monday Overnight Open Thread (7/20/20)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter, right? For the Black people. This is for the black people. They’re destroying business for black people. They’re looting for black people.”Bevelyn Beatty

Quote II

At the same time Illinois Democrats are pushing for a massive tax increase, residents are again confronted with Democratic corruption at the highest levels of their state government. If the allegations reported today against Speaker Madigan turn out to be true, then he should resign,” Illinois Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady

Quote III

I give thanks to my Creator for this wonderful life where each of us has the opportunity to learn lessons we could not fully comprehend by any other means. Joseph B. Wirthlin

Quote IV

Politics demands that politicians be seen doing “something” rather than nothing, even if that something is more harmful than doing nothing at all. That is why Washington is so addicted to sanctions. Former Rep. Ron Paul

Quote V

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong

Quote VI

"If you're a woman who's been a victim of ‎a sexual assault, ‎and the assailant is ran away, wouldn't ‎you rather ‎talk to somebody who is trained in ‎helping you ‎deal with what you're dealing with, as ‎opposed to somebody whose ‎main training is that they know how to ‎use a firearm, ‎right?" ‎MN AG Keith Ellison

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM Comments

Open Thread


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Posted by Ace at 08:39 PM Comments

Are #BasedLiberals Defecting to Trump?


The plural of "anecdote" is not data but...

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Posted by Ace at 06:36 PM Comments

Red Bull Company Fires American CEOs For Being... Too #Woke and Too Pro-Black Lives Matter?


If true, I might have to start drinking Red Bull.

Red Bull just reminded their 'wokest' employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of "social justice warrior" employees.

Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and "culture" teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.

The article Revolver relies on, from the Wall Street Journal, is not as definitive about the reason for the firings, but it does suggest the firings had to do with SJW politics and BLM and "diversity:"

The maker of Red Bull energy drinks has replaced its top U.S. executives amid internal tensions over the closely held company;s response to the Black Lives Matter movement.


Ms. Taylor had been working on diversity and inclusion efforts within the company with Mr. Kozak's support for several years but was met with opposition when she began advocating for Red Bull to be more overt in its support of racial justice in the last month, according to people familiar with the matter.

Posted by Ace at 05:05 PM Comments

#Woke Cultists Now Have Their Own Naked, Spread-Eagled "Apparition:" #NakedAthena


The hard left -- including very much the hard left of the media -- is now inventing goddesses to worship.

"Iconic" yeastpit :

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Posted by Ace at 03:06 PM Comments

Great Video Demonstrates How Extremely Similar #WokeWhites and White Supremacists Really Are


Just about every racist claim in this video attributed to #WokeWhiteSupremacists is 100% true (true in the sense that #WokeWhiteSupremacists do believe and say this stuff), and even the stuff that isn't 100% true is 95% true.

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Posted by Ace at 03:02 PM Comments

The Chinese Communist Party Love, Love, LOVES "The Lincoln Project"


China needs Trump out of office-- They need a pliable neoliberal globalist corporatist as president, not someone who's going to point out that China is loading Uighurs on to trains, Nazi-style.

BBC host Andrew Marr confronted China's ambassador to the UK with drone footage of bound and blindfolded Uighur prisoners being herded onto trains.

An Associated Press investigation found that the Chinese government is engaging in "demographic genocide," using birth control, forced abortions, and mass imprisonment against Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang region.

Confronted with the "very disturbing" video during an appearance on BBC's Andrew Marr Show, Liu Xiaoming downplayed it as a possible prisoner transfer.

"Can I ask you why people are kneeling, blindfolded, and shaven, and being led to trains in modern China. What is going on?" Marr asked.

Video below.

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Posted by Ace at 02:04 PM Comments

AP: We Will Capitalize "Black" but Not "White"


Full Jim Crow now.

After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word "Black" when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for "white."

The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don't have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.


Columbia Journalism Review, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, NBC News and Chicago Tribune are among the organizations that have recently said they would capitalize Black but have not done so for white.

"White doesn't represent a shared culture and history in the way Black does," The New York Times said on July 5 in explaining its decision.

CNN, Fox News and The San Diego Union-Tribune said they will give white the uppercase, noting it was consistent with Black, Asian, Latino and other ethnic groups..

