Corey Robin
Distinguished Professor of Political Science
Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11210
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Ph.D., Yale University, distinction, 1999
A.B., Princeton University, high honors, 1989
Oxford University, Jesus College, 1987-88

Fellowships, Grants, and Awards

Fellowship, Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library, 2018-19

Rockefeller Fellowship, Center for Human Values, Princeton University, 2007-8

Fellowship, Program in Ethics and Public Affairs, Princeton University, 2007-8

Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 2007-8

Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2007-8 (declined)

Fellowship, National Humanities Center, 2007-8 (declined)

Burkhardt Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 2007-8 (declined)

Fellowship, Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, 2007-8 (declined)

Presidential Authority Award, Russell Sage Foundation, 2005-6

Best First Book in Political Theory Award, American Political Science Association, 2005

Fellowship, International Center for Advanced Studies, NYU, 2002-3

Fellowship, Wolfe Institute for the Humanities, Brooklyn College, 2001-2

Leylan Dissertation Fellowship, 1996-97

Jacob Javits Fellowship, 1990-94

Yale University Fellowship, 1990-94


The Enigma of Clarence Thomas. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2019.

Selected Reviews

The New York Times Book Review (October 20, 2019)

The New York Times (September 26, 2019)

The Washington Post (September 29, 2019)

Wall Street Journal (September 20, 2019)

The Atlantic (September 2019)

Harper’s (October 2019)

Bookforum (September/October/November 2019)

The Nation (November 11/November 18, 2019)

Los Angeles Review of Books (September 30, 2019)

National Review (September 9, 2019)

The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. 2nd edition.

Selected Reviews

The New Republic (November 21, 2017)

Salon (November 19, 2017)

The Week (November 9, 2017)

Los Angeles Review of Books (January 19, 2018)

National Review (May 19, 2018)


German: Der Reaktionäre Geist (Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2018).

Spanish: La mente reaccionaria : El conservadurismo desde Edmund Burke hasta Donald Trump. Madrid: Capitan Swing, 2019.

L’Exercice de La Peur: Usages Politiques D’Une Émotion. Co-authored with Patrick Boucheron. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2015.


Spanish: El Miedo. Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual, 2016.

The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Selected Reviews

The New Yorker (November 1, 2016)

New York Times (December 7, 2011; January 18, 2012; February 1, 2012)

New York Review of Books (January 12, 2012, January 23, 2012)

New Republic (October 27, 2011)

Guardian/Observer (November 5, 2011)

Times Higher Education (November 17, 2011)

Dissent (Summer 2012)

The American Conservative (November 3, 2011)

The New Criterion (April 2012)

Journal of American History (September 2012)


Korean: 보수주의자는 ? Goyang City: Mojosa, 2012.

Russian: Реакционный дух: консерватизм от Эдмунда Берка до Сары Пэйлин. Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press, 2012.

Persian: ذھن ارتجاعی. Tehran: Qoqnoos, 2017.

Fear: The History of a Political Idea. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Selected Reviews  

New York Times (November 28, 2004)

New York Review of Books (November 4, 2004)

Los Angeles Times (August 7, 2005)

Foreign Affairs (January 2005)

Chicago Tribune (January 9, 2005)

Newsday (January 2, 2005)

Financial Times (December 18, 2004)

New Statesman (November 15, 2004)

Political Theory (August 2006)

American Historical Review (October 2005)

Political Studies (September 2005)

Theory & Event (Fall 2005)

Rhetoric and Public Affairs (Summer 2006)

Canadian Journal of Sociology (January/February 2005)

Choice (May 2005)

La Croix (August 8, 2006)

L’Express (May 4/10, 2006)

La Tribune (April 28, 2006)

Libération (March 16, 2006)

Il Manifesto (June 4, 2005)

The Globe and Mail (November 6, 2004)

Library Journal (October 15, 2004)

Publishers Weekly (August 23, 2004)

Kirkus Reviews (August 1, 2004)


Italian: Paura: La Politica del Dominio. Milano: Egea, 2005.

French: La peur: Histoire d’une idée politique. Paris: Armand Colin, 2006.

Chinese: Kongju: Zuowei Yizhong Zhengzhi Guannian de Lishi. Shangai: Fudan University Press, 2007.

Russian: Страх. История политической идеи. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2007.

Spanish: El Miedo: Historia de una idea política. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económico, 2009.

Romanian: Frica. Istoria unei idei politice. Bucharest: Vremea, 2009.

