19 July – Traditional Latin Mass – 7th Sunday after Pentecost – LIVE VIDEO: 1200h CDT (GMT/UTC -5)

I will LIVE stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).

Today: 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Prayers Added:
After Mass: Prayer in time of Pandemic

Today, Mass texts HERE

Will you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE

  • NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
  • We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
  • I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion. 
  • I will also recite in Latin the traditional  “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
  • After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross
    For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE

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My View For Awhile: Jezero Crater

My View For Awhile… well… this one might have to be postponed for a while.

I’ve signed up with NASA for some news and links for the upcoming launch of PERSEVERANCE and the little Martian chopper INGENUITY.

The way I see it, when I get to Mars in 2026, and everything goes sidewise because of a really big green stripe rearranging storm, and I have to make a trek to Jezero Crater to find the rover so I can establish contact with Earth again, I’ll have a slight advantage.

And, by the way, Google Mars really sucks.  No help at all, right now.

BTW, when the new Space Force is inaugurated, I’ll be ready both with aspergillum and with whatever else they set me up with. These certificates should go into my CV right away.

It was a trick getting these, I can tell you, given that the Space Shuttle doesn’t fly anymore.  And we won’t tell anyone about that whole clerics not bearing arms in uniform thing.  Shhhh.

For those of you who want more on the references, I highly recommend Andy Weir’s book The Martian – US HERE – UK HERE – and the movie made from it US HERE – UK HERE.  It has kept my attention multiple times and I find it inspiring.

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ASK FATHER: “Pope Michael”… just another crazy person?

From a reader…


Due to some recent tweets from the guy who styles himself as “Pope Michael”, I’m seeing posts from people claiming that he is a validly, albeit illicitly, ordained Bishop. They are pointing to an ordination from the Old Catholics and saying that we need to treat him with the respect afforded any other validly ordained schismatic Bishop (i.e. the Orthodox, etc). Is this true? Do the Old Catholics have valid Orders, and do we have to give him episcopal respect instead of just dismissing him as just another crazy person?


The distinction between a bishop and another crazy person might seem, at times, to be a perilously fine line, but we, as Catholics, especially rigid, hidebound manualists, are fond of making distinctions.

As Aquinas teaches us, seldom affirm, never deny, and always distinguish.

David Bawden, who styles himself Pope Michael, has pretended to be pope now for 30 years, having been elected in a conclave consisting of his parents and three others. At the time of his election, he was not in holy orders, having left the seminary of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X in 1978. In 2011, he was ordained to the priesthood (presumably after having been tonsured, ordained to the minor orders, and ordained as a deacon, though this is unclear) and then consecrated a bishop by Robert Biarnesen.

Biarnesen had been ordained a bishop a month earlier by Chief Alexander Swift Eagle Justice, whose full name and titles are: His Excellency Plenipotentiary RF the Most Reverend Patriarch Doctor Chief Alexander Swift Eagle Justice, D.D., Ph.D., Juris Doctor, Theologian, Academician Russian Federation, Resident Native American Archbishop and Chancellor of International Theological University.

His Excellency Plenipotentiary RF the Most Reverend Patriarch Doctor Chief Alexander Swift Eagle Justice, D.D., Ph.D., Juris Doctor, Theologian, Academician Russian Federation, Resident Native American Archbishop and Chancellor of International Theological University had been consecrated seven years prior by John Anglo Parnell, of the Mexican National Catholic Church, who in turn had been consecrated by Jurgen W. Bless of the Philippine Independent Catholic Church, who had been consecrated by Paul William Schultz Jr., who in turned had been consecrated by his father, Paul William Schultz, Sr. on two occasions as well as by five others bishops on five other occasions – just in case one of his consecrations didn’t work.

Tracing the episcopal pedigree of some of the folks is fascinating. Generally, they trace back to one or several persons: a traditionally-minded, validly ordained Catholic bishop who might have gotten a bit nutty in his old age; a charlatan who bribed and/or tricked some Indian bishop with valid orders to consecrate him; a bishop associated with the Old Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church, or various and sundry schismatic churches.

The locations of most of these consecrations tend to be a small parlor in home decorated in mid-century garage sale baroque, or a rented Protestant church, in the presence of thundering crowds often numbering in the tens.

Determining the validity of the orders that flow from these diverse fonts is tricky and, frankly, not worth the effort that would be needed.

Apostolic Succession, as one Russian Orthodox priest  said to me, should not be looked on as a contagious disease that one acquires merely by contact with a valid carrier.

