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The Economist today

News analysis
Science & technology

Is there life on Mars?

A new generation of spacecraft may soon find out


A new age of space exploration is beginning


The EU’s €750bn covid-19 plan is historic—but not quite Hamiltonian

After a marathon negotiation, EU leaders agree to borrow and spend jointly on an unprecedented scale. Yet doubts remain


Illegal drugs have become deeply rooted in Burmese society

Vigilantes say they have no alternative but to take the matter into their own hands

Middle East & Africa

South Africa bans alcohol sales

But it can’t stop the home-brewers

From our columnists
Finance & economics

Free exchange: Housing was the business cycle

Residential investment is not the macroeconomic force it used to be

Daily chart

Young people see covid-19 as a bigger threat than their elders do

Millennials are more pessimistic about surviving the pandemic, though they are least at risk


The death of nostalgia

People used to pine for a simpler life. Now they’ve got it—and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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In context: The rich-world recovery

Special report: The new world disorder

Global leadership is missing in action

Seventy-five years ago the world’s leaders designed the peace even as they fought the war. Today’s leaders need to do something similar, says Daniel Franklin

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