Greek: Φόβος: Ηιστορία μιας πολιτικής ιδέας. Athens: Alexandria Publications, 2010.

Awards and Honors

Best First Book in Political Theory Award (American Political Science Association, 2005)

Choice Outstanding Academic Title (2005)

Honorable Mention, Outstanding Book Award (Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights, 2005)

Recommended Reading (New York Times)

One of the Best Books of 2004 (Publishers Weekly)

Academic Articles and Book Chapters

“On Clarence Thomas.” In African American Political Thought: A Collected History, ed. Melvin Rodgers and Jack Turner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).

“Freedom Now.” Co-authored with Alex Gourevitch. Polity (July 2020).

“Economics Is the Materiality of Moral Choice.” In Economics After Neoliberalism, ed. Joshua Cohen (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2019), 30-35.

“Sheldon Wolin’s the Reason I Began Drinking Coffee.” The Good Society 24 (2015), 164-173.

“Political Obedience.” Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought, ed. Gregory Claeys. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2013.

“The Language of Fear: National Security in Modern Politics.” In Fear: Across the Disciplines, eds. Jan Plamper and Benjamin Lazier. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012, 118-131.

Reprinted: “Yours, Mine, but Not Ours.” Jacobin (Winter 2013), 23-28.

“Easy to Be Hard: Violence and Conservatism.” In Performances of Violence, ed. Carleen Basler, Thomas Dumm, and Austin Sarat. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, 18-42.

Excerpt: “Why Conservatives Love War.” Chronicle Review (October 24, 2010), 8-10.

“You Say You Want a Counterrevolution: Well, You Know, We All Want to Change the World.” In A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America’s Long Cold War, ed. Greg Grandin and Gilbert M. Joseph. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010, 371-380.

“Remembrance of Empires Past: 9/11 and the End of the Cold War.” In Cold War Triumphalism: The Misuse of History after the Fall of Communism, ed. Ellen Schrecker. New York: The New Press, 2004, 274-297.

Excerpt: “Grand Designs: How 9/11 Unified Conservatives in Pursuit of Empire,” Washington Post (May 2, 2004), B1.

Excerpt: “Endgame: Conservatives after the Cold War,” Boston Review (February/March 2004), 26-30.

Italian translation: “I neocon contro il libero mercato,” Micromega 4 (2004), 191-205.

Spanish translation: “Remembranza de imperios del pasado. El 11 de Septiembre y el fin de la Guerra Fría,” Temas 33-34 (April-September 2003), 76-90.

“Liberalism at Bay, Conservatism at Play: Fear in the Contemporary Imagination.” Social Research 71 (Winter 2004), 927-962.

“Fragmented State, Pluralist Society: How Liberal Institutions Promote Fear.” Missouri Law Review 69 (Fall 2004), 1061-1093.

“Reason to Panic.” The Hedgehog Review 5 (Fall 2003), 62-80.

“Fear, American Style: Civil Liberty After 9/11.” In Implicating Empire: Globalization & Resistance in the 21st Century World Order, ed. Stanley Aronowitz and Heather Gautney. New York: Basic Books, 2003, 47-64.

French translation: Vacarme 18 (Winter 2002), 15-18.

“Primal Fear.” Theory and Event 5 (2001).

“Fear: A Genealogy of Morals.” Social Research 67 (Winter 2000), 1085-1115.

“Reflections on Fear: Montesquieu in Retrieval.” American Political Science Review 94 (June 2000), 347-60.

“The Battle of Seattle: Theory and Politics in the New Millennium.” Theory and Event 4 (2000).

“Why Do Opposites Attract? Fear and Freedom in the Modern Political Imagination.” In Fear Itself: Enemies Real and Imagined, ed. Nancy L. Schultz (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1999).

“Against the Grain: Organizing TA’s at Yale.” Co-authored with Michelle Stephens. Social Text 49 (Winter 1996), 43-74.

Reprinted: Will Teach for Food: Academic Labor in Crisis, ed. Cary Nelson (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997).

Selected Essays

“Comrades: The Inner Life of American Communism.” The Nation (May 18/25, 2020), 13-18.

“The Pandemic is the Time to Resurrect the Public University.” The New Yorker (May 7, 2020).

“What People Power Looks like in a Pandemic Democracy.” NYR Daily (April 13, 2020).

“The Tyranny of the Minority.” NYR Daily (February 21, 2020).

“The Obamanauts.” Dissent (Fall 2019), 157-167.

“Clarence Thomas’s Radical Vision of Race.” The New Yorker (September 10, 2019).

