BY Janine Jackson

‘If We Had Single-Payer Healthcare, People Would Get the Care They Need’

July 20, 2020

BY Janine Jackson

‘There’s a Shocking Lack of Accountability for Sheriffs’

July 17, 2020

BY CounterSpin

Diane Yentel on Eviction Crisis, Lisa Graves on USPS Under Attack

July 17, 2020

BY Julianne Tveten

For US Corporate Media, Not Intervening in Chinese Politics Is Journalistically Suspect

July 15, 2020

BY Joshua Cho

Corporate Media Give Trump Powers He Doesn’t Actually Possess

July 15, 2020

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Gordon Mosser

‘If We Had Single-Payer Healthcare, People Would Get the Care They Need’

“We keep hearing, of course, from the private insurance companies and from the pharmaceutical companies and from politicians, principally on the right, that we really can’t afford Medicare for All. This is nonsense. We can afford it.”

Brenda Choresi Carter

‘There’s a Shocking Lack of Accountability for Sheriffs’

“When you combine the incredible concentration of power and lack of accountability, with the concentration of that power in the hands of one demographic group, that makes for a very combustible and dangerous situation.”

Detail from Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing

Diane Yentel on Eviction Crisis, Lisa Graves on USPS Under Attack

We’re looking at 20 to 28 million people facing eviction between now and September. Making folks homeless in a pandemic is just a flashpoint of this country’s affordable housing crisis.

Slate image of protesters in Hong Kong. (photo: Anthony Wallace/Getty Images)

For US Corporate Media, Not Intervening in Chinese Politics Is Journalistically Suspect

If it’s part of a news outlet’s job to aid dissenters, through privacy protection or other means, why aren’t NPR, CNN and the like providing cybersecurity and “rapid response funds” for antiracist protesters domestically?

Corporate Media Give Trump Powers He Doesn’t Actually Possess

Corporate media outlets provide cover for US authoritarianism when they publish reports that suggest President Donald Trump possesses executive powers he doesn’t actually have.

Media Conceal—or Celebrate—Depriving Syrians of Food and Medicine

US media coverage has endorsed, downplayed or ignored the harm the sanctions will inflict on Syria’s civilian population, and the misery years of previous sanctions have already inflicted.

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CounterSpin is FAIR's weekly radio show, available on more than 150 noncommercial radio stations and online

CounterSpin, the weekly radio show of FAIR, provides a critical exposé of the corporate news. Produced and hosted by Janine Jackson it is heard on more than 135 noncommercial stations. The current show, back archives and transcripts are available online.

FAIR Studies

Chuck Todd interviewing Mike Pence on Meet the Press

In Pandemic, Sunday Shows Centered Official Voices, Sidelined Independent Health Experts

On the networks’ Sunday morning political talk shows, which play an important role in setting agendas for national political debate, the voices asked to participate were overwhelmingly the usual narrow cast of Beltway actors, with independent public health experts playing a marginal role, and public interest voices almost entirely sidelined.

Depiction of Iranian pharmacy in Human Rights Watch video

As US Consigns Iranians to Death, Corporate Media Look the Other Way

Because the US government is directly responsible for Iranian deaths, Washington’s role should be a central concern to US media. Yet that’s not the case, according to an examination of stories.

Debate Moderators Frame Questions to Define Acceptable Politics

Media debate hosts use their platform less to inform voters in an even-handed way than to define which positions—and candidates—are acceptable, and which are not.

Amy Klobuchar (right) answers ABC's request for a candidate willing to redbait Bernie Sanders.

ABC Asking for Attacks Was a Lazy Way to Run a Debate

Election Focus 2020: The first half hour of the debate was almost entirely given over to non-policy sparring over electability (including the bogeyman of socialism) and experience.

Washington Post depiction of drought (photo: Jon Nazca/Reuters)

Media on Climate Crisis: Don’t Organize, Mourn

While US media have indeed ramped up their coverage of the climate crisis, they continue to give short shrift to what are arguably the most important factors for determining our future: what specific human practices are responsible for the changing climate, why carbon emissions continue to rise, and what we can and should be doing about it.