Japanese Music Video

Starts like a ordinary 1980s New Romantic Music Video and then suddenly goes all weird.

Metal Rocks!

Stick with it, it gets......er...better as time goes on......and on.
Skip to 1.05 and see the best bit.

Zlad - Electronik Supersonic

MMMMmmmm, still can't quite decide. Is this for real or a piss take ?. I hope it's for real. In any case you get the impression they really are trying.

Peter Coukis Carleen

Very Very Very Very Moving i think you'll agree.
It had me in tears, i think it will do the same to you. Kleenex at the ready.

Greatest Campaign Speech ever

Actually from about 1.20 it gets quite scary. Image sitting in the audience for this.

Something More Current

Enough of all this old stuff, how about something a little bit more up to date.

Scary Man - Pretty Woman

Scary or funny ?. You decide

Anyone remember alistair sim in scrooge ?