“Eric Hobsbawm, the Communist Who Explained History.” The New Yorker (May 9, 2019).

German translation: “Eric Hobsbawm: Ein Kommunist Erklärt Die Geschichte.” Merkur (August 2019), 63-71.

“The Plight of the Political Convert.” The New Yorker (January 23, 2019).

“The Erotic Professor.” The Chronicle Review (June 2018), B11-13.

German translation: “Der Sinnliche Professor.” Merkur (September 2018), 87-93.

“Triumph of the Shill: The political theory of Trumpism.” n+1 (Fall 2017), 31-43.

German translation: “Triumph des Unseriösen: Zur politischen Theorie des Trumpismus.” Merkur (January 2018), 5-21.

“The Politics Trump Makes.” n+1 (January 11, 2017).

“Edmund Burke and the Problem of Value.” Raritan (Summer 2016), 82-106.

“How Intellectuals Create a Public.” The Chronicle Review (January 24, 2016), B10-B14.

“The Trials of Hannah Arendt.” The Nation (June 1, 2015), 12-25.

“Nietzsche’s Marginal Children.” The Nation (May 27, 2013), 27-36.

“Achieving Disunity.” London Review of Books (October 25, 2012), 23-25.

“The Conservative Reaction.” The Chronicle Review (January 8, 2012), 1.

“The War on Tax.” London Review of Books (August 25, 2011), 8.

Portuguese translation: “Contra impostos? ‘Austeridade’? Por quê?!” Tlaxcala (August 22, 2011).

“Reclaiming the Politics of Freedom.” The Nation (April 25, 2011), 18-22.

Polish translation: “Odzyskać politykę wolności.” Instytut Obywatelski (July 21, 2011).

“Conservatism and Counterrevolution.” Raritan (Summer 2010), 1-17.

Excerpt: “The Party of Loss.” Harper’s (December 2010), 17-22.

“Get Over It!” London Review of Books (June 10, 2010), 29-31.

“Garbage and Gravitas.” The Nation (June 7, 2010), 21-27.

One of The Nation’s “Top Stories of 2010.”

“The First Counterrevolutionary.” The Nation (October 19, 2009), 25-32.

Latvian translation: “Pirmais kontrrevolucionārs.” ¼ Satori: Literatūras un filozofijas portāls (October 15, 2009).

“Out of Place.” The Nation (June 23, 2008), 25-33.

“Dragon-Slayers.” London Review of Books (January 4, 2007), 18-20.

French translation: “Carriérisme et Barbarie: Une Hannah Arendt peut en cache rune autre.” La République des Lettres (February 4, 2008).

“Was he? Had he?” London Review of Books (October 19, 2006), 10-12.

“Language and Violence: From Pathology to Politics.” Raritan (Fall 2006), 41-51.

“Strangers in the Land.” The Nation (April 10, 2006), 28-33.

“The Fear of the Liberals.” The Nation (September 26, 2005), 13-18.

“Fascism and Counterrevolution.” Dissent (Summer 2005), 110-15.

“Protocols of Machismo.” London Review of Books (May 19, 2005), 11-14.

“Dedicated to Democracy.” London Review of Books (November 18, 2004), 3-6.

“The Politics and Antipolitics of Fear.” Raritan 23 (Spring 2004), 79-108.

“The Ex-Cons: Right-Wing Thinkers Go Left.” Lingua Franca (February 2001), pp. 24-33.

Polish translation: Gazeta Wyborzca (June 2001).

Selected Shorter Articles and Reviews

“Clarence Thomas is not a ‘Sellout.’” New York Times (September 28, 2019), Sunday Review, 4.

“Uninstalling Hayek.” Boston Review (March 3, 2019).

“Why Has It Taken Us So Long to See Trump’s Weakness?” New York (February 20, 2019).

“The New Socialists.” New York Times (August 26, 2018), Sunday Review, 1.

“Forget About It.” Harper’s (April 2018), 5-7.

“Trump’s Fantasy Capitalism.” The New Republic (December 2017), 14-15.

“The G.O.P.’s Existential Crisis.” New York Times (March 26, 2017), SR1.

“The Dream of the Enemy.” Harper’s (February 2017), 26-27.

“Higher education’s real censors.” Salon (August 29, 2015).

“We have the left and right all wrong: The real story of the politics of nostalgia and tradition.” Salon (August 2, 2015).

“The Republican War on Workers’ Rights.” New York Times (May 20, 2014), A17.