The current practice of the Holy See, when one of these gentlemen seek to return to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, is to welcome them “quasi laicus” – as if they were a layman, and to forbid them the exercise of any order they have putatively received while also barring them from any ordination or conditional ordination. They are accorded the respect due to any person made in the image and likeness of God and adopted into the Divine Family by their sacramental baptism.

Should David Bawden be accorded any more or less respect? Certainly not.

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18 July – Traditional Latin Mass – St Camillus of Lellis – LIVE VIDEO: 1200h CDT (GMT/UTC -5)

I will LIVE stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).

Today: St. Camillus of Lellis, Confessor
Prayers Added: For the sick
After Mass: Exorcism against Satan and Fallen Angels

Today, Mass texts HERE

Will you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE

  • NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
  • We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
  • I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion. 
  • I will also recite in Latin the traditional  “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
  • After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross
    For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE

THANK YOU to my flower donors!

Click HERE to donate.

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VIDEO VIRTUAL CONFERENCE 24-26 July: Catholics INFormation Conference

FYI… I’m a participant in an online, video, virtual conference put together by Fr. Leo Patalinghug, called Catholics INFormation Conference: Learn. Integrate. Live Your Faith.

The virtual conference will be held on 24-26 July

Tickets are on sale for the conference.    The conference link:


There are three levels of “passes” for participating (watching) the videos.  Also, there should be a series of, I think, live Q&A sessions.

If you sign up, use my assigned CODE and I will benefit from the registration.


I’m talking about the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

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VIDEO VIRTUAL CONFERENCE by Latin Mass Society (UK): 18 JULY 2020 – Catholicism in a COVID-19 World

I am happy to let you know that the greatly esteemed Latin Mass Society of the UK (I am a dues paying member even though I don’t live there) is putting a virtual, video conference online.

18 JULY 2020

The speakers include yours truly.

No registration is necessary, although to sign up for updates before
and during the event, go to: HERE


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17 July – Traditional Latin Mass – Votive: Holy Cross – LIVE VIDEO: 1200h CDT (GMT/UTC -5)

I will LIVE stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).

Today: Votive Mass of the Holy Cross Prayers Added: St. Alexis and for the sick, close to death
After Mass: Prayer in time of pandemic

Today, Mass texts HERE

Will you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE

  • NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
  • We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
  • I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion. 
  • I will also recite in Latin the traditional  “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
  • After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross
    For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE

THANK YOU to my flower donors!

Click HERE to donate.

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VIDEO: More Communion Disaster – “Pax Christi” @PaxChristiEP of @ArchdioceseSPM. UPDATED


A priest friend of mine in the Archdiocese just informed me that this sacrilegious farce was shut down. Thanks be to God.

I’ll leave the post, however, as a record of their nuttiness and as a warning to other parishes.

Do sacrilegious things and you will be exposed.

Please, dear readers, stop and say a prayer of reparation for the offense to our Eucharistic Lord and Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

Here is another situation about which I am simultaneously shocked but not surprised.

The leadership of this parish, in my native place (Twin Cities, MN) has been insane for years.  Places like this inspired me, in my fictional Diocese of Libville, to found the “Sing A New Faith Community Into Being Faith Community” and the “Engendering Togetherness Community of Welcome”.

Check out this video.  I’m starting at 3:30… This deals with the process for Communion.

This is pretty much a horror show.

It stuns me that this sacrilege would be allowed in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

After the dismissal, as people leave the “worship space”, they are to take little envelopes, “packets”, with a host inside. I suppose the Host in the packet was at some point validly consecrated – I won’t assume that, since it’s Pax Christi, after all.

They are told to take only one. Yeah, right.  “Oh, dear, I’ll just take an extra for that nice Buddhist across the street.  That’ll make him feel good.”

They are to go to their cars and, in the car, consume the contents of the packet.

There isn’t any instruction about possible particles of a Host in the packet or on the person’s fingers, or subsequently on the steering wheel or floor mat.

For the NEXT Video from Pax Christi:


NARRATOR: Oh No! A Host got a little crunched in the packet as Maggie is fumbling for her keys. Not to worry!   Bob, the helpful Satanist who stopped in to pick up a host for tonight’s desecration, helps Maggie with a cheerful smile.  He’s smiling under the mask.  Now hurry, Bob!  Social distancing!”


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My View For Awhile: MSN again

The conference is over and I’ve once again entered Airportland through the looking glass.

PIT was even more desolate than last time.

Here is my light reading.  US HERE – UK HERE

Is that a cool title or what?

At least we have a nice evening for flights.

As engaging as the book is, I sense a nap may be just over the horizon.



The B concourse of DTW is slightly busier this evening. But usual shops and places to eat are mainly shut down.

