How to use Producer in Media Studio

Ensure you are first viewing Live Producer by clicking on the Producer button within the top navigation bar.

How to create a source

If you have previously used Periscope Producer, you may already see sources listed in this view. Any source that was created via Periscope Producer or Producer in Media Studio will appear in both tools.

  1. Click on the Sources tab.
  2. Click Create source.
  3. Enter the required fields:
    1. Source name.
    2. Source type.
    3. Region  (select the region that is closest to your stream origin location).
  4. Click Create.

How to publish video to a source

  1. Click on the Sources tab.
  2. Click the source you will be using to view detailed RTMP information:
    1. RTMP URL.
    2. RTMP Stream Key.
    3. Tip: If preferred, you can use the RTMPS URL provided here, along with the RTMP stream key.
  3. Using the above information, update your hardware or software encoder to push video to your source.
  4. In order to test your video, create a broadcast using the information below.

How to create a broadcast

How to create a broadcast (to go live right now)

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click Create Broadcast.
  3. Enter the required fields:
    1. Name.
    2. Tags (select up to 2 per broadcast).
    3. Source.
  4. Choose a selection under Audience:
    1. Public – this broadcast can be Tweeted and viewed by people on Twitter.
    2. Private – this broadcast cannot be Tweeted and is only accessible within Media Studio for testing and clipping using LiveCut.
  5. Choose Start immediately in order to go live right now.
  6. Go to Advanced Settings if you need to enable any of these features:
    1. Show chat in full screen mode (disabling removes the ability for users to chat within the broadcast).
  7. Open Content Restrictions if you need to enable live video geo-restrictions:
    1. Include.
    2. Exclude.
  8. Begin pushing video from your encoder to your source, and see that the preview player will show this video.
  9. Click Create broadcast to create your broadcast with the live video being pushed to the associated source.

How to create a scheduled broadcast (to start at a later time)

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click Create Broadcast.
  3. Enter the required fields:
    1. Name.
    2. Tags (select up to 2 per broadcast).
    3. Source.
  4. Choose a selection under Audience:
    1. Public – this broadcast can be Tweeted and viewed by people on Twitter.
    2. Private – this broadcast cannot be Tweeted and is only accessible within Media Studio for testing and clipping using LiveCut.
  5. Choose Start later in order to go live at a later time.
    1. Pick a Start and End date and time.
  6. Choose a Poster image to upload from your local computer.
    1. Use a 16x9 image with a resolution like 1280x720, so that the full image appears for people on Twitter (the image may be cropped if not 16x9).
  7. Go to  Advanced Settings if you need to enable any of these features:
    1. Show chat in full screen mode (disabling removes the ability for users to chat within the broadcast).
  8. Open Content Restrictions if you need to enable live video geo-restrictions:
    1. Include.
    2. Exclude
  9. Begin pushing video from your encoder to your source, and see that the preview player will show this video.
  10. Click Create broadcast to create your broadcast, which will then go live at your specified date and time.

How to share a broadcast

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click on an existing broadcast.
  3. Click the Tweet button underneath the preview player to view the Tweet composer.
  4. Enter Tweet text and then click the Tweet button.

How to create clips from a broadcast using LiveCut

  1. Click on any broadcast in your broadcast list to open the Broadcast Details window.

  2. Click on the Edit in LiveCut button located underneath the preview player.

  3. Use the Set start point and Set end point buttons to begin creating your clip.

  4. Change the duration of the clip by using the left and right clipper bars.

  5. Use the function buttons to fine-tune the exact frame and length of your clip.

    1. +1 frame

    2. +1 second

    3. -1 frame

    4. -1 second

    5. Play from start point

    6. Play last two seconds

  6. You can also use these keyboard shortcuts:

    1. i (in)

    2. o (out)

    3. space bar (play/pause)

    4. arrow keys (+/- frame) 

    5. shift + arrow (+/- 1 sec)

  7. Click the Save clip button when done.

  8. See your created clips in the Clips list, where you can continue to fine tune your clip editing, add metadata, and Tweet.

How to share clips from a broadcast using LiveCut

  1. Click on any broadcast in your broadcast list to open the Broadcast Details window.

  2. Click on the Edit in LiveCut button located underneath the preview player.

  3. Click into one of your created clips within the Clips list.

  4. Click on the Tweet button underneath the preview player.

  5. Within the Tweet compose window, enter your Tweet text (up to 280 characters).

  6. Click the Tweet button to immediately post your new Tweet.

How to monetize a broadcast via Amplify Sponsorships

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click on an existing broadcast.
  3. Click the Tweet button underneath the preview player to view the Tweet composer.
  4. Click the Monetize this button checkbox.
  5. Select the desired Sponsorship package.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Enter the Tweet text and then click the Tweet button.

How to end a broadcast

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click on an existing broadcast.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the broadcast details window.
  4. Click the End button.
  5. Your broadcast will now be a replay on Twitter and Periscope.

How to view analytics of your broadcast

This data only contains viewership information from Twitter. View full aggregate information from Twitter and Periscope via your Periscope dashboard.

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab.
  2. Click on a previously-live broadcast.
  3. Click on the Analytics button to view metrics listed below:
    1. Minutes watched
    3. Number of viewers
    4. Concurrent viewers
    5. Device type
    6. Region

Live streaming specifications

Please follow the stream specifications recommendation below for the best experience.


Video codec and bitrate


2,500 kbps (recommended)

4,000 kbps (maximum)

Audio codec and bitrate


128 kbps

Resolution and framerate


30 FPS

Keyframe interval

Every 3 seconds (OBS)

Every 90 frames (Wirecast)


Supported Encoders

This list is not exhaustive and could change at any time.





Switchboard Live





Telestream LightSpeed

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