Jun 23, 2020

RhoDeo 2025 Re Up 244


Here at Rho-xs visitor numbers have been stable but i did notice a big rise in re-up requests which points to my visitors spending more time at Rho-Xs (glad to be at service). Alas over the years i've lost access to a number of disks, specially the loss of my Aetix and Roots collection hinders my capability to re-up. Obviously the torrent world offers a solution, but this scene is dynamic and suffers the same fate as my posts , the hosts delete the file when demand has dropped, in the torrent world this even worse. Unfortunately this means whilst bigger names get revived the more obscure tend to completely disappear, a fate that is suffered by roots artists as an example Salif Keita a relative big name is nowhere to be found in flac these days (just one album) when a few years ago there were many titles to be had. Same goes for many a reggae artist and even in Aetix the choice of what is on offer is diminishing day by day. I'm doing my best to fulfill requests but it's difficult and in the future i will request you my visitor to give back the odd title that you downloaded via Rho-xs and repost it here.

7 correct requests for this week , 0 double and 1 too early,  no confused=people requesting at the wrong place, whatever another batch of 25 re-ups (9.4 gig)

These days i'm making an effort to re-up, it will satisfy a smaller number of people which means its likely the update will  expire relatively quickly again as its interest that keeps it live. Nevertheless here's your chance ... asks for re-up in the comments section at the page where the expired link resides, or it will be discarded by me. ....requests are satisfied on a first come first go basis. ...updates will be posted here remember to request from the page where the link died! To keep re-ups interesting to my regular visitors i will only re-up files that are at least 12 months old (the older the better as far as i am concerned), and please check the previous update request if it's less then a year old i won't re-up either.

Looka here , requests fulfilled up to June 22th... N'Joy

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4x Beats Back in Flac (Orbital - Diversions, Sven Väth - Touch Themes Of... , VA - Wasted (The Best Of Volume 1-1), VA - Wasted (The Best Of Volume 1-2 )

3x Beats Back in Flac (Fuse - Dimension Intrusion , Plastikman - Musik, Richie Hawtin - DE9 | Transitions)

3x Roots  Back in Flac (Funky Kingston - Reggae Grooves 68-74, Funky Kingston 2 - Reggae Grooves 68-74, VA - Jamaica Funk (Funk And Soul 45's) )

5x Sundaze  Back in Flac (Stereolab - Dots and Loops, Stereolab - Aluminum Tunes, Stereolab - Aluminum Tunes 2, Stereolab - Cobra n Phases Group Play, Stereolab - The First of the Microbe ..)

3x Beats  Back in Flac  (Orbital - Radiccio + Mutations , Orbital – Snivilisation, Orbital - Blue Album)

4x Sundaze Back in Flac (Zoviet France - Shouting At The Ground, Zoviet France - Digilogue, Zoviet France - Just An Illusion , Zoviet France - Shadow, Thief Of The Sun )

3x Sundaze  Back In Flac  (Sylvian n Sakamoto -  World Citizen, Alva Noto + Sakamoto - Summvs, Fennesz & Sakamoto - Flumina I+II )

As announced please return if you have it

Dislocation Dance - Midnight Shift + Singles
Dislocation Dance - Music Music Music
Dalek I Love You - Dalek I Love You

you can do this by uploading at https://bayfiles.com/   no need to fill in anything there, just copy the result as a comment at Rho-Xs

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Jun 22, 2020

RhoDeo 2025 America Before 4

Hello, the internet has caused cracks to appear in the image those cowed archaeologists had upheld the century before and Graham Hancock but the boot in in his eloquent way in America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization the audiobook i will post the coming weeks read by the man himself. But wait there's more Robert A. Monroe takes you on a guided trip the coming months to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. I'd  say a great way to spend the freetime corona delivers. And in the meantime i will keep trying to convice you that current astrophysics is producing nothing but pretty computer graphics and fantastical nonsense on par with Disney sci-fi and needless to say starving the Electric Universe people of funds to be able to blow all that nonsense, that has been produced this last century by established astrophysics, out of the water. These people don't care about truth only their next paycheck , lets face it most established sciences are dead or codified like the medieval Catholic Church. The only 'moving' sciences are computer and bio-genetic but then these are young sciences. This stranglehold of the past ignorance must be broken.The Electric Universe Theory is an excellent candidate to break the deadlock.

