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We talk about her recent efforts to raise awareness about prosecutorial misconduct and mass incarceration.

Later on the show, we have some Choice Words about Amazon’s sleazy search for a new corporate home and how stadium scams paved the way for this kind of graft. We also have Just Stand Up and Just Sit Down awards for Warriors coach Steve Kerr and the NCAA respectively. We also got some Kaepernick watch and a very special announcement you won’t want to miss.

Maya Moore

Twitter: @MooreMaya

Website: MayaMoore.Com

WNBA star Maya Moore pushing for change to criminal justice system

Zirin, Sports Tax Scams Laid the Groundwork for Amazon Bidding Madness


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Music: Eye Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | Broke - Lecrae | Besos - Atmosphere | Ocean - Hillsong | Selfish - Slum Village | Da Joint - EPMD | Just Begun - Reflection Eternal | Survival of the Fittest - Mobb Deep | Universal Mind Control - Common Feat. Pharrell | What They Do - The Roots | The Wire Theme

#WNBA#mayamoore#Womens Basketball#basketball#minnesota lynx#mass incarceration#socialjustice#sports#stevekerr#ColinKaepernick#NCAA Nov 30, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczBasketball in the Golden State with Legendary NBA Scribe Jack McCallumThis week, we talk to Hall of Fame NBA journalist Jack McCallum about his new book Golden Days: West’s Lakers, Steph’s Warriors, and the California Dreamers Who Reinvented Basketball. McCallum details the influence Jerry West had on two golden eras of basketball in California and he tells you what teams have the best shot to dethrone the Warriors in the years to come.We have some Choice Words about NFL Thanksgiving and their revealing choice to let the team in the nation’s capital host the primetime game. This week demanded two Just Stand Up awards: Shout out to South Carolina women’s basketball head coach, Dawn Staley and Marshawn Lynch make a statement in the same country that is synonymous with athlete-activists.We’ll take you on a trip to the White House for the Just Sit Your Ass Down award and read you a terrific letter from a listener about how we report on the #MeToo movement.Jack McCallum, Author of Golden Days: West’s Lakers, Steph’s Warriors, and the California Dreamers Who Reinvented BasketballTwitter: @McCallum12Zirin, By Having the Washington R*dskins Host a Game on Thanksgiving, NFL Owners Show Their True Colors—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Eye Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | Dipset Anthem - The Diplomats Feat.  Cam'ron & Juelz Santana | Astral Weeks - Van Morrison | Drugs - Lil Kim Feat. Notorious B.I.G. | King Kunta - Kendrick Lamar | Celebration - Kool and the Gang | Mexico’s National Anthem | Are You That Somebody - Aaliyah | Camila Cabello Havana Saxophone Cover - Juozas Kuraitis | Work From Home - Fifth Harmony | The Wire Theme

#NBA#basketball#Jack McCallum#Jerry West#Wilt Chamberlain#Elgin Baylor#Steph Curry#Steve Kerr#Klay Thompson#Mark Jackson#Draymond Green#Kevin Durant#L.A. Lakers#Golden State Warriors#Jim McMillian#NFL#LaVar Ball#Donald Trump#Dan Snyder#football#Thanksgiving#MeToo#Marshawn Lynch#Mexico#Dawn Staley#South Carolina Women's Basketball Nov 21, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczMilitarism & SportsThis week, we speak to Rory Fanning, who served in the Army Rangers with former NFL player Pat Tillman. Fanning would later become a member of Veterans for Peace and a critic of U.S. foreign policy. We discuss nationalism, militarism, and the NFL’s role in promoting these virtues.

We also have ‘Choice Words’ about the NFL’s handling of Veteran’s Day this past Sunday, and we read a very special letter from a listener about confronting toxic masculinity. 

Rory Fanning

Twitter: @RTFanning 

“Worth Fighting For: An Army Ranger’s Journey Out of the Military and Across America.”

“Long Shot: The Triumphs and Struggles of an NBA Freedom Fighter.”

Zirin, Pandering to the Military Won’t Save NFL Players From Racist Backlash


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Music: Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | The Letter P - Saigon Feat. Kool G Rap | Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash | Recognize - The Lox | Now I Feel Ya - Scarface | Tell Me When To Go - E-40 | Breakdown - Mos Def | Boom - Royce Da 5'9’’ | Satisfy You - Puff Daddy Feat. R. Kelly | Thursday in the Danger Room - Run The Jewels | The Wire Theme

#nfl#veteransday#militarism#sports#military#activism#antiwar#football Nov 15, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6Pinterestncz Today in Edge of Sports, we will talk about the influence that the sport has over entertainment. Where sport is, there is also betting, and anyone who has knowledge about sports is able to make accurate predictions. The sports betting got very popular over the years, so, many of the leading software developers of casino games made a brilliant move when decided to use popular sports as a theme for slot games. 

 Sports Themed Slot Machines in Online Casinos Nowadays, sports themed slot machines at online casinos are amazingly popular among the gambling lovers, and if you are really keen on sports or players, it will be another way of gambling on games where you can earn real money. I hope that Edge of sports podcast could be of help for you, so you can always be updated about the sports news and tactics that you should definitely use while sports betting in legal casinos. 

