• user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT t.tid, t.* FROM term_data t INNER JOIN term_hierarchy h ON h.parent = t.tid WHERE h.tid = 902 ORDER BY weight, name in /var/www/public/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 781.
  • user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT t.*,v.weight AS v_weight_unused FROM term_node r INNER JOIN term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.vid = 8584 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, in /var/www/public/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 640.
  • user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM blocks b LEFT JOIN blocks_roles r ON b.module = r.module AND = WHERE b.theme = 'garland' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (1) OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module in /var/www/public/modules/block/block.module on line 460.

Dream act rally in Dublin demands Peter King supports Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals


Young, Paperless and Powerful, a creative youth project for undocumented young people in Ireland held a solidarity rally last night with undocumented young people in the USA. The rally took place at the famine memorial on the banks of the Liffey in Dublin. YPP said in advance of the rally that in the US "young people are in the fight of their lives to defend DACA". [ Video ]

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