Elections integrity

We’re focused on serving the public conversation.

We will continue to strengthen Twitter against attempted manipulation, including malicious automated accounts and spam, as well as other activities that violate our Terms of Service.

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The public conversation occurring on Twitter is never more important than during elections, the cornerstone of democracies across the globe. Our service shows the world what’s happening, democratizes access to information and — at its best — provides people with insights into a diversity of perspectives on critical issues, all in real time. 

It’s always an election year on Twitter. We're a global service and we think globally. We take our learnings from every recent election and use them to improve our election integrity work worldwide. We’ve been building on our efforts to protect the public conversation and enforce our policies against deliberate attempts to mislead people. Partnerships with industry peers, as well as local, state, and national officials, has been critical to our success.

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Our approach: 
  • What we’re doing
  • US elections
  • EU elections
  • Political advertising
  • Service integrity
  • Data archive
  • Partnerships

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