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A Bishop discovers the impact of the Traditional PONTIFICAL Mass

This story was able to warm the cockles of even my beady black heart. I encourage you to read the whole thing. There are lovely insights.

From the National Catholic Register:

A US Bishop Discovers the Traditional Latin Mass
Bishop Joseph Strickland discusses what inspired him to celebrate the extraordinary form of the Mass on June 11.
Bree A. Dail
TYLER, Texas — Before January, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, had only attended a traditional Latin Mass once before and never had even said the words of consecration in Latin in the 35 years of his priesthood.

He changed all that in a dramatic way, celebrating his first Mass in the extraordinary form on June 11, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi on the Church calendar followed by traditional Catholics.


It pains me to say this, but part of my hesitancy I believe in learning how to say the extraordinary form came from my experience of the community who attend. If I experienced this, I know others have, as well. I would encourage those in these communities to pray and ponder on St. Paul’s words to the Galatians, Chapter 5:22-23. Meditate, especially as they have so much of a treasure of grace to share, on what Jesus warned, in Luke 12:48. Ask yourselves, “Are my actions and words and attitude truly reflective of the fruits of the Mass of Ages, or could I be hindering others from desiring to know more?”

After what I have experienced, as bishop, I cannot help but encourage everyone towards meeting Jesus in wonder, within the beauty of the extraordinary form of the Mass.

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Who is funding the violence?

From Lepanto Institute:

Violence Erupts as More Catholic-Funded Groups call for Defunding of Police

This June witnessed a massive explosion in violent crimes in major urban areas such as Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City, each of which bowed to major pressure from revolutionary organizations to defund or outright abolish their police departments. Since the Fourth of July Weekend alone, hundreds of people have been shot and dozens killed. One victim was an 8 year old girl who was murdered in front of her mother by Black Lives Matter protesters. Her death was a direct result of the diminished police presence brought about by the demands of organizations receiving Catholic funding by the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) through its Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).


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Communion in the hand was bad enough. Priest tells people to hold hosts in their hands while he consecrates

If only priests were as hard working to develop reverence in their parishes as they are to facilitate communion-no-matter-what and for-anyone-at-all.

There is a piece at LifeSite, in which I am heavily quoted, about a priest who came up with wacky ideas – astonishingly tacky and irreverent – to facilitate Communion.   It is hard to believe that anyone in this day and would do this.  But, this is the depth to which we have sunk in some places.

The priest put out a video, showing also a map with zones on the parish campus where people, divided into categories, had to be.   Then his suggestions – I am NOT making this up:

  • Every family will be provided with a ziplock ‘Mass bag’ which contains “everything you need for Mass except Holy Communion.”

  • “Every family will be issued a sacred vessel, and a husband and wife will be designated as Eucharistic ministers for your family.”

  • “When you come to church, you bring your sacred vessel and your Mass bag, and then you’ll pick up the appropriate number of hosts for your family, 2, 3, 4, so on.”

  • “When it’s time for the offertory, you will take your hosts, unconsecrated, from your zip lock bag and place them into your sacred vessel.”

  • “An adult member of your family will hold the sacred vessel for the consecration, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Lamb of God.”

  • “At communion time, you will then as adults give communion to each other and one of the adults will give communion to your children, and then you place your sacred vessel back into your Mass bag and you’ll have it ready for next week.”

Link to the 4 minute video:  HERE

There are so many problems with these proposals that it is hard to know where to start.

Here is some of the comments I sent to the writer at LifeSite. He did NOT link to me, for some reason I can’t fathom, so I will provide comments here.   In no particular order…

“Worry free environment” (he talks about that in the video). This smacks of an attitude which is wholly focused on this world, the here and now, the immanent, without regard to, nay rather, through a reduction of the supernatural and eternal to the natural and the worldly.

This is hardly to be distinguished from a Protestant communion service.

How undignified.

I don’t in the least think that this priest intends for all of this to be so infra dignitatem, so tacky. I’m convinced he is well meaning. However, it could be that he is simply so deeply tuned into a modernist frequency that he doesn’t realize how bad this looks, he doesn’t contemplate the potential sacrileges both unintended and intended.

“Sacred vessels” What does that mean? Does it mean a horrid little inexpensive plastic home Communion pyx that were used for in the past? Does it mean something made of metal? In their photo album I spotted one man with a metal pyx, peering at the Host with a bewildered expression.

Furthermore, how are the “sacred vessels” to be purified? The priest says, “Place your sacred vessel back into your Mass bag and you’ll have it ready for next week.” Without purification! Are people just going to shake out particles onto the ground, or, unaware of them, haul them around in their ziplock baggies?

