Producer in Media Studio FAQs


What is a source?

Sources are the method of ingesting live video via RTMP into Producer in Media Studio. A source needs to be created before you are able to ingest video and broadcast live on Twitter. There is no limit on the amount of sources that can be created, but we recommend re-using one or more sources in your account to simplify your experience.

What is a broadcast?

Broadcasts are the method of going live with a stream on Twitter. Broadcasts are how most people on Twitter will be experiencing your live video.

Can I re-use a source across different broadcasts?

Yes, as long as your broadcasts occur at different times. We recommend re-using sources, but if you have multiple broadcasts that need to occur at the same time, it will be necessary to create additional sources.

Can I utilize an existing RTMP stream from another platform (Periscope, Facebook Live, YouTube, etc.) for my source?

No, it is not possible to re-use these existing streams. There must be a separate stream published to a source in Media Studio in order for us to properly ingest the video content.

There are third-party services that can ‘split’ one stream in order to send it to multiple RTMP points across different platforms. These services can be used to publish live video to Producer in Media Studio.

What happens once a broadcast is over?

Once a broadcast is ended, it turns into a video-on-demand replay video that is accessible from Twitter or Periscope. Any Tweets that had been created during (or after) the broadcast was live will automatically show the replay and start at the beginning of the video.

What are content restrictions? What are geo-restrictions?

Enabling content restrictions on a broadcast allows the viewing of the broadcast to be limited to the countries specified upon creation of the broadcast. These settings apply to the stream while live and as a replay, and is set by either Including a list of countries allowed to view, or excluding a list of countries not allowed to view the stream.

Will my followers get notified of new broadcasts on Periscope?

Yes, when a broadcast goes live, it is discoverable on Periscope if you have associated your Periscope account with your Twitter username.

Will my followers get notified of new broadcasts on Twitter?

Twitter followers will only get notified of new broadcasts if there has been a Tweet created with the broadcast via Producer in Media Studio. At that point, we will also send a push notification to those Twitter followers that have elected to be alerted when your account has a live broadcast.

Does Producer support the inclusion of captions / subtitles?

Yes, we support the inclusion of EIA-608 and EIA-708 captions delivered through a supported software or hardware encoder. 

Some examples of encoders that support these captions include Elemental MediaLive Cloud, Wirecast 12, Telestream LightSpeed,, and Switchboard. Check with your encoder manual to determine whether it also supports EIA-608 and EIA-708 captions.

Can broadcasts be monetized?

Yes, Tweets containing a broadcast can be monetized on Twitter by associating it to an Amplify Sponsorships package via Producer in Media Studio. When creating a Tweet, there will be a dropdown to select the desired package that has been linked to your username by a Twitter account manager.

At this time, the ability to monetize broadcast via the Amplify Pre-roll program is enabled for selected users. If you are interested in this feature, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

Can broadcasts be promoted?

Yes, Tweets containing the broadcast can be promoted on Twitter via an ads campaign. Campaign objectives that support broadcasts currently are: Promoted video views, in-stream video views (pre-roll), and Tweet engagements.

Can broadcasts be deleted?

Yes, it is possible to delete a broadcast via the broadcast list. All existing Tweets that include the broadcast will now show error messages upon playback attempt. We recommend deleting all affected Tweets.

Can I view analytics associated with a broadcast?

Yes, open a previously-live broadcast to view analytics. Please note you will be able to see complete data for live viewership 2-3 hours after your broadcast ends.


Scheduling and private broadcasting

How far in advance can I schedule my broadcast?

We have set the maximum date that can be scheduled in advance at one-year in the future.

What is the maximum duration for my scheduled broadcast?

Broadcasts scheduled to Start later are restricted to a six (6) hour maximum duration. Broadcasts that Start immediately do not have a maximum duration.

Can I edit the date and duration of my scheduled broadcast, or end it early?

Yes, you can edit the start and end times of a broadcast before it goes live. Once a broadcast is live, you can edit only the “Ends” field, either to end the broadcast early, or extend to a maximum of six hours.

Can I Tweet a scheduled broadcast that is not yet live?

Yes, you can Tweet any scheduled broadcast, as long as its audience setting is “Public”. The Tweet for a scheduled broadcast will contain the image you uploaded during broadcast creation. Include information about the scheduled date and time within your Tweet text to ensure users tune-in at the right time.

What does public and private mean in the context of broadcasting?

Public broadcasts can be viewed by anyone on Twitter or Periscope (unless the broadcast is geo-restricted). Private broadcasts are only viewable by the user logged into Media Studio, as its primary use is to be used for broadcasts that should not be public, but will be used to create clips using LiveCut.

Can I Tweet a private broadcast?

No, it is not possible to Tweet a private broadcast, as it is only visible within Media Studio.

If I use LiveCut to create clips from a private broadcast, will the clips also be private?

No, clips created from LiveCut will be only be publicly viewable once Tweeted.

Can I monetize clips created from broadcasts using LiveCut?

Yes, you can monetize clips as long as your account has either the Amplify Pre-roll or Amplify Sponsorships monetization programs enabled. For more information about these programs, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

Are broadcast scheduling and private broadcasting available in any other products or via third-party tools besides Media Studio?

No, these features are only available for users within Media Studio.


Can I clip my broadcasts created via other products and tools?

Yes, most broadcasts listed within your account can be clipped using LiveCut. The broadcast list shows all of your broadcasts, regardless of the tools or platforms with which they were made. This includes Media Studio, Periscope, Twitter apps, and products that utilize the Periscope API.

Are there any restrictions on types of broadcasts that can be clipped via LiveCut?

No, though we’d recommend creating clips out of shorter broadcasts, if possible. You may experience a more poor user experience when creating clips from very long broadcasts.

Where can I find the clips I’ve created via LiveCut?

All clips created from a broadcast will be saved and accessible from the LiveCut view of its broadcast. Return to the LiveCut view at any time to Tweet new or previously-created clips. Once a clip has been Tweeted, it will then appear within the Media Studio Library.

Why are there black bars on the side of my broadcast in the LiveCut Editor?

We may dynamically place black bars within the Editor depending on the size of your browser window. These black bars do not get added to clips created from LiveCut.

Will clips appear on Twitter automatically after creation?

No, in order for a clip to appear on Twitter, a user must Tweet a clip via LiveCut.

What is the maximum clip length I can create and Tweet?

All Twitter users can create clips up to 140 seconds in length, though some users can be granted access by their Twitter partner manager to allow creation of clips up to 10 minutes in length.

What analytics are available for clips created with LiveCut?

Clips created within LiveCut will have the same metrics available as any other uploaded video clip.

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