

Forward Momentum: democracy isn’t a distraction

22 May 2020 Democracy isn’t a distraction, says Deborah Hermanns - it’s the only way to transform Momentum and the Labour Party and effectively build power in our communities.

Economic democracy: a moral enterprise

14 May 2020 The key struggle of this century is for economic democracy, writes Marjorie Kelly

The Labour manifesto launch in 2019

Seven ways Momentum can help Labour become resistant to sabotage

16 April 2020 The leaked Labour report tells us a lot about how the party needs to change. Momentum can lead the way, argues Johnbosco Nwogbo

Zarah Sultana on austerity, solidarity and strategy

3 April 2020 Speaking to Red Pepper in January, the new MP for Coventry South revealed her first-term priorities and her commitment to structural change

Labour’s way forward: the only way is (bottom) up

8 March 2020 A democratic revolution within Labour must be matched by building participatory economic alternatives at a local grassroots level, writes Glenn Jenkins

XR: the case for deliberative democracy

24 January 2020 Climate Assembly UK begins this weekend. It's a good start, says Alex Bradbury, but does not meet XR's third demand for a Government-commissioned Citizens’ Assembly

Democracy in focus: the people and parliament

11 January 2020 Stuart White explores the constitutional contradictions underlying today’s crisis

Democracy in focus: follow the dark money…

10 January 2020 The UK’s unwritten constitution protects the world’s financial crooks and tax dodgers. Test your ability to expose them with our quiz, compiled by Adam Ramsay

Democracy in focus: the undead state

9 January 2020 Brexit may finally have forced reform upon Britain’s zombie imperial constitution, writes Kojo Koram

Democracy in focus: a post-austerity state

8 January 2020 The UK needs a people’s constitution to defend rights and enable us to fulfil our potential, writes Hilary Wainwright

Election 2019: Reflections from Penistone and Stocksbridge

21 December 2019 From dirty tricks campaigns to the private interests of career politicians, Sam Gregory explores why Labour lost a long-standing Sheffield seat

We stand with Jeremy Corbyn

Letter: We stand with Jeremy Corbyn – just as he always stood with us

10 December 2019 Organisations and individuals including Kehinde Andrews, Hanif Kureishi, Ahdaf Soueif, Gillian Slovo, Robert Del Naja and Anish Kapoor urge BAME and migrant communities to vote for Labour

Election 2019: Battle lines drawn in Sheffield Hallam

10 December 2019 Sam Gregory of Now Then magazine reports on the candidates vying for votes in a key Lib Dem-Labour marginal

Another World is Possible

Election 2019: The end of neoliberalism in sight?

5 December 2019 If elected, the next Labour government can finally depart from the neoliberal consensus and deliver a major shift in wealth and power, argues Adam Peggs

Scottish Independence and the England problem

4 December 2019 The Scottish struggle for independence is one of several issues at the centre of debates over where power in the United Kingdom should be located, writes Isobel Lindsey

Election 2019: Transatlantic socialism rising

30 November 2019 As Sanders and Corbyn head to the polls, Peter Gowan describes a new spirit of international collaboration on the left

Jeremy Corbyn and front bench holding copies of the 2019 manifesto

Election 2019: An ambitious, agenda-setting and credible manifesto

29 November 2019 The 2017 Labour election manifesto was good but the 2019 version is the document we’ve really been waiting for, argues Mike Phipps

Brian Eno: Why I’m backing Labour in Kensington

28 November 2019 In 2017, Labour won Kensington by just 20 votes. Brian Eno explains why he's backing Emma Dent Coad in the seat - and why voting Lib Dem is ‘voting Tory without admitting it’

Migrant voters can change the narrative

25 November 2019 Once again, politicians are framing immigration as a problem - while ignoring migrant voters. We must turn out to address our own legitimate concerns, says Zrinka Bralo of Migrants Organise

Review – Decolonial Communism, Democracy and the Commons

22 November 2019 A collection of essays which could be a key resource for those seeking to create economic alternatives, edited by Catherine Samary and Fred Leplat. Reviewed by Derek Wall

Five Ways to say Fck Boris

Five ways to say Fck Boris

22 November 2019 Boris Johnson wants to be Prime Minister for the next five years. Maddie Hennessy of Fck Boris Sheffield lists five things you can do to stop that happening.

Forest Fires in Amazon

The fight of our lives

18 November 2019 Asad Rehman talks to Ashish Ghadiali about why, across the political spectrum, Zero Carbon 2030 must become the rallying cry in GE2019.