And what is to become of all these “sacred vessels” afterward, whatever they are, when COVID time passes and they are no longer needed? Will people keep them? What happens to them then?

How are people to be designated as “Eucharistic ministers” exactly? A wink and a nudge? The terminology isn’t even correct. Even “Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion” ought to be instituted formally as such and have sound training. They should be carefully vetted. How are any of these people being given “Mass bags” being vetted?

Does the local Bishop of Biloxi, know about this?

People are to take unconsecrated hosts to be consecrated … at what distance? I looked at the “zones” and their map. There is no way that they are in eyesight of the altar without the obstruction of buildings. How can one be convinced that the consecration was valid? If some of those hosts are NOT consecrated, then people are being lead by the priest to commit, unwittingly, the objective in of idolatry.

And those cases when the consecration would be valid, what’s to prevent people from taking a few extra hosts to be consecrated and then saved for later, at home? Or for that nice lady down the street, not Catholic, but really nice? Or even to be, quod Deus avertat, give or sold to satanists for ghastly rituals and desecration?

These crazy gyrations affirm the findings of the Pew Research survey which revealed plummeting belief in the Church’s teachings about the Blessed Sacrament. And those finding may apply to priests, as well.

Communion in the hand was bad enough, but consecration in the hand and self Communication, having nothing to do with the priest, having nothing to do with the altar, is sacrilege at a new nadir.

These crazy gyrations affirm the findings of the Pew Research survey which revealed plummeting belief in the Church’s teachings about the Blessed Sacrament. And those finding may apply to priests, as well.

It’s like something from another religion.

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URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Our friend Fr. Johnson (USN) moves to a new stage

Do you all remember Fr. Johnson whose airplane, which I had just been on, crashed and his vestments were ruined in the water?   You wonderful readers helped to replace them.  HERE

Today, Commander Johnson is FINALLY leaving the Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay.  He’s heading stateside for a couple weeks (only) of freedom and then his new task.

I’ve been texting with him this morning.  He’s already in place waiting for the C-130 off the rock for Norfolk.

Would you, please, in your kindness, say a prayer for Fr. Johnson as he moves along?   He was supposed to leave on 1 May, but COVID-1984 put everything on hold.

(BTW… I hear that his relief has some of the same liturgical values as he.  That’s GOOD.)

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My View For Awhile: WV lo

It’s my first dive through the looking glass into Airportland since I returned from the Holy Land pilgrimage.

Weirdly empty lot.

Strangely empty concourse.

Boarding will be interesting.

I’m off to a conference for priests in West Virginia held by Scott Hahn’s gig St. Paul Center for Biblical Studies. It was terrific last year. This year may have a different dynamic.

More later.


Some things are different. 1st Class can board anytime but otherwise boarding starts from aft forward, from the back to the front. Every other seat is blocked except for people flying together… I presume.

Fewer people meant a shorter boarding period.

We are being assured that the plane is clean and I almost believe it. It smells different than before!

We are also being reassured that “underneath these masks, we’re smiling.”


Rather than go around with a cart,…

And they do NOT talk at us any less. Rather…!


DTW is sparse in a spooky way. I kinda like it.

The Tunnel Of LSD Love is not affected by social distancing.

These CRJ200s are annoying. No social distance in here!

A priest friend also heading to the WV conference was in the boarding area and is also on this flight. I am always pleased when another priest is aboard, since I can’t absolve myself.


Here we are in PIT. The T-Rex says, “Hey.”, laconically.

At the carrousel we have determined that my friend’s bag remained in DTW.

I ask all of you to pray to St Corbinian for the swift delivery of his bag, by van, T-Rex, or bear, we are indifferent.


Our Shuttle van has an interesting mobile phone slot. It’s in the upper corner as the door swings out.

And when the door is closed…

Your phone is easily retrieved! The Deluxe Phone Storage Slot!


Over hill and holler, over river and run…

At our conference location we were given swag bags with … yes … you know what.

BTW… masks are also good laptop screen cleaners!

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USS Bonhomme Richard – FIRE! And her forerunners on this blog.

Not good. On 12 July there was a fire aboard USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6). Some sailors have been hospitalized.

I’ve written about the Bonhomme Richard!    HERE  A predecessor.

The Bonhomme Richard was originally a “hulk” ship in which priests were imprisoned during the French Revolution, including the “Martyrs of Rochefort”.

I also wrote about Bonhomme Richard HERE.  It’s an old post from 2006 with formatting problems after we revamped the blog.  But it’s readable.  In 1779 John Paul Jones commanded the Bonhomme Richard, named after Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richard”.  There was a famous battle with HMS Serapis, resulting in one of the most famous lines of naval warfare.

Pray for those injured today.

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