Hancock's thesis is based on the previously widely criticized Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, which proposes that the Younger Dryas climate event was caused by one or more large comets striking the Earth around 10,800 BC. Hancock argues that this caused widespread destruction, with a short-term return to Ice Age conditions followed by massive flooding that altered the continental landscape. Specifically, he claims that coastal civilizations in and around the Atlantic Ocean, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean were destroyed by rising sea levels. He argues that this was the origin of various flood myths around the world, and that "what we think of as human history is merely the record of human events that have transpired since the last, great planetary catastrophe.

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What is Gateway Experience®

Mind Awakening program to help you achieve expanded awareness, and much more.

The Gateway Experience® In-Home Training Series is dedicated to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Beginning with Discovery, there are seven "albums” called "Waves of Change.” Each Wave (3 CDs, 6 tracks) contains special Hemi-Sync® exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded awareness. While in such states, one has available a broader range of perceptions with which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance.

Each album is progressive in nature, building on the tools and techniques from the previous albums. Therefore, the albums must be used sequentially. The Gateway Experience Guidance Manuals, included with each Wave, prepare you for these exercises which help you to know and better understand your total self so you might enjoy a more fulfilling life.

What can you expect from the Gateway Experience?
"As much or as little as you put into it. Some discover themselves and thus live more completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily activity."
-- Robert A. Monroe


Explore new experiences, new ideas, new places and new friends. This album provides you with the ultimate expression beyond Freedom – that of a personally controlled and directed adventure. Voiced by Bob Monroe. Includes Guidance Manual and the following six exercises:

One Year Patterning – for designing your desired future
Five Messages – gain insight into your total self
Free Flow 12 – an unparalleled background for personal exploration
NVC I – non-verbal communication, the language of intuitive thought
NVC II – broaden perception in all states of your being
Compoint 12 – establish a reference point for communication with higher consciousness

HemiSync - Gateway Experience - Wave IV Adventure 3,4       ( 72min flac   311mb).:

CD2 - 3 - Free Flow 12 35:09
CD2 - 4 - NVC I 36:48

HemiSync - Gateway Experience - Wave IV Adventure (PDF)

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Astronomers believe that solar flares are caused by “magnetic reconnection events”.

“We all shine on…like the moon and the stars and the Sun…”
― John Lennon

A recent press release illustrates another of the more common ideas about the Sun. Using the thermonuclear fusion model of solar activity, astronomers think that solar flares are explosions that release an enormous amount of energy, equivalent to a trillion “Little Boy” atomic bombs exploding at the same time. In extreme cases, solar flares can disable radio connections and power stations on Earth, but they are also at the basis of stunning space weather phenomena. The Northern Lights, for instance, are linked to flares that disturb the Sun’s magnetic field. As the press release states, “…we already understand quite a lot about the physical processes that take place during a solar flare. For one thing, we know that solar flares convert energy from magnetic fields into heat, light and motion energy very efficiently.”

The prevailing view is that the Sun accelerates charged particles away from its surface in the same way that sound waves are amplified. Pulsations in the photosphere are thought to travel along “magneto-acoustic wave-guides,” otherwise known as “magnetic flux tubes”. It is that kinetic effect that pushes “hot gas” outward. In an Electric Universe, the Sun possesses a positive space charge sheath with respect to the interstellar medium (ISM). In other words, it is an anode terminal connected to galactic power circuits. Those circuits are of unknown length, and unknown potential, but they probably include influences that encompass thousands of cubic light-years. The electromagnetic energy moving through those galactic “transmission lines” is also unknown, but astronomers constantly report their amazement at the amount of energy released by solar flares.

