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Kambree Kawahine Koa ✨ Recovering California Refugee ✨Political Radio News Contributor ✨Citizen Advocate✨ Women For Trump

Dallas, TX
Menyertai Oktober 2015


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  1. Mengetweet Semula
    5 jam lalu

    That SPLC conspiracy theorist that is going after is questioning whether I have the capacity to formulate my own opinions, suggests someone has to “nudge” me to question the SPLC narrative. Sexist big-boying, is that how he got the job over a more qualified woman?

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  2. Mengetweet Semula
    2 jam lalu

    People who peacefully protest don’t show up with shields, leaf blowers, frozen water bottles & covered faces in anticipation of a confrontation. They don’t set fire to buildings & destroy public property or align themselves with communism. That’s called .

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  3. 2 jam lalu
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  4. 2 jam lalu

    Chicago Mayor has given orders to have a Columbus statue removed TONIGHT.

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  5. 3 jam lalu

    Joe Biden can’t complete a sentence but he is up 500 points 🤣

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  6. Mengetweet Semula
    13 jam lalu
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    4 jam lalu
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    9 jam lalu

    Looking forward to Monday, .

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  9. Mengetweet Semula
    4 jam lalu

    We’ve hit the big time

    Media ini mungkin mengandungi bahan sensitif. Ketahui lebih lanjut
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  10. 5 jam lalu

    If you really want to stop the spread, then turn off the TV. The media is toxic.

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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    15 jam lalu

    The donation of Shetara Sims’s lottery winnings to a wounded police officer in intensive care should be a headline in every newspaper. It demonstrates the love and respect the majority of Americans have for our police officers!

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    6 jam lalu

    Obama: “Damn, I throw like a five year old girl.” Fauci: “Hold my juice box.”

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  13. 7 jam lalu

    Portland City Commissioner Demands Mayor Give Her Control of Police So Cops Don't Stop Rioters

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    7 jam lalu

    We’re living through peak-stupid. Facts no longer matter as media panic-merchants & conspiracy theorists dominate the daily news cycle. They traffic in bullshit totally divorced from reality & hapless liberal lemmings suck it up. Fight back & stand for truth, you won’t regret it.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    7 jam lalu

    Tragic. When you teach your children to hate, they will learn the lesson.

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    8 jam lalu

    accused of forging a CIA document to continue surveillance when the investigation failed to uncover evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.” Records released in response to multiple requests from

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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    13 jam lalu

    I talked to a police officer today. He said a child was shot and killed in Florida. The child had covid after blood testing. He was marked as a covid death. If this is true, this madness must stop.

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  18. 7 jam lalu

    If we held convention in person the headlines would look like this. “Massive covid outbreak across the USA due to RNC convention” Honestly, we cant have that 3 months before election Plus, we need this virus gone. We can’t afford anything worse nor do we want more ppl sick.

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  19. Mengetweet Semula

    "I love to help people, I do," said Donald Trump. "I love helping people. There's nothing better."

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    8 jam lalu

    President is speaking up for all of the abused children in the nation who depend on leaders at school to report signs of abuse. A truly painful number of kids have been at home with nobody around to look out for them or protect them from abuse.

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