The article notes that the National Association of Black Journalists actually recommends capitalizing both black and white (I'm sticking to capitalizing neither), but the #Wokest of the #WokeWhiteCorporations have decided to ignore black people's voices, as usual.

White Saviors are too busy saving black victims to bother listening to them.

Posted by Ace at 01:01 PM Comments

We Need To Talk About Kamala Harris' Fucked-Up Frankenface


She definitely went to the plastic surgeon. She looks like a beef liver got a chemical peel.

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Posted by Ace at 12:03 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


talking ape.jpg
"STOP OPPRESSING US!" shouted Black Lives Matter as cities burned and millions of dollars of donations poured into their bank accounts.

You know, they don't look oppressed:

-Most of the media is supporting them

-Most of corporate America is supporting them

-They have money coming out the wazoo.

And if you work for Cisco, you can get fired for dissing them.

That's how oppressed they are.

BLM has taken crybullying to a whole new level.

The following mayors have demonstrated by their actions that they are entirely supportive of the goals of BLM/Antifa:

Ted Wheeler, Portland, OR
Jenny Durkan, Seattle, WA
Lori Lightfoot, Chicago, IL
Bill de Blasio, New York City, NY

It must suck to live in those cities, watching them burn while your mayor cheers on the arsonists.

Meanwhile, de Blasio's priorities are whack:

Even as violent crime and deadly shootings in New York soar, Mayor Bill de Blasio has reportedly assigned no less than 27 cops working in shifts to protect a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.

In progressive ideology, there are basically two groups of people, the oppressors and the oppressed. The BLM/Antifa crybully mob likes to portray itself as the oppressed, a struggling oppressed minority. Most of the media appears to have bought this line.

But here's the thing: if all you have are the oppressors and the oppressed, then you can't really be against oppression *as such*. Your real beef against oppression is not the inherent injustice of oppression, but just that the wrong people are doing it. BLM/Antifa want to be the oppressors. They think it's their turn now.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised:

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:15 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


Wadsworth Dazzle.jpg

Dazzle-ships In Drydock At Liverpool
Edward Wadsworth

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 7/20/20

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning, kids. Start of a brand new week and I guess the black-clad Brown-Shirts of Antifa/BLM didn't get the order from the furherbunker, also known as the Democrat National Committee to cool it with the Burning, Looting and Murder. Whatever sympathy average Americans might have had for the unfortunate individual in Minneapolis who died in police custody evaporated almost instantaneously the moment the first windows were smashed and Molotov cocktail was tossed. While most of the rioting and violence abated, even as run-of-the-mill violence and criminality escalated due to the concomitant Democrat kneecapping of normal police departments, the Democrats' allies in the agitprop media (or overlords depending on your perspective) dutifully embargoed it or otherwise cast blame elsewhere. Seems it's not exactly a surefire election-winning strategy. Who knew?

President Trump evidently did, which is why he resisted all temptation to use Federal law enforcement or the military to quell the unrest. Yet, like moths to a flame the radicals couldn't help themselves and then went after anything and everything Western, American and Judeo-Christian in the name of what's-his-corpse up in Minneapolis.

Ted Wheeler, Kate Brown and the Leftist political machine in Oregon painted themselves into a corner. They could not and never would ask Trump to intercede. The Democrats own this. I get it; Portland for all intents and purposes is Pyongyang on the Willamette. But after 50 straight days and nights of mayhem, and after the Portland Police actually went after the terrorists and prevented them from setting up a CHAZ/CHOP, the terrorists reacted by torching the headquarters of the police union. In any case, there are reports that some Federal agents, DHS and/or Border Patrol, were on hand to protect Federal property and in fact made some arrests, causing the Left to completely freak out.

Still, it makes no difference. The political damage is done and again, it's all on the heads of the Left. Even through the Coke bottle lens of the agitprop media, America is getting a good hard look at this and is horrified. Despite Lucky Sperm Club member and fraud propagandist Chris Wallace attempting to run interference, Joe Biden, the bi-pedal monocotyledonous presidential candidate, now tied to the hip with the anti-American radicals is fully on board with the latter's abolish the police platform. He has to be if he wants them to fill out the counterfeit mail-in ballots for him this November.

