Showing posts with label Heaven 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heaven 17. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The shit I post on Facebook . . . musical edition (Day 1)

Day 1 of my task, to choose 10 albums that greatly influenced my taste in music. One album per day for ten consecutive days. No explanations, no reviews, just album covers. Every day I will ask someone else to do the same... today I nominate JC Thank you for nominating me MR . . . 

"No explanations, no reviews, just album covers . .  ."

What total bullshit. Of course, I can't stop myself from explaining, ranting and reviewing in the comments:

  • "Of course they will all be from when I was 12 or 13. Such a fucking cliche."
  • " I was a bit young for this when it first came out, and I only found it after buying Luxury Gap. I'm sure I bought both cassettes within days of each other in '83. (Got the badges as well, of course. ;-) ) I love Luxury Gap as well, but this was the album of theirs that I played again and again and again. Listened to it again just a couple of days ago, and there's only one track that stops it from being an absolutely perfect album."
  • "Just noticed I'm being a total hypocrite in the comments section by going into extensive detail about why I love the album listed. Total wanker. Oh, well." (Some self-awareness, thank christ.)

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Two Minutes To Midnight . . .

April 9th is the 100th day of 2020.

At 11.58pm on the 9th, I hit my 100th 180 of 2020. (Only hit 17 in 2019.)

On this momentous occasion, I'd like to thank my new darts, reruns of Porridge, The Detectorists and Peep Show that played in the background whilst I hit many of those 180s and . . . [consults notes] of course, my family.