“Who Really Said That?” The Chronicle Review (September 20, 2013), B13-15.

“The Politics of Fear.” Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (Fall 2011), 39-42.

“In the Shadow of Tyranny.” New Statesman (June 13, 2005), 48-49.

“The Ancient Force.” New Statesman (April 18, 2005), 50-51.

“When Fear is a Joint Venture.” Washington Post (October 24, 2004), B1.

“Fear Itself.” The Chronicle Review (August 13, 2004), B11

“State of Confusion.” Washington Post Book World (July 18, 2004), BW05.

“Nice Place to Study, but I Wouldn’t Want to Work There.” New York Times (March 7, 2003), A27.

“Republic of Denial.” Washington Post Book World (November 3, 2002), BW03.

“Lavatory and Liberty: The Secret History of the Bathroom Break” and “Ellis Island Blues.” Boston Globe (September 29, 2002), D1, D5.

“Here be monsters.” Times Literary Supplement (March 22, 2002), 36.

“All fashion spent.” Times Literary Supplement (February 15, 2002), 29.

“Closet-Case Studies.” New York Times Magazine (December 16, 2001), 23-24.

Portuguese translation: Correio do Brasil (December 27, 2001).

“Denied the Fruits of Their Labors.” Dissent (Fall 2001), 131-35.

Polish translation: Gazeta Wyborzca (March 15, 2002).

“Missing the Point.” Dissent (Spring 2001), 108-111.

Review of Arno Mayer, The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions. The Boston Review 26 (April/May 2001), 64-65.

“Care Packages.” Washington Post Book World (April 29, 2001), BW5.

“Benito Giuliani.” Co-authored with Steve Fraser. The American Prospect (March 13, 2000), 22-23.

Keynote and Endowed Lectures

Keynote Address. “The Withering of the State?” Conference. University of Illinois at Chicago (2018)

Oscar Jaszi Memorial Lecture. Oberlin (2018)

Victor Wolfenstein Memorial Lecture. UCLA (2017)

Keynote Address. Political Science Graduate Conference. Princeton (2017)

Somers Lecture. Georgia State University (2016)

Keynote Address. Political Science Graduate Conference. University of Pennsylvania (2016)

Keynote Address. Society for the Study of U.S. Intellectual History (2015)

Respondent to Martin Jay, “The Virtues of Mendacity.” Lionel Trilling Seminar, Columbia (2008)

Killen Chair Lecture. St. Norbert College (2007)

John L. Stanley Memorial Lecture. UC Riverside (2007)

Selected Invited Talks

“The Enigma of Clarence Thomas.” Yale Law School (2019); Carleton (2020)

“Invisible Woman: Anita Hill and the Gender of Clarence Thomas’s Constitution.” Brown (2019)

“The Black Nationalism of Clarence Thomas’s Right Turn.” Brown (2018)

“Invisible Man on the Supreme Court: The Black Nationalism of Clarence Thomas’s Jurisprudence.” Rutgers (2018); Princeton (2018); Cambridge (2018)

“Trump and Conservatism.” Harvard Divinity School (2018); Harvard Law School (2018); Grinnell (2018); Edinburgh (2018)

“On The Reactionary Mind.” Columbia (2017)

“Public Intellectuals: Bringing a Public Into Being.” Duke (2017)

“The Death of Conservatism.” University of Hawaii (2017)

“Black State, White Market: Capitalism in Clarence Thomas’s Jurisprudence.” University of Chicago (2016); Cornell/Cornell Law School (2016)

“The Capitalism of Clarence Thomas.” Brown (2016)

“Clarence Thomas: Race, State, and Market.” University of Michigan Law School (2015)

“Entretien autour de la peur.” Sciences Po Lyon, France (2014)

“Smiling Faces Tell Lies: Pessimism, Originalism, and Capitalism in the Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas.” University of Washington (2014)

“Nietzsche, Marginalism, and the Austrian School of Economics.” New School (2014)

“Being a Public Intellectual: It’s Easier—and Harder—Than You Think.” Syracuse (2014)

“Medievalism and Markets: Labor and Value in Burke, Babeuf, and Smith.” Cornell (2013)

“How to Think and Not Think about Counterrevolution” and “The Free Market as a Counterrevolutionary Device.” Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies (2013)

“Polarized Politics.” Einstein Forum/European Academy (Berlin, 2012)

“Nietzsche and Neoclassical Economics.” Columbia (2012)

“Right-Wing Populism.” Princeton (2012)

“The Counterrevolutionary Currents of Modern Conservatism.” University of Hawaii (2011)

“The Reactionary Mind.” UCSD (2011); Yale (2011)

“Easy to Be Hard: Violence and Conservatism.” Amherst (2009); Stanford (2009); New School (2009)

“In Search of Conservatism.” University of Minnesota (2008); Rutgers (2009).