While Portland burns, Americans are getting a preview of what's to come should Trump lose this November, courtesy of this cute little cupcake:

On Friday, before the fiftieth night of violent Antifa riots, a protester who identified herself as an "Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer" declared that she is advocating for the abolition of "the United States as we know it." This brief declaration arguably encapsulates the destructive spirit of Antifa and the impetus behind the violent riots that have ravaged the streets of Portland...

Sinclair's call to abolish "the United States as we know it" is not just a fluke of one speech she gave in Portland. Last month, she told the Mercury, "I work on abolitionist principles because I know the United States was founded on genocide. I know that there is clearly no respect for the sanctity of human life." She argued that America's involvement in foreign countries "is not leadership -- it's imperialism and neocolonialism dressed up in a way to make people forget the genocide"...

Yet this advocacy for the "abolition" of the United States, her rejection of "colonized thought," and her goal to expunge the "genocide" of America's founding are truly dangerous. She has brainwashed herself and she is fighting to destroy a country that has brought an unprecedented degree of freedom and prosperity to its citizens and to the world...

Meanwhile, the ACLU - Anarchists, Communists, Leftists, Undesirables - is suing to prevent the President from using Federal force to quell the rioting. And then there's Greg Meeks, who has the intellectual agility of mildew, claiming Trump is turning America into North Korea. That's funny; North Korea is a democratic people's republic. I would think Meeks would be cheering for that (sarc).

I think perhaps Mr. Meeks might want to take a gander at the doings in Kentucky.

A Kentucky couple has been placed on house arrest and made to wear ankle monitors after the wife tested positive for [Chinese] coronavirus and refused to sign papers that stated she would self-quarantine, according to multiple reports...

"I open up the door, and there's like eight different people, five different cars, and I'm like, 'what the heck's going on?' This guy's in a suit with a mask. It's the health department guy, and they have three papers for us. For me, her and my daughter," Isaiah Linscott said.

"We didn't rob a store. We didn't steal something. We didn't hit and run. We didn't do anything wrong," Elizabeth Linscott said...

No, Greg, old thing. It's Andy Beshear and Democrat-Leftist scum like him and you, not Donald Trump, who are turning America into North Korea by, along with Reichstag racialist rioting and cultural revolution, imprisoning the citizenry against their will under the pretext of a pandemic that does not and never did exist. At least not to the extent that it required holding the entire nation hostage so you and your criminal party can concoct a psychological warfare op designed to win the November election.

It could just be me, but from where I sit, I can't see the Democrats riding all of this to victory in November. The sad and inescapable truth is that so much of America's institutions and at least two generations of its youth have been brainwashed into committing national suicide that inevitably the Left will seize power, legally or otherwise.

I don't know how we address that problem; actually I do but that would take me at least another couple of hours to compose my thoughts. But for now, in the short term, I cannot see the violence and demonization of all that is just, true and pure as winning friends and influencing people. YMMV.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at CutJibNewsletter.com if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:22 AM Comments

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (7/19/20)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“Let Biden sit through an interview like this, he’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say, 'Mommy, mommy, please take me home,'”President Donald J. Trump

Quote II

“It’s not connecting to the science. It’s propaganda. I trust myself. I am the science,” Ohio resident Cherrelyn Pierson

Quote III

“I don’t understand how you beat hatred with more hatred” Charles Barkley

Quote IV

"I've found myself very annoyed with the rise of right-wing populism," he said. "So I thought I'd do my own thing to push back against them."Adam Rahuba

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:57 PM Comments

Gun Thread: Too Damn Hot Edition! [Weasel]

—Open Blogger

hot desert scaled.jpg

The weather forecast for the farm was back and forth all week, alternating between rain, and hotter than hell with high humidity. It finally settled on hotter than hell and high humidity, and after a period of thoughtful introspection, I said screw it and decided to stay home. So, no WeaselAcres video for you! The Gun Thread must go on, however, so let's get to that below, shall we?

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Posted by Open Blogger at 07:00 PM Comments

Food Thread: Try It; You'll (Probably) Like It!



