
Politics, Policy, Travel. Aspiring Indic.

Joined January 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    16 Dec 2019

    I am documenting some very important in this thread. Please do not fall prey to the barrage of misinformation coming at you from different quarters. Let plain and simple facts guide us.

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  2. Retweeted
    Sep 11
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    Sep 2

    Rig Veda is considered the oldest known text on the planet at pre 10,000 BC. It reminds us that the Dharmic culture of India knew the average distance from the Earth to both Moon and Sun were 108 times their diameters. How extraordinary and yet mysterious culture. 108.

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    Sep 2

    Adani Green Becomes World's Top Solar Power Generator With Portfolio Exceeding The Entire Solar Capacity Of The US via

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    Sep 2
  6. Sep 1
  7. Sep 1

    Civil servants have the right to practice their religion. Did not know invoking the blessings of Shri Ram is a crime in India. Nice touch of intolerance right there.

  8. Retweeted
    Sep 1

    This is the video of session 2 of Exam of Candidates were given fresh 3 layered masks. Thermal screening & hand sanitization has been done.

  9. Aug 31
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    Aug 31

    Height occupied by Indian Army troops including a special operations battalion is south of Southern bank of Pangong Tso lake near Thakung. Height was lying dormant&can give strategic advantage to side which holds it for controlling the southern bank of lake&areas around: Sources

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  11. Retweeted
    Aug 30

    Indian breeds of dogs are majestic! Also highlighted the exemplary roles played by dogs in our security forces, police forces and during times of disasters.

  12. Retweeted
    Aug 28

    End of an era..... He brought Japan back from drifting slowly into oblivion.

  13. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    An 'Act of God' is a well understood legal term, also known as Force Majeure. It does not mean god was angry. "An overwhelming, unpreventable event caused exclusively by forces of nature, such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado."

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  14. Aug 28

    Malawi Angola Nigeria Denmark Ireland Russia Austria I did it with a few countries (other than India 💙) I have travelled to.

  15. Retweeted
    Aug 28

    Protest against holding exams due to Coronavirus risk. Mera pranaam inko 🙏🏽

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    After Salabeg left Islαm, he became a Hindu and devotee of Jagannath! He was considered an apostate by Mμslim Law (liable to be punished by death in Mughal Hanafi Mμslim law). He took on the robes of a Sannayasi and spent his life at Vrindavana. He was cremated after his death

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  17. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    LIES! Salabeg wasn't a Mμslim. He was offspring of Mughal Subedar Lalbeg. Lalbeg invaded Orissa and destroyed Jagannath temple On his way back, he abducted and rαped a Brahmin widow. To her, Salbeg was born. Salabeg came under his mother's influence & became Hindu "Idolater"

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  18. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Since the plant's closure: ~India has become a net importer of copper for the 1st time in 18 years ~Pakistan's copper exports to China have surged by 400% ~India's revenue from copper exports has decreased by 87% ~$605 Million of India's Forex has been spent on copper imports

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  19. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Don't know what's more alarming, that we allowed China to successfully cripple India's copper industry under the garb of "social activism", or that the judiciary is furthering China's sabotage campaign. China's role is now a well-known open secret.

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  20. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Ladies & gents, if you want to see what BS propaganda looks like, look no further. Hon'ble judges have cited "wind speeds of 224 km/hour" to justify Sterlite copper plant's closure To put it in context, an average cyclone/hurricane has an wind speed of 119 km/hr. 🤦‍♂️

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  21. Aug 28

    Aparna at five days old. Such a sweet beauty! 🤗


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