COVID-19 information and resources from Google

Committed to significantly improving the lives of as many people as possible.

2004 Founders’ IPO Letter
Including all voices
Building a world where progress, equitable outcomes, diversity, and inclusion can be realities both inside and outside our workplace.
Committed to building a diverse workforce that’s more representative of all people who use our products.
Learn more about Diversity
Standing with organizations that use data science and innovative approaches in the fight against systemic discrimination.
Learn more about’s inclusion work
Technology must be accessible for everyone. We are making that a reality in everything that we build.
Learn more about Accessibility
Diversity Report: 2020
View our systemic approach to improving outcomes in workforce representation and creating inclusive cultures.
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Protecting users
Keeping our users safe online with industry-defining tools, features, and principles.
Tools, resources, and tips that help make a safer web for everyone.
Learn more about Safety Center
Control your data and make Google work better for you with our powerful privacy and security settings.
Learn more about Google Account
Understand your tech usage, disconnect when needed, and create healthy habits.
Learn more about Digital Wellbeing
Developing AI practices that are responsible and sharing knowledge, research, and other resources with the world.
Learn more about Responsible AI
Transparency Report
Sharing data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information.
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Expanding opportunity
$1 billion in grants. 1 million volunteer hours. Investing in communities, individuals, and local economies by preparing them for the opportunities of today — and tomorrow.
Ensuring more people have access to the skills they need to succeed in a digital world.
Learn more about Grow with Google
Closing education equity gaps through technology, tools, and training.
Learn more about Google for Education
Contributing time, money, and volunteer hours to create a world that works for everyone.
Learn more about
Helping organizations publicize their mission, engage supporters, and fundraise online.
Learn more about Google for Nonprofits
U.S. Economic Impact Report
Last year, Google’s search and advertising tools helped generate $283 billion of economic activity for more than 1.5 million businesses, website publishers, and nonprofits nationwide.
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Responding to crises
Helping those affected by crises through our products, our people, and our partners.
We partner with first responders on the front lines of global crises by providing grants, resources, and volunteers.
Learn more about Crisis Response
We provide critical information to users in moments of crisis through our products and technology.
Learn more about Crisis Response products
Advancing sustainability
We’re raising the bar in making smart use of Earth’s resources, expecting the highest ethical standards throughout our supply chain, and creating products with people and the planet in mind.
We develop new solutions for responsible use of energy and other natural resources and empower others to do the same.
Learn more about Sustainability
Simple tips and small decisions we can make for a cleaner, healthier future. See your impact and learn how you can do more.
Learn more about Your Plan, Your Planet
2019 Environmental Report
In 2018, Google matched 100% of the electricity consumption of our global operations with renewable energy for the second consecutive year.
Learn more
Responsible Supply Chain Report
We work with more than 500 suppliers worldwide to ensure ethical and fair treatment for workers, safe and healthy workplaces, and a smaller environmental footprint.
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