
Due the Coronavirus outbreak the Festival of Resistance has had to be postponed. We have moved the event down the line to October.

In view of the ongoing Coronavirus calamity, we have decided to postpone the Festival of Resistance that was planned for the weekend of 20 June this year.

The festival has now been rescheduled for the weekend of 17/18 October in Derby, where we will aim to have an array of excellent speakers, workshops and films.

The upheaval being caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the events unfolding every day are unprecedented, but one thing is clear. As our nation, and the world, come to terms with finding a suitable response, it is obvious that we can only beat this thing by working together as a collective.

The evidence of the last few weeks proves that neoliberalism is impotent in a crisis and offers no credible solutions. It also demonstrates the importance of state interventionism, international cooperation and community solidarity.

We need to remember the lessons we are learning as we work out how to defeat this invisible enemy. When life returns to some semblance of normality, we should use this experience to insist on the continuation of state interventionism and international cooperation – because they work.

These lessons could enable us to reduce inequality, eradicate poverty and stop the endless wars around the world that only serve to deliver colossal profits for the military-industrial complex by inflicting untold misery on millions. Investment in things like public services, healthcare, housing, halting climate change and improving living standards for everyone, would do far more to keep us safe than spending ever-increasing sums on sophisticated weapons of war.

Chris Williamson