Rest in Power, John Lewis

With the death of John Lewis, we’ve lost another giant of the Civil Rights Movement. It’s up to us to carry on the struggle for the “beautiful community” he spent his whole life fighting for.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

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  • Issue No. 37 out now!
  • Spring 2020

Pandemic Politics

In this issue

No Act of God

Hurricanes, pandemics, and droughts are acts of God. Private markets in housing, health care, and food — and the resulting deaths — are not.

Assessing AMLO

Mexican scholar, columnist, and television host Gibrán Ramírez Reyes reflects on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s first year and a half in office.

How Madrid Became the Laboratory for Spanish Thatcherism

Over its 25-year rule in Madrid, the right-wing Partido Popular has given rise to vast webs of corruption, widespread privatizations, and a disastrous mishandling of COVID-19. But its Thatcherite revolution has also forged a new voter base loyal to the ruling party — meaning predictions of imminent collapse are likely premature.

Unemployed Workers Can Fight Back

In the Depression-era United Kingdom, the National Unemployed Workers’ Movement mobilized thousands to resist the indignities of unemployment. We’re entering another period of massive economic crisis — and just like workers then, unemployed workers today can fight back.

Defend Ilhan Omar

Even compared to other recently elected left-wingers, Ilhan Omar stands out for her political courage and determination. It’s no wonder she now finds herself the target of a phenomenally well-financed primary challenge backed by private equity interests. Helping her fend off that challenge should be a priority for the Left.

The Rise of Italy’s Populist Right Is a Bleak Warning From the Recent Past

In early 1990s Italy, the retreat of the Left and mounting popular cynicism toward politics allowed a new radical right to begin building its hegemony. For all its idiosyncrasies, the Italy of those years looks increasingly like a mirror of our own future — a country where fascist talking points became normalized and even mild reformism was decreed illegitimate.

New York Is Riding a Wave of Progressive and Socialist Electoral Wins

The past four years have seen a political sea change in New York, with progressives and socialists remaking the state’s politics and establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with. We spoke with Luke Hayes, campaign manager for three recent electoral insurgencies and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, on the recent political upheavals in New York.

The Murder of Malcolm X

There was nothing J. Edgar Hoover feared more than a charismatic black radical who could inspire the oppressed to fight back. And that’s why, according to a compelling new series, the FBI had its fingerprints all over Malcolm X’s murder.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
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