About Mitch Wagner

I’m a technology journalist, writer, and husband. I love my wife, dog, cats, America, California, San Diego, the City of La Mesa, reading, science fiction and coffee. This is my inside voice. 

I live in San Diego with my wife, dog and three cats. We did not intend to get quite so many pets.

I grew up on Long Island, and I’ve lived in New Jersey, Boston, and San Francisco.

I’m on the board of the La Mesa-Foothills Democratic Club. I handle communications and social media.

I’m active on my blog and social media. Look at the links on the top of this page for where to find me on those places.

I’ve e-published two comic science fiction adventure short stories, “The Biggest Man in Lilliput” and “Mr. Shaddo.” I’ve completed a couple more short stories, one novel, and have finished drafts of two other novels. I’m taking a break from creative writing now. I hope to come back to it one day.

I lost 90 pounds between March 2009 and January 2011. Then I lost 10 more pounds in 2014. I’m keeping the weight off, and staying fit. That’s a big deal.