Theron Corse


I teach history, mainly Latin America. Specialty: Religion in Cuba. I like to cook, travel, and eat. And I blog about outdoor art in Nashville.

Nashville, TN
Vrijeme pridruživanja: rujan 2009.


Blokirali ste korisnika/cu @TheronC

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  1. prije 2 sata

    Dear Twitter - quit promoting me to choose personalized or general ads. I have no intention of giving validation to your algorithms or your use of them.

  2. prije 3 sata

    Mood: I rewatched the movie about Yellowstone going full boom. SUPERVOLCANO Yellowstone Movie Full 2 Hours via

  3. prije 6 sati

    Theron. It’s Ancient Greek, and usually translated as “Hunter,” but has the same root as the word for “beast,” so “He who deals with beasts” also works.

  4. prije 8 sati

    A game of telephone. Includes committee meetings.

  5. prije 19 sati
  6. 17. lis

    You've got the lighting, light the bastards up. And Hulk, smash!

  7. 17. lis

    So Trump tells his followers he might leave the country if he loses. Oh, so sad. Here's my song of sorrow, and my message to the MAGA folks.

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    15. lis

    We're looking for a winter 2021 intern and applications are now open. The position is: Paid ✔️ Full-time ✔️ Remote ✔️ Fun™ ✔️ C'mon down 🎉

  9. 16. lis
  10. 16. lis

    TIL learned this group existed. They had a hit in 88-89 (65 Billboard, 10 Dance). And here's their central member, still doing it. I have to respect this. And this is so 80s. Should have been bigger. Anything Box - Living In Oblivion LIVE HD (2014)

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. lis

    The event is over, the commentators are moving on, the studio crew closing up... and yet stands and continues to take questions from the voters in the room. This is a man that truly cares about people.

  12. 16. lis

    When I was in grad school, I studied Latin American military regimes a lot. And I know death squads when I see them. Trump may be blowing smoke about what actually happened, but he’s describing a death squad with glee. This isn’t where it starts, btw. This is well into the play.

  13. 16. lis

    Why is every picture you post in you feed now cropped 4:3. It looks horrible. Click the pic to see what I'm talking about. That mural winds up being cut almost in half (it looks fine if you open up the post, it's just news feed).

    Dumb facebook cropping
  14. 16. lis
  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    15. lis

    NEW: U.S. reports 63,172 new coronavirus cases, biggest one-day increase since July - Positivity: 6.8% - In hospital: 37,308 (+260) - ICU: 7,220 (+64) - Deaths: +951 - Data: COVID Tracking Project

  16. 15. lis

    Because you need something else in your feed. M13, Hercule Globular Cluster. 25k ly distant. Taken about 20 blocks from the center of downtown Nashville.

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. lis

    Race is one of the strongest predictors of how long a person waits in line to vote, research shows.

  18. 14. lis

    Because you need something different in your feed, my ridiculously bad hand drawing of Mars, with some photoshopped tint. I really need to get the Celestron set up for photos.

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. lis

    Y'all. lead us to the polls! WE CAN WIN TEXAS

  20. 13. lis

    So this one pic on Google has 500k views. Great! Where's my check?


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