
Read The New Yorker’s complete coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests.


John Lewis’s Legacy and America’s Redemption

The civil-rights leader, who died on Friday, acknowledged the darkest chapters of the country’s history, yet insisted that change was always possible.

Our Columnists
Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen

Two Former Fed Chairs Offer a Lesson on Coronavirus Economics

The two former Fed chairs persuasively explained why Congress should extend supplementary unemployment payments and provide additional financial support to state and local governments.

Daily Comment
Bosnian Muslims praying with a gravesite in the background

Conspiracy Theories, Denial, and the Coronavirus

A quarter century after an atrocity in Europe, the United States is now the international calamity.

Medical Dispatch
Photographs of nurses hanging under a sign that reads "Faces Behind the Mask"

To Fight the Coronavirus, You Need an Army

In responding to COVID-19, doctors in Houston are discovering that their most precious resource is people.


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Under Review
A family in their living room.

The Depression-Era Book That Wanted to Cancel the Rent

“Modern Housing,” by Catherine Bauer, argued—as many activists do today—that a decent home should be seen as a public utility and a basic right.

Personal History
Regency costumers blurred as they dance

Living Through Turbulent Times with Jane Austen

How six unexpectedly far-ranging novels carried me through eight years, two births, one death, and a changing world.

A Reporter at Large
Ronald Cameron

How Trump Is Helping Tycoons Exploit the Pandemic

The secretive titan behind one of America’s largest poultry companies, who is also one of the President’s top donors, is ruthlessly leveraging the coronavirus crisis—and his vast fortune—to strip workers of protections.

Dept. of Design
A detailed poster displaying a mountain.

Andrew Cuomo’s Pandemic Poster

The governor’s latest civic-minded art work, “New York Tough,” reflects the same magical thinking that has characterized the country’s coronavirus response.

Eustace with a crossword puzzle

The Weekend Puzzle

They’re really big and they totally suck: ten letters.

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The Latest

Trump Replaces Mary Trump with Kayleigh McEnany as Niece

Kayleigh McEnany

With only three and a half months to go until the election, replacing family members could be seen as a sign of desperation, political insiders said.

10:46 A.M.

Additional New York City Reopening Phases

King Kong hangs from a building.

Phase XVII: Giant, apelike creatures will once again be permitted to scale the city’s skyscrapers.

7:00 A.M.

What to Stream: “Come and Get It,” One of the Greatest Films by Howard Hawks

A still from "Come and Get It," Frances Farmer, 1936.

The boisterous melodrama, from 1936, is a mysterious outpost of Hawks’s distinctive and original cinematic universe, a tale that seethes with perversity beneath its robust surfaces.

July 17, 2020

Chance the Rapper’s Art and Activism, and the Perils of Prison Reform

An illustrated portrait of Chance the Rapper with a group of protesters

David Remnick talks with the hip-hop star about political change at the local and national levels. And two prison abolitionists talk about reforms that may do as much harm as good.

July 17, 2020
More Stories
From This Week’s Issue
Feet suspended in air.

The Fresh Relevance of the Dance on Camera Festival

The festival, now in its forty-eighth year, will stream films including Susan Misner’s “Bend” and Khadifa Wong’s “Uprooted: The Journey of Jazz Dance.”

A Critic at Large
The Chinatown Squad

The Invention of the Police

Why did American policing get so big, so fast? The answer, mainly, is slavery.

Housebound Sound
jarvis cocker

Jarvis Cocker Asks, “Must I Evolve?”

The Britpop icon and former Pulp front man chats about his thing for caves and his new record, “Beyond the Pale,” which just might have predicted the coronavirus lockdown.

Pop Music
The Chicks

Why the Chicks Dropped Their “Dixie”

The all-female country band, which survived an instance of proto-cancel culture for its politics in the past, again wants to meet the current moment.


For Mountain Bikers, Crashing Has Its Own Allure

Three women in competitive mountain biking examine their relationships with falling, both on and off the course.

Daily Cartoon


Chance the Rapper’s Art and Activism, and the Perils of Prison Reform

An illustrated portrait of Chance the Rapper with a group of protesters

David Remnick talks with the hip-hop star about political change at the local and national levels. And two prison abolitionists talk about reforms that may do as much harm as good.

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