It is not the intent of this article to challenge the magnetic reconnection model; that was done in several previous Pictures of the Day. Sufficient to say is that the Sun’s heliospheric boundary is a double layer “cocoon”, isolating it from galactic plasmas flowing through the Interstellar Medium. Voltage differences occur within the heliosphere, so the Sun experiences charge/discharge phenomena related to variable electrical input from the Milky Way. Therefore, sunspots and flares most likely derive from changes in its electrical supply, indicating variable input from its galactic circuit. Solar flares could be like tremendous lightning bursts on the Sun, discharging matter at near relativistic speeds. The circuit that connects the Sun with the Milky Way might extend for hundreds, or even thousands of light-years. How much electrical energy is contained in those “transmission lines” feeding the solar anode can be understood by analyzing the electric potentials within the Sun’s sphere of influence.

Stephen Smith


In his previous presentation, electric geology investigator Robert Hawthorne explored the stupendous geological feature in the American Southwest known as Upheaval Dome. As Robert explained, while standard geology favors the interpretation that Upheaval Dome was created by a kinetic impact, the hypothesis that the feature was created by interplanetary lightning finds great support in the geologic evidence.

Now, in Part Two of this presentation, Robert includes recent experimental research which shows that chemical changes in rock normally attributed to impact such as “shocked quartz” are also produced by powerful lightning. He introduces an unusual rock associated with the Upheaval Dome site, called the Obsession Stone, whose discoverers were able to submit the rock for professional chemical analysis.

In conclusion, Robert explains how his analysis only strengthens the electrical discharge hypothesis.

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Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age? Graham Hancock, has made it his life’s work to find out — and in America Before he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion.

Hancock’s research takes us on a series of journeys and encounters with the scientific rebels responsible for the recent extraordinary breakthroughs. In the process, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, he reveals that ancient ‘New World’ cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected ‘Old World’ cultures.

Have archaeologists focussed for too long only on the ‘Old World’ in their search for the origins of civilization while failing to consider the revolutionary possibility that those origins might in fact be found in the ‘New World’?

America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilisation is the culmination of everything that millions of readers have loved in Hancock’s body of work over the past decades, namely a mind-dilating exploration of the mysteries of the past, amazing archaeological discoveries and profound implications for how we lead our lives today.

A few of the revelations from the book:

    We were taught in school that the Americas were the last of the great landmasses of the Earth to be inhabited by humans – who were thought to have arrived exclusively on foot from northeast Asia around 13,000 years ago by crossing the Bering Straits which formed a land-bridge to Alaska during the lowered sea-levels of the Ice Age. By contrast, anatomically modern humans, originating in Africa, are believed to have reached Europe, Asia, and even Australia, as far back as 60,000 years ago.

    Since the recent publication in Nature of landmark research in southern California scientists have begun to realise that something of immense importance is missing from this long-established picture. Though the general public have not been kept well informed, it now appears that the Americas were first peopled at least 130,000 years ago – many tens of thousands of years before human settlements became established elsewhere. Yet because of the dominance of the former – and now entirely discredited – theory of the late peopling of the Americas, and of mental blocks associated with that theory, archaeologists continue to focus only on the ‘Old World’ in their search for the origins of civilization and have not considered the revolutionary possibility that those origins might in fact be found in the ‘New World’.

    Certain tribes of the Amazon rainforest are closely related to Australian Aborigines and to Melanesians from Papua New Guinea. This extraordinary, unexpected and extremely ancient DNA signal is only present in South America and is completely absent in North America and Mesoamerica. It bears witness to something that archaeologists hitherto believed to be impossible – that the technology and skills needed to cross the Pacific Ocean, and successfully resettle a reproductively-viable population, existed more than 13,000 years ago.

    Such secrets of human prehistory, now revealed by cutting-edge science, call for a complete rethink of our understanding of our own remote past and hint at the existence of a lost civilization of the Ice Age.

