

In a competitive auto landscape, where the idea of mobility changes every day, automakers need to do more than just sell cars. To thrive, they need to connect with what’s happening in the world and build cultural relevance. Find out how some of the biggest automakers in the world are using Twitter to build cultural relevance and drive sales.

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Explore the insights & conversations on Twitter shaping culture
Five successful strategies for launching something new
Brands + Culture + Twitter = Impact
Twitter announces #BestofTweets 2019: The year’s most creative launches
Go ahead, Subaru, #MakeADogsDay
Toyota USA drives mass awareness of #LetsJoinHands at the Rio Olympics
How to connect with the Hispanic auto-buying market on Twitter
Three tips to steer new car buyers’ path to purchase
How @VolvoCarUSA pre-roll video ads reach diverse audiences in a discovery mindset
@JaguarUSA uses First View to dominate Twitter for 24 hours and drive awareness of its new models

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