Mobile app conversion tracking (MACT)

In order to bid in your app installs campaign, you must have a third-party mobile conversion tracking partner configured to your Twitter Ads account. The measurement capabilities of mobile app promotion allow you to view your mobile App Card engagement and conversion metrics, and optimize towards cost-efficiency and return on investment. 

As part of our preparation for Apple’s iOS 14 IDFA changes (scheduled to begin in early 2021), we have integrated with SKAdNetwork (SKAN). Through SKAN, Apple will make only a limited number (100) of SK-campaign IDs (SKIDs) available for each advertised app. Twitter will reserve 30 of the 100 IDs to ensure we are able to continue developing and improving ad products. Please note these changes could affect your ability to manage your App Install campaigns and will take effect on the dates noted: 

  • On October 1, 2020, we will start applying SK-campaign IDs (SKID) to your live and scheduled ad groups. This means the new 70 SKID limit will begin on October 1st, and any campaigns with more than 70 ad groups will be paused. 

We will provide additional updates here, as well as through your Twitter account team.


Our MACT partner options

To track conversions down to the app installs or re-open level, advertisers must integrate with one of Twitter’s chosen mobile measurement partners. App measurement is typically done via a tracking SDK, which is a code package that's installed in your mobile app. The tracking SDK enables you to measure events related to app installs.

Our mobile measurement options are:


Setting up your MACT partner

To enable measurement of the number of people that perform a desired action after viewing or engaging with your Twitter Ads, you must set up a mobile app conversion tracking partner.

After you've selected your third-party MACT partner, you'll set up your app to track app installs and events to send to Twitter's system. For information on how to do this, consult your MACT partner's support documentation. Once this is complete, the SDK in your app will send the Twitter Ads system conversion events through to your Twitter Ads account.

The Twitter Ads system completes conversion attribution on your conversions based on the attribution window you set. Both post-engagement and post-view attribution are available on Twitter. You can select attribution windows for each (i.e. 1, 7, 14, 30, 90 days). To ensure matching conversions, make sure to configure your mobile measurment partner dashboard to the same attribution windows you set in your Twitter conversion events. 


Managing your conversion events

After you created your mobile app events in your MACT partner dashboard, input your Twitter Ads account ID to configure the events. This will send the data to Twitter, and you'll see your mobile app conversion events automatically appear in your Tools > Conversion manager tab. 

If they're successfully sending information from your tracking partner, your event will show as "tracking". If your event is showing as "dormant", contact your tracking partner to troubleshoot. 

You can customize the attribution window you want to view your mobile conversions on by clicking "Edit" under each event in the "Event Status" column. 

You can set the following attribution windows:

  • Post-engage: Choose the time window for crediting Twitter with conversions that happen after someone engages with your ads. You can change this setting at any time and your conversion data will retroactively update.
  • Post-view: Choose the time window for crediting Twitter with conversions that happen after someone views (but does not engage with) your ads. You can change this setting at any time and your conversion data will retroactively update.

To ensure the conversions in your Twitter Ads account match those in your MACT partner dashboard, set the attribution windows the same for each event.


Frequently asked questions

Can I use a MACT partner that's not on the list above?

At this time, Twitter Ads mobile conversion tracking is only available with the above mentioned partners.

I'm not seeing my conversion events show as "tracking"

Make sure you've properly setup your mobile conversion tracking events in your MACT partner dashboard. You'll have to send the events to your Twitter Ads account ID in order for them to appear. 

If they're still not appearing, please file a support ticket.

There's a discrepancy between my Ads Manager and my tracking partner

The most common reason for a discrepancy between your Twitter Ads UI and your mobile tracking partner is your attribution window. Ensure that you've set the same attribution window in both your tracking partner dashboard and your Twitter Ads account conversion manager.    

Why do my reported conversions change over time?

Twitter reporting is finalized within 24-48 hours of when impressions are served. Before that time, we estimate data to provide real-time feedback, but the data is subject to change. The Twitter conversion reporting UI has two process pipelines to display data. First, a streaming job directly collects page visits and purchase events from live log data and pulls metrics into reporting. Then, an ongoing batch process removes duplicate tag fires, adjusts conversion attributions, and handles identity merging for multi-device conversions.

Why can't I see campaign-level data through my MACT Partner?

Please contact your MACT Account Manager to request this setup.

What is the Advanced Mobile Measurement (AMM) Program?

Through the AMM Program, advertisers may receive expanded device-level data after granting Twitter the right to perform an audit to ensure that Twitter data is being used exclusively for measurement purposes. This is consistent with common practices throughout the industry. More information is available here.



Additional reading

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