    Astonishing similarities exist between the spiritual beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, as manifested in their Books of the Dead, and the spiritual beliefs of the mound-builder cultures of the Mississippi Valley – as manifested, for example, at Moundville in Alabama, Cahokia in Illinois and Watson Brake in Louisiana. Hitherto written off as ‘coincidental’ by archaeologists, the new investigation presented in America Before confirms that the parallels are very real. The deep and explicit details, imagery and beliefs, shared by these two supposedly unconnected religious systems can no longer be dismissed as coincidence. Nor are they the result of direct ‘diffusion’ of culture from ancient Egypt to ancient North America, or vice versa. Challenging our entire understanding of prehistory, what the evidence points to instead is a shared legacy of sophisticated ideas concerning the mystery of life and death inherited more than 13,000 years ago, in both the ‘Old’ World and the ‘New’, from an advanced predecessor civilization as yet unidentified by archaeologists.

    South America’s Amazon rainforest has long been regarded as pristine jungle, unpeopled until less than a thousand years ago and thereafter inhabited only by ‘primitive’ tribes of hunter gatherers.

    America Before, comprehensively refutes this picture with a thorough investigation of the latest scientific evidence.

    Far from an untouched wilderness, the book reveals the Amazon to be a vast ‘garden’, very precisely shaped and moulded by humans for more than 13,000 years. It’s early inhabitants possessed advanced scientific knowledge concerning the molecular properties of plants – evident in concoctions such as the visionary brew ayahuasca and the nerve poison curare. Those first peoples of the Amazon were also the creators of a ‘miracle earth’ – terra preta –still capable of rejuvenating much younger infertile soils when it is added to them today.

    Thanks to scanning technologies such as LIDAR, and because of the tragic ongoing clearances of old-growth rainforest to make way for cattle ranches, we now know that great cities once existed in the Amazon, their populations supported by the immense agricultural productivity of terra preta.

    We know, too, that in ancient times there were people here who possessed and deployed sophisticated geometrical and astronomical skills to create immense earthworks, many with footprints larger than that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

    America Before reveals the true extent and significance of these vast, newly-discovered Amazonian ‘geoglyphs’, their stunning resemblance to the equally grand and mysterious earthworks of Ohio, such as Serpent Mound, and the Newark and High Bank works, and connections to other geometrical and astronomical monuments as far afield as Stonehenge in England and Angkor in Cambodia.

    Again, what the evidence points to is a shared legacy of knowledge inherited from a much earlier civilization that has been lost to history.

    For some decades it has been generally accepted that a global cataclysm occurred around 12,800 years ago at the onset of a mysterious period of earth changes and climate instability known to geologists as the Younger Dryas. Since 2007 a group of more than 60 scientists, publishing in leading peer-reviewed journals, have presented evidence linking the cataclysm to a disintegrating comet that crossed the orbit of the earth 12,800 years ago and bombarded our planet with a ‘swarm’ of fragments, some more than a kilometre in diameter.

    Though compelling, with new corroborative studies published every year, the comet hypothesis remains controversial and a number scientists favour other explanations. What all are agreed on, however, is that a global cataclysm did indeed occur.

    America Before reveals that the epicentre of the cataclysm lay in North America, then still in the grip of the Ice Age with much of the northern half of the continent covered in ice a mile deep. An immense flood was unleashed as large sectors of the ice cap suddenly melted. From the Channelled Scablands of the state of Washington, via the gigantic pot-holes lining the Saint Croix River in Minnesota, to the Finger Lakes of upstate New York, a huge swathe of North America was swept clean by this deluge. At the same time global sea-level rose, the Gulf Stream was stopped in its tracks and the world was plunged into a deep-freeze that lasted 1,200 years.

    It was the end of the former age of the earth, the Pleistocene, and the beginning of our own epoch, the Holocene. In the transition, America Before reveals that an advanced civilization, hitherto the stuff of myth and legend, was lost to history.


Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization 16-20 ( 145min  67mb)

narrated by the man himself, Graham Hancock

16. Chapter 15 - Sacred Geometry 39;54
17. Chapter 16 - The Amazon’s Own Stonehenge 24;59
18. Chapter 17 - The Vine of the Dead 34;53
19. Chapter 18 - Sun 19;57
20. Chapter 19 - Moon 26;18

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Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization 1-5 ( 113min  52mb)
Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization 6-10 ( 137min  61mb)
Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization 11-15 ( 124min  57mb)

