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Kathy Burke

Kathy Burke playing Maggie Mundy in  Dancing At Lughnasa

Kathy Burke playing Linda La Hughes in Gimme Gimme Gimme

Kathy Burke playing Valerie in Nil by Mouth

Kathy sports leopard-skin tart look



Welcome to Kathy Burke .co.uk

Everything you could reasonably want to know about the actress and director

National institution is Kathy Burke's latest accolade. Which adds to best British character actress of her generation, comic marvel, down-to-earth hero to millions and chain-smoker. And, yes, you can find her in Who's Who.

From winning best actress in Cannes to titillating teenagers and adults alike, Kathy has remained resolutely grounded and honest despite having fame, riches and praise heaped upon her.

As an actress, she has amazed with her portrayal of a battered wife in Nil by Mouth, entertained as a crass tart in her own sitcom Gimme Gimme Gimme and as a horny (male) teenager in Harry Enfield's comedy show, she has impressed in a variety of stage roles and stolen the show with cameos on well-known TV programmes.

As a director, she has produced several plays by renowned playwrights to critical acclaim. And as a human being she has inspired, encouraged and cheered millions of ordinary citizens. Who else would have Stephen Fry putting them in "Room Lovely"- the anti-thesis of Orwell's Room 101 - where everything about the world is good and life-enhancing?

The first to admit that she wasn't born with the best looks in the world, Kathy Burke has nevertheless conquered just about every acting outlet through a combination of charm, hard work, honesty and a tremendous amount of talent.

Born, raised and still living in Islington, she is a proud Londoner with a striking Cockney accent and a tremendous capacity for expletives and cigarettes. She has defied all pigeon-holing, playing serious and comic roles with equal finesse and making every character so utterly believable that she puts most people in her business to shame.

Beyond that, Kathy has never felt the need to play the fame game, flattering obstreperous or petulant actors and directors, appearing at endless red-carpet premieres or posing as the archetypal luvvy actress.

Her personal life remains just that, but she is unafraid of being painfully honest about her difficult childhood and struggle to compete in a world where good looks win you more parts than real talent. Famously suggesting in an open letter to fellow actress Helena Bonham-Carter that she "shut up you stupid cunt" when Bonham-Carter had complained how difficult it was being an actress, pretty and middle-class, Kathy Burke is a people's hero simply because she has fulfilled her potential yet not put herself above everyday folk.

Explaining that money has never been a driving force in her life, Kathy's success has enabled her to follow her passion for directing - something that she says she wants to concentrate on from now on. If she never acts again, it would be a sad loss but even so she has left behind a diverse and fascinating spread of work to be enjoyed by generations.

This then is a website covering Kathy Burke's remarkable career, providing a lengthy catalogue of her activities to date and hopefully spreading the word that it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, that talent, honesty, hard work and a basic level-headedness is more than enough to progress in this world. And it will even get you loved for it.

See above for more information on Kathy Burke, ranging from recent news, to a biography, to a run-down of her career in films, television and theatre to date, interviews and articles about her and finally a small piece about Kathy and about this website.

Kathy Burke