“You Say You Want a Counterrevolution: Well, You Know, We All Want to Change the World.” Princeton (2007); Rutgers (2007)

“The Moral Vocabulary of Fear.” Columbia Law School (2007); European University Institute (Florence, 2007)

“Fear, the Day After.” Oxford (2006)

“The Globalization of Fear.” European Forum for Urban Safety (Zaragoza, Spain, 2006)

“Quel rôle joue la peur dans une démocratie?” Institut d’études politiques de Paris (2006)

“The Liberalism – and Conservatism – of Fear.” McGill (2005); UC Irvine (2006)

“Louis Hartz at 50: On the Varieties of Counterrevolutionary Experience in America.” University of Pennsylvania (2005); University of Maryland School of Law (2006); Syracuse (2006)

“The Fear of the Liberals.” Tufts (2005)

“La Batalla Final: Los Neoconservadores tras el Fin de la Guerra Fría.” Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Sevilla, 2005)

“Neoconservatives and their Empire.” Varchi Contemporary History Festival (Rome, 2005)

“Fear and Repression: An Unexplained Relationship.” University of Durham (Durham, Britain, 2005)

“The Constitution of Fear.” Columbia Law School (2005)

“Fear: History of an Idea.” Cambridge (2004); Oxford (2004)

“Fear: Politics of a Practice.” Newcastle (2004)

“Liberalism at Bay, Conservatism at Play: Fear in the Contemporary Imagination.” MIT (2004); Duke (2004); King’s College, University of London (2004)

“Fragmented State, Pluralist Society: How Liberal Institutions Promote Fear.” University of Missouri School of Law (2004)

“Beauty from Cruel Weight: Fear and Political Imagination.” New School (2004)

“Total Terror: Hannah Arendt on Totalitarianism.” NYU (2002)

“Remembrance of Empires Past: 9/11 and the End of the Cold War.” NYU (2002)

“Romantic Revolutionary: The Unknown Tocqueville.” Columbia (2001)

“Hamlet on the Hudson: How Tocqueville Changed the Way We Think About Fear.” UCLA (2001)

“Reason to Panic: How Hobbes Made Fear Safe for Counterrevolution.” UCLA (2001)

“Fear in the Workplace.” UCLA (2001)

“Hobbes on Fear.” Columbia (1999)

Selected Presentations

Author Meets Critics panel on The Enigma of Clarence Thomas. American Political Science Association (2019)

Participant, Author Meets Critics panel on Seyla Benhabib’s Exile, Statelessness, and Migration. American Political Science Association (2018)

Roundtable on Nikhil Singh’s Race and America’s Long War. NYU (2018)

Roundtable on Sheldon Wolin. American Political Science Association (August 2016)

Discussant, “Authenticity and Insincerity in American Political Thought.” American Political Science Association (2016)

Discussant, “Democratic Theory and the Challenge of the Welfare State.” American Political Science Association (2014)

“What is Conservatism.” Conversation with Chris Hayes. CUNY Graduate Center (2011)

Discussant, “Realism in Political Theory: Postcolonial Realisms.” American Political Science Association (2011)

On Freedom. Salon hosted by the Governor and First Lady of Hawaii (2011)

A Hard Heart. Post-performance conversation with Kathleen Chalfant and Epic Theatre Ensemble. Clurman Theatre/Theatre Row (2007)

Conversation with Susan Faludi about The Terror Dream. CUNY Graduate Center (2007)

“National Security and Political Repression.” American Political Science Association (2007)

Roundtable, “Repression, Espionage, and the Red Scare.” New York University (2007)

Discussant, “Fugitive Democracy, Totalitarianism, and Post-Modern Power.” American Political Science Association (2006)

Roundtable, “Is it Time to Call it Fascism?” American Political Science Association (2005)

Discussant, “Democratic Responses to Terror and Emergency.” American Political Science Association (2005)

“On Fear: The History of a Political Idea.” International Book Fair (Turin, 2005); Instituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (Milan, 2005); Miami Book Fair (2004); Harvard Bookstore (2004); Seminary Co-Op Bookstore/57th Street Books (Chicago, 2004); Brecht Forum (2004); New America Foundation (2004)

