Get your Dublin Anarchist Bookfair 2018 T-shirt


Get your Dublin Anarchist Bookfair t-shirt! [ONLINE SALES ARE NOW CLOSED]

You can buy your DABF T-shirt by paying the appropriate amount (1 tshirt = €11, 2 = €22...) at the link below:

You can pay with credit/debit card, but be sure to click "add special instructions to the seller" and let us know your name, size desired (S,M,L,XL), and fit (female/male) so you can pick up your t-shirt at the WSM stall at the bookfair on Saturday September 15th. Bring proof of payment just in case there is any confusion on the day as it can be hectic at times. We have a limited supply of this years' Moore Street trader themed design so grab one before they're all gone!

Note: You have to be able to pick it up at the bookfair, we are not in a position to post them out.


[ONLINE T-SHIRT SALES ARE NOW CLOSED] but you can still drop in a buy a T-shirt on the day.


You can still donate towards the cost of the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair using the below Donate button.


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