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John Lewis’s Fight for Justice Continues With Miracle Boyd

Those who criticize young activists today as too radical or impatient should remember the John Lewis of 1963.

Barbara Ransby


Canada’s Nazi Monuments

Why does Canada have not one but several memorials to Nazi collaborators? And why, when statues are toppling all over the world, have Canadian Jewish groups remained silent?

Lev Golinkin
Election 2020

Seriously? John Kasich? What Is the Biden Camp Thinking?

The former Ohio governor may convince a handful of disgruntled Trumpers to vote for Biden, but there is no evidence he can win the state for the Democrats.

Elie Mystal

When ‘Law and Order’ Means Maximum Chaos

As federal agents brutalize protesters in Portland, Trump threatens to unleash the same tactics across the country.

Sasha Abramsky
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You’re Only As Free as You Are Wealthy

Without real economic freedom, Americans cling to petty acts of refusal.

Edward Burmila

A House Bill Would Require Feds to Identify Themselves

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will introduce the legislation, following controversial arrests in Portland.

Ken Klippenstein

Trump Has Destroyed the Fauci Protocol

For decades, the venerated physician had a successful formula for balancing politics with science. Then he met Donald Trump.

Jeet Heer


How a Trip to Prison Cost Kenneth Clark His Right to Be a Parent

Clark wanted desperately to be a father to his kids. But prison, along with a Clinton-era child welfare law, conspired to take them away from him—for good.
Sylvia A. Harvey
Kenneth Clark sported a colorful striped shirt and black shorts the last time his two daughters, Kira and Kenae, saw him. The father of five slung his bag over his shoulder and set out for the day. Listening to music, Clark took in the southern warmth of Fort Smith, Ark.,… Continue Reading >


In Quarantine, on the Plains of Colombia

A photographer captures a child’s fears and hopes on a ranch on the Llanos.

Juanita Escobar, The Nation and Magnum Foundation

A Summer of Reckoning—for American Racism and Israeli Aggression

As this country begins, at last, to examine its ugly past and brutal present, can we also apply this fierce introspection to US policy toward Israel?

Yousef Munayyer

Covid-19 Has Put Algeria’s Peaceful Revolution on Hold

The past year’s protests have been on a scale not seen in over three decades. But now, the streets are empty.

Abdo Shanan, The Nation and Magnum Foundation


Shaking Up Your Perceptions

How films chosen for the Human Rights Watch Film Festival test the limits of both authority and documentary filmmaking.

Stuart Klawans

Not Catharsis but Vengeance: The Startling Fiction of Fernanda Melchor

Her novel Hurricane Season burrows into the circumstances of a small-town murder and what it says about a society that disregards femicide.

Lucas Iberico Lozada

John Early Is the Left’s Funniest Comedian

We talked to Early about his socialist heroes, the latest season of HBO’s Search Party, and how comedy is facing the politics of the moment.

Rima Parikh

Watch and Listen

Listen: NBA at the Breaking Point

NBA scribe Michael Lee joins the show to talk about the NBA restart and Stephen Jackson’s comments.

July 14, 2020

Listen: Mike Davis: The Problem with Dr. Fauci

Plus Amy Wilentz on Ivanka, and Debbie Nathan on Sandra Bland.

July 9, 2020

View: Making George Floyd’s Life Matter

As the people of Minneapolis grieve the loss of one of their own, they’re also fighting for a future free of police brutality.

June 8, 2020

From the Magazine
