
Forward Momentum slate wins clean sweep of member-elected NCG places

The Forward Momentum (FM) change slate has won all of the places on Momentum’s National Coordinating Group (NCG) elected by Momentum members, defeating the continuity ‘Momentum Renewal’ campaign.

‘Renewal’ had been organised by a cadre of north-west ‘fixers’ close to founder Jon Lansman to fight off the FM challenge and had been described as a front for ‘business as usual‘ to protect the existing Momentum establishment.

The news means that Momentum is unlikely to endorse founder Jon Lansman in the NEC elections and should result in a far higher chance of a unified left slate for that contest. Insiders had said Lansman had stepped down from the NCG slate in return for Momentum’s support for the NEC.

Now it’s up to FM to justify the support it has received from Momentum members and drive through real change and democratisation.

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  1. ‘A Political Party within a Political Party’……beware! Momentum unaccountable.

  2. If Momentum did not exist some one would invent it, they have a very important part to play in future of the party
    Pray God they dont fuck it up again

  3. Nice to see the dishonest ‘continuity Lansmannism’ posers defeated. But isn’t the post Lansman Coup Momentum NCG carefully structured so that all sorts of old cronies of Lansman, wearing various self-appointed ‘hats’ (like Lansman himself at first , sitting bogusly on the Leadership body by virtue of his totally unelected ownership of the now defunct ‘Left Futures’ blog !) , can outvote the elected positions ?

    Don’t hold your breath for the new elected people to change the dire moralistic Left Liberal politics of Momentum – they are all still a bunch of uncritical pro EU , pro unlimited Freedom of Movement, supporters , and all of em supported the disastrous Remain and 2nd Referendum, position that lost us the 2019 General Election and smashed the Corbyn Surge. So Momentum, under even its new , supposedly ‘democracy-favouring’, new NCG members still hasn’t got the socialist politics to win back our lost millions of working class voters – and in the now ever-more tightly controlled totally Right Wing dominated and led, Starmerite, neoliberal Labour Party, the ‘Left’ of the Party, particularly Momentum members are just about to face their ‘1980’s Militant-style’ mass expulsion moment, as the Starmerite purge of the Left gathers ‘momentum’ ! Too late to introduce ‘democracy’ in your careerist ranks now , Momentumites – the entire cowardly , Left Liberal, not socialist, politics-infused ‘Corbynite’ game is over and lost – and the Labour Party is permanently fucked as a potential vehicle for Left advance. I doubt Momentum nowadays has even 10,000 subs-paying members – as comparted to its circa 40,000 heyday. What a tragically lost opportunity Momentum was – and both Lansman AND Jeremy Corbyn (who approved his coup) bear total responsibility for that.

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