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Jun 21, 2020

Sundaze 2025

Hello, we have the longest day of the year today, the ancients tended to celebrate it, Glastonbury would have celebrated it, but then covid came along and totally ruined the party al that is left is a small ceremony at Stonehenge. Far away in the dark heart of the US Trump does have a party and he invited all his followers to join him, obviously this attracts lots of media interested to see who these worshipers are , turns out they are regular uninformed folk ready to believe anything their vain tv star says, yes as such rather dangerous where it not that Trump is a coward (as all bully's are) and easily spooked, alas people do stupid things when panicking thus this president can cause lots of damage as this rally today proves he desperately needed a bath in the adulation his followers give him, despite the fact thousands will be infected with covid is irrelevant, the man is a minor demon supported by another female demon pretending to be a priest, Paula White that's doublespeak for Jezebel Black and she is currently the power behind the throne crazy as bat shit and thus dangerous...there will be lot's of chaos in the coming months but i think a civil war will be avoided..

As for today to make the transition from Alio Die easier i start with a co-production he did with today's artist Robert Rich a man that appeared here earlier (7 years ago) but there is plenty left to ponder on. In the years that followed our man  developed a complex range of sounds founded upon the seamless integration of electronic, electric, and acoustic instrumentation, and the exploration of complex tunings. He's made dozens of albums these past 30 years even if this is my 3rd posting on him there's plenty left to come back to him in the future but for now ..... N'Joy

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A California native, Rich began experimenting with electronics in the late '70s before attending Stanford University, where he completed a degree in psychology. While at Stanford, Rich's involvement in the university's prestigious Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics expanded his interest in electronic composition, as well as bringing him in contact with a wide range of nontraditional, non-Western musical ideas. In 1987, he released an album titled Numena. This was the beginning of a new sound for Rich. It was his first album to explore complex rhythmic patterns, a wider range of acoustic instrumentation, and just intonation. It was also his first album to be released on CD originally. Rich's performance of several all-night "sleep concerts" during this period also helped solidify an aesthetic focus on psychoacoustics, perceptible in early recordings such as Geometry and Trances/Drones.

Rich's more mature works such as Rainforest and Propagation have sought to combine that interest with more recognizable electro-acoustical elements (Rich plays a wide range of instruments, from synths and effects racks to hand drums and flute), but the influence of digital sound manipulation has also moved increasingly to the fore. Inspired by the more textural works of artists like SPK and Throbbing Gristle, Rich's interest in the edgier side of electronic composition has also earned him a reputation among fans of gothic, industrial, and dark ambient, made most obvious by his collaboration in 1995 with Brian Williams of Lustmord. .

In 1992, he formed a new group called Amoeba. The group has released three albums featuring ex-Urdu members Rick Davies and Andrew McGowan at different times. In 2001, he released an album titled Somnium, a 7-hour album divided into three tracks on one DVD video. This album was a recreation of the sleep concert environment he created during the 1980s at Stanford. Although not officially recognized, many people believe it to be the longest artist album of all time.

In 2004, he released an album of piano solos titled Open Window. This album documents his improvised piano style that has been part of his live concerts for decades. It was recorded on a 1925 vintage A.B. Chase baby grand piano. On March 11, 2005, Robert suffered a hand injury. He was cleaning a glass jug and accidentally slipped and fell on top of it. During the recovery process, he continued to record new material and tour. He also constructed end-blown flutes from PVC pipe that are more easily played with limited right-hand dexterity.

During his 2006 tour, Rich performed in front of a film created by visual artist Daniel Colvin as a backdrop. After the tour he created a score for the film, which was released on CD and DVD in 2007 under the title Atlas Dei. In 2007 he also released the album Illumination, a companion soundtrack of a multimedia installation by Michael Somoroff, and a collaboration album with touch guitarist Markus Reuter.

One of Rich's other interests is food. He maintains a Web site of recipes and other food related topics called Flavor Notes. He also has a long list of recipes for wild mushrooms.

