12th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - 14th & 15th September 2018 - Teachers Club 35 Parnell sq & Wynns


The 12th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair took place on the 15th September 2018 at the Teachers Club 35 Parnell square and on the evening of the 14th at Wynns hotel.  Every year hundreds of people attend the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair for a day of inspiring discussions and the opportunity of meeting lots of other radicals, browsing books and meeting campaigns.

We will be uploading about a dozen audio and video recordings of the panels at the bookfair, follow us on Twitter or Facebook to get notification of new uploads or check Anarchist bookfair


The provisional timetable for the 2018 Bookfair is below but we are also having a Friday night meeting 'Pushing back the alt-right in the US' with Mark Bray author of the Anti-fascist handbook in Wynns Hotel at 20.00.  More details at the Friday Facebook event

Friday 20.00  - Pushing Back the Alt-right - Wynns Hotel [Video & Audio of this session]

Saturday 10am to 6pm in Teachers Club 35 Parnell square

All day: Information and bookstalls in main hall

Saturday 11-12.15

Rm1*:  Kids room
Rm6: How Repeal was won [Audio of this session]
Rm 7: Confronting the Housing Crisis; Direct Action & Decommodification

Saturday 12.45-14.00

​Rm1*:  Kids room
Rm2*: The political warfare of self-care
Rm6: How my politics is intersectional [Audio of this panel]
Rm 7: Climate change is war & Wall st is winning [audio from this panel]

Saturday 14.30-15.45

​Rm1*: Story reading with Kevin Doyle 
Rm6:  Rojava & Eyewitness to a women's revolution [Audio of this session ]
Rm 7: Anarchist organising in practise

Saturday 4.15-5.30

Rm1*:  Story reading with Kevin Doyle
Rm2*: The Legacy of Occupy - Mark Bray interviewed by Andrew Flood [Audio of this session]
Rm6: Ending Direct Provision: Migrant Voices
Rm 7: State Violence and cover ups: Community responses

17.30-18.00 Book launch 'To Keep a Bird Singing' by Kevin Doyle in the bar area

Join the main Anarchist Bookfair 2018 event to get updates and give us a sense of how many people we should be expecting through the doors during the day.

Please email all queries to bookfair@wsm.ie


Make a donation towards the bookfair costs

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair is costing about 4,000 euro to put on this year. The costs include flights for speakers, hiring the venues & tables and printing programs & posters.  All of the organisers are unpaid volunteers contributing hundreds of hours of labour between them.  Their work and your donations mean that there is no entry charge for any of the events

Any donation you can make towards the costs is welcome. 




Please email all queries to bookfair@wsm.ie




A big thanks to the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair volunteers  if you want to volunteer this year make sure you are registered on our email system at www.wsm.ie/user/register


Posted by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) on Wednesday, 6 April 2016


What people think of the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


To give you an idea of what to expect, links to older bookfair pages below

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