Moderator, conversation with Christopher Browning and Mark Danner on political violence. Yale (2003)

“Getting Fear Wrong.” Hacettepe University. Ankara, Turkey (2002)

“What’s Wrong With How We Think About Fear.” American Political Science Association (1999); New York State Political Science Association (1999)

Discussant, panel on Hobbes. New York State Political Science Association (1999)

“Repression in the Fragmented State.” Western Political Science Association (1999)

Discussant, “Antebellum Political Institutions and Ideology.” Western Political Science Association (1999)

“Why Do Opposites Attract? Fear and Freedom in the Modern Political Imagination.” American Political Science Association (1997); New England American Studies Association (1997)

“Civil Society, Political Institutions, and Fear: The Case of Montesquieu.” American Political Science Association (1997) 

Selected Media Interviews, Profiles, and Appearances

“On the Media” (NPR, November 8, 2019)

“The Racial Pessimism of Clarence Thomas,” Vox (October 15, 2019)

“Is the Story of Clarence Thomas an American Tragedy,” Vanity Fair (September 13, 2019)

“On the Media” (NPR, March 1, 2019)

“Why Is This Happening? With Chris Hayes” (May 15, 2018)

“Democracy Now” (April 12, 2018)

“On the Media” (NPR, April 1, 2018)

“The Leonard Lopate show” (NPR, November 22, 2017)

“The Takeaway” (NPR, November 24, 2015)

“Straight Outta Chappaqua” (Tablet, January 7, 2015)

“Organizing to Defend a Professor’s Freedom of Speech” (New York Times, September 28, 2014)

“Scholar, Blogger, Brawler” (Chronicle of Higher Education, September 26, 2014)

“Weekend Edition” (NPR, September 22, 2013)

“Up With Chris Hayes” (MSNBC, August 26, 2012)

Washington Times (August 5, 2012)

“Online Fracas for a Critic of the Right” (New York Times, November 18, 2012)

“Up With Chris Hayes” (MSNBC, November 1, 2012)

“After Words” (C-SPAN2, November 12-14, 2011)

“Rear Vision” (ABC Radio National, Australia, October 26, 2011)

“Angst dient als Politikersatz.” Frankfurter Rundschau (January 18, 2008)

“Look for the Union Label.” Chronicle of Higher Education (May 26, 2005)

“La paura, arma della politica.” Il Giorno (May 7, 2005)

“The Leonard Lopate Show” (NPR, March 22, 2005)

“Encounter” (ABC Radio National), Australia (November 28, 2004)

“World Tonight” (BBC Radio 4, Britain, November 26, 2004)

“Book TV” (C-Span 2, October 30, 2004)

“La menace d’al-Qaida prend des proportions démesurées.” Le Figaro (October 28, 2004)

“France Culture” (Radio France, October 27, 2004)

“The Tavis Smiley Show” (NPR, October 25, 2004)

“L’administration Bush gouverne par la peur, qui est devenue le seul langage de la vie publique.” Le Monde (September 13, 2004)

“Amerika ist durch den Krieg unsicherer geworden.” Basler Zeitung (September 2, 2004), 31

“The Politics of Being Afraid.” New York (August 16, 2004)

“The Leonard Lopate Show” (NPR, July 8, 2004)

“The Connection” (NPR, October 18, 2001)

Academic Employment

Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College (2020-present)

Professor, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2013-2020 (Department Chair, 2014-2017)

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2005-2013

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2004-2005

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, 1999-2004

Professional Activities

Reviewer: American Political Science Review; American Historical Review; Perspectives on Politics; Constellations; Journal of Politics; Political Studies; Political Research Quarterly; Political Studies

Reviewer: Oxford University Press; University of Chicago Press; Cambridge University Press; Princeton University Press

Member, Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Profession, American Political Science Association (2018- )

Reviewer: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowship Program (2010-2011)

Committee, Best First Book in Political Theory, American Political Science Association (2009)

Editorial Board, Social Research (2006-2012)

Academic Advisory Committee, Center for the United States and the Cold War, NYU (2007-2011)

Co-Chair, Columbia Faculty Seminar on Social and Political Thought (2001-2)

Chair, organizing committee for conference, “The Enlightenment: Ethical Legacies for the Twenty-First Century.” Conference for the Study of Political Thought (1999)

Contributing Editor, Jacobin

Regular contributor, New York

Blogger,, Crooked Timber