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Fissures brings together two influential innovators of dark ambient-leaning electro-acoustic composition. Specifically, the album combines Rich's knack for integrating a range of acoustic instruments (dulcimer, PVC flutes, steel guitar) into alien, otherworldly atmospheres with Alio Die's talent for depths-plumbing, remarkably spatial arrangements which are as uncannily musical as they are subtle and mesmerizing. While the album echoes moments of both artists' previous work (Rich's collaboration with Brian Williams, Stalker, as well as Alio Die's 1995 Amplexus release, Suspended Feathers), Fissures manages a singular, wholly organic fusion of the two.

Clearly, in this collaboration, Rich and Musso create a compelling piece of ambient/tribal EM that dares the listener to let go... Step off the canyon's edge into... Well, into wherever it takes you! Quoting Rich, "A 'fissure,' in the shamanic sense is the point where you dive between worlds. The connection for me in this metaphor is that the journey is undertaken for healing purposes. Stefano and I took a similar journey in our collaboration, and what we brought back is surprisingly gentle, although not without its shadows." A twilight experience, perhaps? A choice dream in the impending sunrise..

Robert Rich | Alio Die ‎– Fissures ( flac 283mb)

01 Turning To Stone 5:27
02 A Canopy Of Shivers 5:51
03 Sirena 9:10
04 Mycelia 8:13
05 The Divine Radiance Of Invertebrates 8:37
06 The Road To Wirikuta 18:49
07 Tree Of The Wind 5:40

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During the period 1979-1984, Robert Rich was busy with psychology studies, Sleep Concerts and developing his musical style via a series of different experiments, ranging from solo work to performances that buried the audience in layers of sound from all directions. The music on Trances/Drones is drawn from that period, including all of the Trances and Drones material, plus the title track from Sunyata, Rich's first release, and the previously unreleased "Resonance." The music here is wonderfully relaxing (more so with the Trances material than with Drones) and perpetually fascinating. There's a lot more going on in most of the material here than would be expected at first blush -- layer after layer of swirling textures and tones -- and you'll find that interrupting one of these pieces is generally a shock: Rich has a talent for finding the internal rhythms of the body, which means you should allow the music to let you go gently (which, in the end, it does).

Robert Rich - Trances Drones 1 ( flac 343mb)

01 Cave Paintings 23:54
02 Hayagriva 25:13
03 Sunyata (Emptiness) 22:50


Robert Rich - Trances Drones 2 ( flac 261mb)

01 Seascape 29:59
02 Wheel of Earth 27:58
03 Resonance 12:17

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Numen: a spiritual force or influence often identified with a natural object, phenomenon, or place

A warm, artful, meditative fusion of acoustical elements, environmental recordings, and analog electronics. The album's 25-minute opener, "The Other Side of Twilight," is an epic suite of sweeping textures and shifting melodies among Rich's most excursional. Originally released in 1987, this 1993 reissue was remixed/remastered  by Rich himself.

 Robert Rich - Numena ( flac 261mb)

01 The Other Side of Twilight 25:04
02 Moss Dance 5:40
03 Numen 11:51
04 The Walled Garden 10:31

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Below zero is an album which consists of six selections that were previously issued on various compilation albums with the exception of track 2. Below zero is a departure from Robert's more recent projects. Below zero explores the dark and mysterious side of Robert's music it is easier (and more fun) to get lost in the music. One of Rich's better releases, the dark atmospheres are full of organic textures and experimental timbres. Deep listening is more of an event than just an experience. These are true ambient soundscapes that are intelligently and thoughtfully put together, not simply allowed to drone on until the full 74 minutes of the album elapse. This is highly recommended. These pieces are dark, somewhat uncomfortable, with an oppressive air about them. They are easy to get lost in. This sounds great being blasted from my car stereo. It is also lulling enough to put me into a deep sleep. Interesting to listen to actively. If you are getting into Rich, make this one of your first stops.

Robert Rich - Below Zero ( flac 318mb)

1 Star Maker 21:24
i. Interstellar Travel
ii. Worlds Innumerable
iii. The Beginning and the End
iv. The Myth of Creation
02 Dissolving the Seeds of a Moment 10:42
03 A Flock of Metal Creatures Fleeing the Onslaught of Rust 7:02
04 Termite Epiphany 8:16
05 Liquid Air 9:00
06 Requiem 7:35

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