New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 1, Whole Number 69

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New Politics Vol. XVII No. 4, Whole Number 68

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New Politics Vol. XVII No. 3, Whole Number 67

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New Politics Vol. XVII No. 2, Whole Number 66


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New Politics Vol. XVII No. 1, Whole Number 65


From the Editors
Walkouts Teach U.S. Labor a New Grammar for Struggle, Lois Weiner
What’s Left of the Brazilian Left: Reasons for Cautious Optimism from the Landless Workers Movement, Rebecca Tarlau
Special Section: Remembering 1968

1968: The Year . . .

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New Politics Vol. XVI No. 4, Whole Number 64

From the Editors
Symposium: Socialists, Democrats, the Working Class, and our Future

The Two Souls of Democratic Socialism, Kim Moody
Fighting for the Soul of Socialism: A Response to Kim Moody, Amelia Dornbush, Luke Elliott-Negri & Sam Lewis
Independent . . .

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New Politics Vol. XVI No. 3, Whole Number 63

From the Editors
Trump: Political Crisis, Right-Wing Policies, and the Resistance, Dan La Botz
The Russian Revolution and Beyond, continued

One Hundred Years of the Russian Revolution: A Retrospective View, Samuel Farber
The Russian Revolution, . . .

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New Politics Vol. XVI No. 2, Whole Number 62


From the Editors
Trump Takes Office, Resistance Takes to the Streets, Saulo Colón, Barry Finger, Thomas Harrison, Michael Hirsch, Nancy Holmstrom, Dan La Botz, Joanne Landy, and Jason Schulman
The Rust Belt in Revolt, Barry . . .

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New Politics Vol. XVI No. 1, Whole Number 61

From the Editors
The Foreign Policies of Sanders, Trump, and Clinton: America and the World in 2016 and Beyond, Joanne Landy
The Contemporary Crisis of the American Ideology, Dan La Botz
Welfare Reform and the . . .

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New Politics Vol. XV No. 4, Whole Number 60

From the Editors
Washington and Moscow: Halt the Bombing and Stop Supporting Dictators In the Middle East!, Campaign For Peace and Democracy
A Discussion of the Sanders Campaign

Bernie Sanders and the Dilemma of the Democratic . . .

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New Politics Vol. XV No. 3, Whole Number 59

From The Editors
The Fire This Time: Racism, Capitalism, and the Continuing Struggle for Justice

Historicizing Ferguson: Police Violence, Domestic Warfare, and the Genesis of a National Movement against State-Sanctioned Violence, Donna Murch
Black Protests . . .

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New Politics Vol. XV No. 2, Whole Number 58

From the Editors
Ferguson and Staten Island: Exemplars of America’s Racialized Capitalism, Dan La Botz, Stephen R. Shalom, and Julia Wrigley
The Left We Need

Towards A Transformational Strategy, N’Tanya Lee, Maria Poblet, Josh Warren-White, . . .

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New Politics Vol. XV No. 1, Whole Number 57


From the Editors

Bennett Muraskin on Sam Farber’s “Deutscher and the Jews”
Wayne Price on Christian Parenti’s “Shadow State”

The American Scene

The Working Class and Left Politics: Back on the American Radar, Dan . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIV No. 4, Whole Number 56


From the Editors
The Left and the Environmental Crisis

The Left and the Environment, Nancy Holmstrom
Economic and Ecological Transformation—There Is No Alternative, Jill Stein
Shadow Socialism, Christian Parenti
The Myths of “Green Capitalism,” Brian . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIV No. 3, Whole Number 55


From The Editors
Special Section on Asia and Africa

Our Workers in Bangladesh: Toiling for $50 Per Month, Vasja BadaliÄ?
Long Live the Tyrant! The Myth of Benign Sanctions, Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Turkey, the ErdoÄźan . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIV No. 2, Whole Number 54


From the Editors
Special Section: Europe

Statement on Greece, Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Europe at a Dark Crossroads: Letter from France, Richard Greeman
The State of Anti-Austerity Struggles in Greece, Costas Panayotakis
The Netherlands: . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIV No. 1, Whole Number 53

From The Editors
Symposium: Disability Rights

Overview, Ravi Malhotra
Disability Policy in New Zealand, Chris J. Ford
What Was the Question? Race and Disability in Gramsci’s “The Southern Question,” Anne Finger
Legacy of Exploitation, Jihan Abbas
Expendable . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIII No. 4, Whole Number 52

Campaign for Peace and Democracy Update on Bahrain
Derrick Bell: Fighting Losing Battles, Stephen Steinberg
Occupy Wall Street Declaration
From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy the World, Daniel La Botz
On War Tax Resistance, Lawrence Rosenwald
Obama and Debt Ceiling . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIII No. 3, Whole Number 51

From the Editors
The Essential Bob Fitch, Jane Latour
Worldwide Demonstrations and strikes

General Strikes and Massive Demonstrations Challenge Neoliberal Reforms in France, Richard Greeman
Revolutionary Challenges in Tunisia and Egypt: Generations in Conflict, Stuart Schaar
Wisconsin’s Cheesehead Revolt, Paul Buhle
Global . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIII No. 2, Whole Number 50

Why We Publish
Letters, Seth Farber, George Fish, Steven Saxonberg, Betty Reid Mandell
Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Statement on Iran

From “Hope� to Hopeless: The Democrats’ Debacle, Lance Selfa

Rip It Up and Start Again, Chris Maisano

A Socialist . . .

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New Politics Vol. XIII, No. 1, Whole Number 49

From the Editors

An exchange on M. Mandell’s review of Wayne Price’s The Abolition of the State: Bennett Muraskin, Jason Schulman, and Marvin Mandell

An exchange on Alan Aja’s review of Jacques E. Levy’s Cesar Chavez and Randy . . .

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