Neo-Nazi Fighter - an interview with Anti-Fascist Action


Last week, Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) recieved news that Neo-Nazi, Niko Puhakka was to compete in a MMA bout in Dublin. After AFA got the word went out on social media (which was then spread by the WSM, Rabble, LookLeft and others), and email campaign ensued and fight promoters Celtic Gladiator pulled Puhakka from the line-up. The following interview was conducted with AFA's Morry Donnelly, just before that news broke.

Celebrating 21 years of Anti-Fascist Action in Ireland


On the weekend of 5th-7th October, Anti-Fascist Action Ireland held a series of events to celebrate their twenty one years in existence. The organisation was founded in 1991 with the aim of fighting fascism both physically and ideologically as and where the need arises.

Anti fascist flash mob forces withdrawal of BNP invitation at TCD


In what is becoming a regular event the rich kids of 'The Phil,' a University club in Trinity College Dublin, decided they wanted to play with fire by inviting far right BNP leader Nick Griffin to address their meeting. Last night they were forced to cancel the event after getting their fingers burnt when a 30 strong anti fascist flash mob protested at their regular meeting last night, a week before Griffins organising opportunity had been scheduled.

Fascists Get the Boot


In October, Anti-Fascist Action successfully prevented a large European neo-nazi gig from going ahead in Kerry. Dozens of Slovakian, Polish and Czech neo-nazis were planning to spend a long weekend in Ireland to celebrate the birthday of a leading fascist living in Dublin who’s originally from Prague. AFA managed to stop the gig from taking place and even had the pleasure of bumping into a few of the Blood & Honour fascists in Dublin.

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