Well, the food rabbit hole has struck again. Somebody mentioned a chain that served good coffee, and I found another one with the same name that serves what looks to me like a sloppy joe, but they call it a "Crumbly Burger!" Wow...that would be a mess in the car.

But that's the pleasure of having a relatively open mind about food. Why not try it? I am not suggesting that you jump the shark and try Skyline Chili or Rocky Mountain Oysters, although some of you might think that sweetbreads is a vile food, and you would be spectacularly wrong!

The photograph is from the internet, not the home of the "Crumbly Burger," but it does look good. Tarting up pedestrian foods is one of the many conceits of a certain class of chefs, and most of the time the results are no better than the originals, and twice or three times the price!

Even when they are successful, the originals are often just as good, and certainly more authentic, and will remind us of times from our youth. That's certainly why I make some old and reliable dishes from my past.

How about you?

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Posted by CBD at 04:00 PM Comments

First-World Problems...Part 십칠


It's actually pretty difficult to find a cup of good coffee in my neck of the woods. There is Starbucks, which is foul swill, and a couple of boutique coffee houses that are good, but not as good as my home brew.

And then there is Dunkin' Donuts, which I have tried...once. And it wasn't bad! But it was at 7:30am, and there was a line out the door, and I got too much cream and too much sugar.

Yes, I am scarred.

But it was half the price of the other places and it was good coffee. Maybe not spectacular, but I also wasn't bombarded with New Age crap and political messages and overpriced coffee paraphernalia and pierced and tatted "baristas" who are really actors or writers.

And damn...they were hustling.

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Posted by CBD at 02:00 PM Comments

Do The Limits Of Free Speech Extend To Molotov Cocktails?


As distasteful as flag burning is, if a protester wants to burn an American flag, then have at it. And if a protester wants to burn a cross, well, that's offensive, but the whole point of free speech laws is to protect offensive speech, not pathetic bromides spouted by smarmy fools.

But...there is a line, and a burning Molotov cocktail is clearly across that line. There is no purpose for a gasoline bomb other than destruction, and that is not protected by our natural and God-given right to speak freely.

Protester claims lighting Molotov cocktail protected by First Amendment

The federal government says it was arson. The protester charged with igniting a Molotov cocktail outside the District of Columbia police station during the recent race riots says it is protected First Amendment speech.

Jarrett Jeremy Pace, on the night he set the fire, had said on Facebook he wanted to “burn a 12 station to the ground!” The number “12” is street slang for police.

But now, Mr. Pace argues in federal district court he was speaking metaphorically, that he actually tossed the firebomb on the street near the Fourth District police station rather than at it, and that his action was not meant to burn the station but rather to express solidarity with George Floyd and protesters in Minneapolis.

Let's give his lawyer some credit for an interesting defense!

But it also illuminates the Left's profound misunderstanding of speech. The saying that "Our violence is speech....your speech is violence" is unfortunately an accurate portrayal of their belief. Even Brandenburg v. Ohio isn't going to protect him, because that burning Molotov cocktail isn't advocacy, it is a clear and unambiguous threat. Well...hopefully, because if our youthful miscreant gets the right judge, he might just get off.

It's an interesting question though. Personally, I am a fan of uninhibited speech, because the quotation from Justice Brandeis is more true than ever..."Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." But that's not what the Left wants. Their speech is intended to shroud their true purpose in layers of obfuscation, and that is protected by a compliant media.

Imagine if the true origins and intentions of BLM and ANTIFA were the topics of discussion on the evening news and the Sunday talk shows and were the subject of journalists' investigations, rather than what we have today...a concerted effort to limit speech about the reality of those organizations.

Posted by CBD at 12:00 PM Comments

Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-19-2020


daunt books london 06.jpg
Daunt Books, London

Good morning to all you 'rons, 'ettes, lurkers, and lurkettes, wine moms, frat bros, crétins sans pantalon (who are technically breaking the rules), and the rest of you lab rats, street rats, pack rats, womp rats, roof rats, and naked mole rats. Welcome once again to the stately, prestigious, internationally acclaimed and high-class Sunday Morning Book Thread, a weekly compendium of reviews, observations, snark, witty repartee, hilarious bon mots, and a continuing conversation on books, reading, spending way too much money on books, writing books, and publishing books by escaped oafs and oafettes who follow words with their fingers and whose lips move as they read. Unlike other AoSHQ comment threads, the Sunday Morning Book Thread is so hoity-toity, pants are required. Even if it's these pants, which, when I retire from doing the book thread (and may that day be far into the future), and I compile my all-time list of the worst, ugliest, most ridiculous, wtf cringe-inducing pants pics that I've shown, this one will be at or near the top.

