Ontario’s Political Parties on Proportional Representation

Ontario NDP

Watch Ontario NDP Democratic Reform Critic Peggy Sattler speaking about proportional representation in the Ontario legislature in December 2019. She posted on facebook:

As the Ontario NDP critic for Democratic Reform, I’m working to strengthen Ontario’s democracy. Two fundamental elements of a healthy democracy are fair and free elections, and an electoral process that ensures the will of the people is reflected. In 2018, 40.5% of Ontario voters voted for the Ford Conservatives in a first-past-the-post system. Yet the Conservatives hold 61% of the seats, and 100% of the power! The need for Proportional Representation has never been clearer. Many thanks to Fair Vote Canada/Représentation équitable au Canada for advocacy https://www.fairvote.ca/ontario/

Democratic Reform

As the Ontario NDP critic for Democratic Reform, I'm working to strengthen Ontario's democracy. Two fundamental elements of a healthy democracy are fair and free elections, and an electoral process that ensures the will of the people is reflected. In 2018, 40.5% of Ontario voters voted for the Ford Conservatives in a first-past-the-post system. Yet the Conservatives hold 61% of the seats, and 100% of the power! The need for Proportional Representation has never been clearer. Many thanks to Fair Vote Canada/Représentation équitable au Canada for advocacy https://www.fairvote.ca/ontario/

Posted by Peggy Sattler on Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ontario Liberal

The Ontario Liberal Party is having a leadership race. The vote for a new leader is on March 7, 2020. Kate Graham is running on a binding citizens’ assembly on electoral reform, a position endorsed by Fair Vote Ontario. Fair Vote Canada asked the candidates where they stand on proportional representation.

Our Citizens’ Campaign for PR!

To join the campaign and stay up to date, make sure you have signed the Declaration of Voters’ Rights! To get involved locally, click here.

Ontario Needs Proportional Representation

In June 2018, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives were elected to a majority government with 40.5% of the vote. This gives them 100% of the power to make policy with little regard for the views of the majority who voted for other parties

Want to help the campaign for proportional representation in Ontario?

Presently, we are collecting petition signatures on the Declaration of Voters’ Rights for MPPs to present in the Ontario legislature. If you would like to help, you can download the petition using the button on the right. Since the petitions presented in the Ontario legislature must be originals, please contact [email protected] for a mailing address.

You can also download a sign to take to a rally.

False Majority Governments

Ford’s government continues a long line of false majority government in Ontario in which a single party with less than half the votes gets more than half the seats.

Since 1943, we have had 17 false majority governments and 5 minority governments but not a single majority government based on a majority of the popular vote.  This means the majority of voters are routinely shut out of having a voice in policy making.

See a full history of Ontario election results.

Most Voters Elect No-One

In every Ontario election, about half of all voters elect no-one. In Ontario in 2018, 52% of voters cast “wasted votes”. This means the majority of Ontario voters have an MPP who does not represent their values.

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