Showing posts with label fallouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fallouts. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2

A sonic tribute!

!!!Here Ain't The Sonics!!! (1989)
I'm not a fan of tribute albums, but I am a fan of the Sonics (and many bands on this record) so this'll have to do. Not a bad collection of tunes by a diverse assemblage of groups from around the country and beyond. Some big names here from the Pacific Northwest (Fallouts, Girl Trouble, Mono Men, Screaming Trees, to name a few), as well as The Cynics, Thee Headcoats, Nomads and many others. They ain't the Sonics, but they try.

Wednesday, September 12

Puget Power!

Puget Power Volumes 1-4 7"s (1990-1993)
Here we have a series of compilation singles documenting the non-"grunge" underground (well, a few of the bands are kinda grungy) happening in the northwest in the early 90's. Typical of most comps, there's some good stuff and some not so good. These were released on the Regal Select label which put out quite a few discs before apparently going out of business, in part due to a lawsuit brought by the Regal Select brewing company. Sort of ironic since many of these bands were probably swilling their product! RS 7"ers were very limited and occasionally pre-released with funky hand-made covers.
Spinnin' discs o' fire:
Volume 1 (Fall-Outs, Mono Men, Nights and Days, Sugar Sugar)
Volume 2 (Gas Huffer, Derelicts, Yummy, Alcoholics Unanimous)
Volume 3 (Calamity Jane, Rancid Vat, Mudhoney, Night Kings)
Volume 4 (Sinister Six, Head, Statics, Flathead)

Friday, August 31

You Just Can't Win

The Fallouts 'Here I Come And Other Hits' (1993)
A collection of older recordings (1986-89) from this under-rated Seattle combo. Short bursts of frenzied garage punk/rock that Trouser Press describe as "Sonics-like proto-punk bashes."