Pic Note:

A bookstore devoted exclusively to travel books:

Marylebone High Street’s Daunt Books is essentially a travel bookshop, but it’s about so much more than guidebooks. Stock is arranged by country and within each section you will find maps, travel writing and memoirs, photography, cookbooks, books on nature and often a selection of the nation’s literary classics alongside the expected travel/hotel guides. If you want to immerse yourself in wherever you’re travelling to next, this is the place to get lost in before you go. The gorgeous wooden frontage, balcony-style upper level and natural light-enabling windows of the shop enhance the experience no end, too.

It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®

Know the difference!

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Posted by OregonMuse at 09:00 AM Comments

EMT 7/19/20


It's a heck of a feeling being the only person in a store not wearing a mask.

Felt like...


Posted by krakatoa at 07:00 AM Comments

Overnight Open Thread (07/18/2020)
[Buck Throckmorton]

—Open Blogger

Cattle At Sunset.JPG


Wisconsin was the last state to end the prohibition on the sale of colored margarine - in 1967. I wonder where Ma & Pa MisHum sided in the great Wisconsin Margarine Wars.

Dairy farmers also successfully lobbied for restrictions that banned the use of yellow dyes to make margarine look more appetizing. By 1900, artificially colored margarine was contraband in 30 U.S. states. Several states took even more extreme measures to turn consumers away from margarine—they required the product to be dyed an unappealing pink color.
As the coloring restrictions became widespread around the turn of the 20th century, margarine producers accepted that they couldn’t dye their wares yellow. There was no reason why they couldn’t simultaneously sell consumers margarine and yellow dye, though. When you bought a block or tube of margarine, you also got a packet of food coloring that could be kneaded into the margarine by hand.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 09:48 PM Comments

The AoSHQ Amazon Store

Now Available!
The Deplorable Gourmet
A Horde-sourced Cookbook
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Top Headlines
"Deadwood Dale" is a good anti-SJW comics account
I like all the voices and the put-downs of male SJWs like "Take your buttplug out"
Iranian Spies Accidentally Leaked Videos of Themselves Hacking
"IBM's X-Force security team obtained five hours of APT35 hacking operations, showing exactly how the group steals data from email accounts -- and who it's targeting." [CBD]
From "ChicagoBoyz:" Observations on Federal Law Enforcement Actions in Portland
[Hat Tip: browndog"] [CBD]
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Oh hell...another one!
mic stand.jpg
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Say, remember when all the NeverTrumper Twitter All-Star Geniuses vowed that the Circuit Court order would be slam-dunk reviewed en banc and overruled...? Say, Geniuses, that was 14 days ago... and there are mere hours before the order becomes final. Gee, what happened? You Twitter geniuses are so smart and always so confident in your bold manner of agreeing with everyone else on twitter....
Psst, do you think #Putin ordered the judges to #StandDown? Sounds like a winner of a conspiracy theory to me!
BTW: Robert Barnes (yeah I've been listening to him on Viva Frei a lot) said that the US District Court's order to Sullivan to dismiss the Flynn case only becomes a true order after fourteen days -- 14 days are granted to appeal the ruling, or for the court itself to schedule an en banc rehearing. He said it's completely normal for Sullivan to not do anything until those 14 days are up.
The Circuit Court ruling was made Wednesday, June 24th.
Those 14 days are up either tomorrow or Friday. (Do you count 14 days from the next full day or what? I dunno. I suspect you count from the next day.)
Anyway, corrupt incompetent Emmit Sullivan will be signing the order to dismiss the Flynn case either tomorrow or Friday, barring any 11th hour order from the court for an en banc rehearing.
BOLO tomorrow, JJ, OM, and CBD!
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