Get the youth vote out

17 November 2019 A generation that has grown up under austerity could decide this election. Youth Vote UK are trying to boost voter registration among young people

Support our election writer’s fund

17 November 2019 The stakes could not be higher during this election. Help us cover what's really happening

Solidarity protest outside the Poland Embassy in London

Poland votes: Making diaspora voices count

7 October 2019 Poland faces a crucial test for its democratic values in the upcoming elections. Marzena Zukowska and Magda Oldziejewska explain why Polish activists in London are working to boost the diaspora vote

The radical potential of the Corbyn project

20 September 2019 Even worse than failing to win office would be winning it while unprepared for the realities of government. Christine Berry considers what Labour needs to do to avoid the fate of Syriza in Greece

photo showing posters for twt on colourful wall

Take part in building a people’s manifesto for the movement

16 September 2019 Winning elections is not enough. To transform society we need to involve the people in policy making, argue Kerem Dikerdem and Annie Quick

Photo of the the Houses of Parliament over the river

It’s time the UK had real democracy

5 September 2019 Under the UK’s constitutional monarchy, we are subjects not citizens. Rewriting the constitution should be an urgent priority for a Labour government, argues Hilary Wainwright

protestors march with red banner saying stop tory brexit

No shock doctrine for Britain: Stop Boris Johnson

29 August 2019 Director of Global Justice Now, Nick Dearden, calls for swift action to stop Boris Johnson shutting down Parliament

It’s time to overhaul the House of Lords

18 March 2019 When even Peers are rising up for reform, something’s in the air, writes Nancy Platts. Our movement should get behind it

Stansted 15 activist: ‘We have been found guilty of upholding our democratic right to protest’

7 February 2019 Having a terror conviction will seriously impact our lives, but the real disgrace here is the treatment of people who face deportation, writes Laura Clayson from the Stansted 15.

Without an overhaul of Westminster, Corbyn’s vision for the economy won’t last

9 October 2018 Britain's institutions aren't designed for real democracy. Nancy Platts argues that we can't build socialism in a rigged system.

In and against the state

1 October 2018 Labour needs to develop a socialist strategy that goes beyond a single election manifesto. Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin look at the challenge of state transformation

‘For A Left Populism’: An interview with Chantal Mouffe

22 September 2018 Michael Calderbank spoke to Chantal Mouffe about why she thinks the time is right for a left populism

Politics goes far beyond the Westminster bubble. We need to build power from the bottom up.

19 September 2018 Ruairidh Paton introduces The World Transformed festival. "For us, politics is so much more than meetings, votes and the Westminster bubble. Politics is everywhere – in our workplaces, classrooms and communities."

Chartism for the 21st Century: Why trade unions are backing an overhaul of Westminster

19 April 2018 Nancy Platts argues for a radical reshaping of our voting system.

Vote Leave whistleblowers reveal fundamental flaws in our democracy

29 March 2018 The allegations that Vote Leave broke campaign spending rules raise worrying questions about our democracy that go right to the very top, writes Jon Trickett MP

Cultural Democracy Now

14 February 2018 A deeper engagement with culture can strengthen our democracy, taking political projects beyond electoral impact and festival memes into a whole new world of radical, lasting change.

Where I’m calling from

5 February 2018 Ian Martin, a member of the Yorkshire-based Same Skies Collective rethinks devolution and regional democracy through through the frames of hegemony and intersectionality, asking if geography has been sufficiently understood as a driver of privilege and exclusion.

Stop romanticising the royal family

29 November 2017 Frustrated at the idea of another royal wedding? You're not alone. Joana Ramiro argues we should stop idealising a fundamentally undemocratic institution.

Don’t blame it on the bots

28 November 2017 Liberal elites are using Russian interference to minimise their own political failures, writes Matt Turner

Defend democracy – don’t repay your debts.

1 November 2017 Our dependence on debt means that banks wield ever-greater power over our lives, writes Daniel Edelstyn.

Forcing MPs to take an oath of allegiance to the monarchy undermines democracy

16 June 2017 As long as being an MP means pledging loyalty to an unelected head of state, our parliamentary system will remain undemocratic, writes Kate Flood

Power for the People

10 June 2017 In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Bernie Grant's election to parliament, Ayo Wallace explores the life and legacy of his radical representation of Tottenham's black communities.

The media wants to demoralise Corbyn’s supporters – don’t let them succeed

5 May 2017 Michael Calderbank looks at the results of yesterday's local elections

A Progressive Alliance is a win for the left

29 April 2017 Laying out the case for Labour's leadership of a Progressive Alliance, Jeremy Gilbert argues that far from posing a threat to the Left, the Progressive Alliance offers a golden opportunity to end Tory rule and build a 21st century government committed to social justice

Brighton isn’t just talking about a progressive alliance – we’re making it a reality

27 April 2017 The Greens have stood down in Brighton Kemptown to clear the way for Labour, and the Lib Dems won’t stand in Brighton’s other seat, Green-held Pavilion. Davy Jones, who would have been the Green candidate in Kemptown, says this shows the way forward

West Yorkshire calls for devolution of politics

19 April 2017 When communities feel that power is exercised by a remote elite, anger and alienation will grow. But genuine regional democracy offers a positive alternative, argue the Same Skies Collective

Portsmouth’s smeargate: dirty politics in the age of austerity

21 April 2016 Democracy takes a hit as local politicians play dirty against anti-cuts campaigners, write Sarah Cheverton and Tom Sykes

‘How can you decant people from estates then make deals with developers to build luxury apartments?’

19 April 2016 Andrew Dolan spoke with Amina Gichinga of Take Back the City about doing politics differently and righting Labour's wrongs in London

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