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  1. 2 jam lalu

    On India Today- Muslims across India have accepted Ayodhya verdict those issuing provoking statements are just trying to float their politics. And why BJP can't move forward n give education, economy n health care a look? Only scoundrels fight elections on religious plank!

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  2. Mengetweet Semula
    3 jam lalu

    Those who r enjoying this culture of illegal detention in Kashmir, right under the nose of Supreme Court, bcoz it represents a Hindu victory over d Muslim other, just watch out. Very soon this subversion of law will come 2 bite u too. Dictatorship favours d dictator, no one else

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  3. 9 jam lalu


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  4. 29 Jul
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  5. 29 Jul

    An elected CM is being stopped from proving his strength in Assembly! So that horse traders can arrange more money, flex more muscle, defect more MLAs. Everyday BJP wakes up with d resolve to undermine democracy more. They should drown themselves in d proverbial chullu bhar pani!

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  6. 29 Jul

    Hey thankless Kangana, this was after he threw the shoe or before? Actually no shoe was thrown. Nor is the shoe important. You're a liar who tells a new story everyday to keep ur radical fans merry. But using a dead actor for vile agenda is low by even ur standard. Shame on you!

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  7. 29 Jul

    Dear Babul, appreciate your kind & fair stand on . But why drag Mahesh Bhatt Sb. If someone's brother says something on TV you don't attribute the quotes to his entire lineage. Please retract your statement!

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  8. 29 Jul

    Hajji's performing 'tawaf' following all precautions & social distancing norms. Prayers for those infected with this deadly Coronavirus, also those facing financial stress. May Allah grant them comfort. Ameen!

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  9. 29 Jul

    Dear Modi, Rafale was purchased to make India more assertive as a military power. But Lol! Here you are with your lips sealed against China. Question is: Did you purchase it just to benefit crony capitalists?

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  10. 29 Jul

    J&K is about dignity first. Restoring statehood is hardly a cure for the wound inflicted on August 5. It us surprising some regional parties are either ignorant of or unwilling to respect ground sentiment. Stand for dignity of our people!

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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    28 Jul

    Six MLAs, who merged with the Congress in 2019, said they switched the sides after they realised that BSP was supporting BJP MLAs allege the whip has been issued on the behest of BJP, conspiring to topple Gehlot govt I report

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    28 Jul
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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    28 Jul

    In 7 days it would be a year since BJP-RSS scrapped Article 370. Is there one achievement they can cite in Kashmir? Unless, of-course, world record in Internet blackout is cited as achievement.

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  14. 28 Jul

    15 Lakh खाते में तो नहीं आए; 15 Lakh corona केस हो गए. वाह मोदी जी वाह!

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  15. 28 Jul

    Muslims across India respected SC verdict on Ayodhya. They look to the future. Some Muslims who are issuing provoking statements on Ram Mandir don't represent the community. They are just trying to float their politics. Sad!

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    28 Jul

    भाजपा के अघोषित प्रवक्ताओं ने भाजपा को मदद की व्हिप जारी की है। लेकिन ये केवल व्हिप नहीं है बल्कि लोकतंत्र और संविधान की हत्या करने वालों को क्लीन चिट है।

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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    27 Jul

    Fixed Match: Abdullahs have made a deal with Modi - They will demand to make Jammu & Kashmir a state again & Modi will accept it. Mehbooba Mufti asks for Art370, so she is still in jail. via

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  18. 27 Jul
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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    27 Jul

    आरोपों पर जवाब: महेश भट्ट ने नहीं फेंकी थी कंगना पर चप्पल, एक्ट्रेस के आरोप पर राइटर शगुफ्ता बोलीं- पूरी यूनिट के सामने सिर्फ डांट पड़ी थी, अब वो कहानी जोड़ रही है

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  20. 27 Jul

    Is this compulsive lying, a pathetic joke, or desperate attempt at self vindiction? When Modi says he's handled corona well. As even his Bhakts would agree, he's capable of all three. What he's not capable of is governance of any kind!

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