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The New Lysenkoism in Washington

At a time when we desperately need scientific leadership, what we’ve got is a rogues’ gallery of frauds and flatterers who see the pandemic as a career move.

Gregg Gonsalves


Anti-Semitic Comments by Athletes Demand a Better Response

But not from the craven right wing that abides it in their own ranks—and not as an excuse for anti-Blackness.

Dave Zirin

Shaking Up Your Perceptions

How films chosen for the Human Rights Watch Film Festival test the limits of both authority and documentary filmmaking.

Stuart Klawans
Drug War and Drug Policy

Austin, Texas, Just Voted to End the Drug War

Voters just nominated a candidate for DA who says, “On day one, we will end the prosecution of low-level drug offenses.”

John Nichols
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Why Do All These Racists Keep Working for Tucker Carlson?

Fox News wants to portray a recently fired writer as a bad apple, but he was part of an influential white nationalist social network within the American right.

Jeet Heer

Democrats Will Be Lost Without the Senate

A Biden win in November 2020 will be insufficient unless Democrats take the Senate and displace majority leader Mitch McConnell.

John Nichols

Climate Change Is a Political—Not Partisan—Story

And newsrooms need to cover the 2020 elections as a climate story.

Andrew McCormick


Why the US-China Rivalry Is Thwarting Transnational Solidarity

The Black Lives Matter and Hong Kong democracy movement can learn a lot from each other.

Jessie Lau

A Summer of Reckoning—for American Racism and Israeli Aggression

As this country begins, at last, to examine its ugly past and brutal present, can we also apply this fierce introspection to US policy toward Israel?

Yousef Munayyer

Covid-19 Has Put Algeria’s Peaceful Revolution on Hold

The past year’s protests have been on a scale not seen in over three decades. But now, the streets are empty.

Abdo Shanan, The Nation and Magnum Foundation


Why Has Society Failed to Integrate Grief Into Public Life?

We talked to Rachel Kauder Nalebuff about the politics of care, mourning, and her new book, Stages: On Dying, Working, and Feeling.

Sam Huber

Not Catharsis but Vengeance: The Startling Fiction of Fernanda Melchor

Her novel Hurricane Season burrows into the circumstances of a small-town murder and what it says about a society that disregards femicide.

Lucas Iberico Lozada

John Early Is the Left’s Funniest Comedian

We talked to Early about his socialist heroes, the latest season of HBO’s Search Party, and how comedy is facing the politics of the moment.

Rima Parikh

Watch and Listen

Listen: NBA at the Breaking Point

NBA scribe Michael Lee joins the show to talk about the NBA restart and Stephen Jackson’s comments.

July 14, 2020

Listen: Mike Davis: The Problem with Dr. Fauci

Plus Amy Wilentz on Ivanka, and Debbie Nathan on Sandra Bland.

July 9, 2020

View: Making George Floyd’s Life Matter

As the people of Minneapolis grieve the loss of one of their own, they’re also fighting for a future free of police brutality.

June 8, 2020

From the Magazine
