Noted Environmentalist Apologizes for the “Climate Scare”.

One of the heroes of the environmental movement has recanted his earlier views that “climate change” is an existential threat to human civilization.

Friday Fax

New Supreme Court Decision Will Protect Mexico City Policy.

In a decision that may have far-reaching implications for the pro-life cause internationally, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that foreign organizations don’t have free speech rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Friday Fax

Democrats Pack Overseas Funding Bill to Benefit Abortion Groups.

A contentious appropriations battle lies ahead in Congress as Democrats loaded a funding bill for overseas operations with an attempt to repeal the Mexico City Policy, restore funding to the…

Turtle Bay

UN Commission Fails Again over Abortion and Anti-Sovereignty Language; Kenya Splinters African Group.

For the third time in four years under President Trump’s leadership the United States has blocked the UN Commission on Population and Development from agreement due to the inclusion of abortion…

Turtle Bay