 There are different kinds of sports slots, designed specifically for female players, for male players, football slots, basketball slots, Tennis Stars slot, and many others, and your only job is to make the right decision and choose which one to play.

 Online casinos have been popular ever since they were invented and if you spend more time on gambling, you will know how well online casino games and sports go together, so one can either enjoy slot machines and sports at the same time. There is a third thing that goes well with both, that is real money. Lots of cash can be won via these online slots. Hop on right now experience the full casino bonus that is currently ongoing. The chances of you leaving without winning some cash are zero to none.

 I myself am not the biggest fan of this kind of entertainment, but I find it really amusing how people are eagerly waiting for every point which will determine whether their betting prediction was true or not. It is actually not as lame as it sounds, there is actually a lot of psychology involved with the sports betting. According to the studies, if people are in good mood, the chances of risk taking are increased. I am not encouraging you to hit the slots, but if you are feeling lucky, why the hell not? :) 

 Judah Friedlander: America is #1

Fresh off his Netflix Special, America Is The Greatest Country in the United States, Judah Friedlander takes a stab at defining American exceptionalism through humor. Friedlaner, a major soccer fan, also explains how and why the USA didn’t qualify for the 2018 World Cup.

I’ve got some Choice Words about the importance of Kaepernick to fighters for Social Justice. Lastly, we listen to the words of Breanna Stewart – her exclusive response to Edge of Sports – about why she joined the #MeToo movement, as read by my mom.

Judah Friedlander, ComedianTwitter: @JudahWorldChamp Website | Watch His Netflix Special

Zirin, Why Colin Kaepernick Matters So Much

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— Music: Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | Red Hot - Jurassic 5 | Jockin’ My Style - Craig Mack | Centuries - Fall Out Boy | Papaya (AirDice Remix) - Leander Janik Lilli | How’s It Goin’ Down - DMX | Apollo Kids - Ghostface Killah | Home Game - Souls of Mischief | The Wire Theme

#sports#politics#comedy#Judah Friedlander#America#Donald Trump#soccer#USMNT#US Soccer#2018 World Cup#World Cup#Colin Kaepernick#activism#Breanna Stewart#Seattle Storm#WNBA#metoo#Papa John's#football#NFL Nov 07, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6Pinterestncz#MeToo: Sexual Assault & SportsWe speak to three-time gold medalist and civil rights attorney Nancy Hogshead-Makar about how the #MeToo movement is shaping the world of sports as well as her own work in shedding light on sexual abuse in the field of athletics over the years. We look at the big picture of sexual violence in sports while also getting into the legal weeds. I cannot imagine a more important topic for this moment or a better person with whom to discuss all of this. Additionally, I have some Choice Words about Jerry Jones and whether he’s all bark no bite, a Just Stand Up award to McKayla Maroney for coming forward, and we travel cross the pond for our Just Sit Down award. All that and much more!Nancy Hogshead-MakarTwitter: @Hogshead3AuWebsite, Looks Like Jerry Jones Isn’t Going to Punish His Players for Protesting After All—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | What More Can I Say - Jay-Z | Brick House - The Commodores | Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves - Eurythmics Feat. Aretha Franklin | Top Back - T.I. | Slow Down - Brand Nubian | What a Job - Devin the Dude Feat. Snoop Dogg & Andre 3000 | Praise You - Fatboy Slim | FU-GEE-LAA - The Fugees | The Nosebleed Section - Hilltop Hoods | Pants - Here Come the Mummies | The Wire Theme

#Olympics#MeToo#Nancy Hogshead-Makar#swimming#gymnastics#NFL#Dallas Cowboys#Jerry Jones#Serie A#Lazio#soccer#Italy#Italian football#McKayla Maroney#sexual assault#sports#politics#civil rights#Women's Sports Foundation Oct 31, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczThree Generations of Athlete ActivistsThis week, three generations of activist athletes take the stage at Wake Forest University. It’s me your Edge of Sports host Dave Zirin, interviewing 1968 Olympic legend John Carlos, former NBA player - who knows something about being “blackballed” - Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, and Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad. If only there was something to talk about in the world of sports and politics.Also, I have some choice words about what the NFL players truly won after their meeting this week with NFL owners.Special thanks to Melissa Harris-Perry, Shanta Covington and Rolisa Tutwiler at Wake Forest.Dr. John Carlos, ‘68 OlympianREAD: The John Carlos StoryMahmoud Abdul-Rauf, Former NBA PlayerFollow on TwitterIbtihaj Muhammad, USA Fencing Olympic MedalistFollow on TwitterZirin, Colin Kaepernick Was Mocked and Threatened for Taking a Knee. He’s Also Winning.—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | Super Lyrical - Big Pun Feat. Black Thought | Mental Flux - Clokworx | Power of Equality - Red Hot Chili Peppers | MC’s Act Like They Don’t Know - KRS One | Git Up Git Out - Outkast Feat. Goodie Mobb | Hot Sex - A Tribe Called Quest | Keep it Thoro - Prodigy | NBA (Never Broke Again) - Joe Budden Feat. Wiz Khalifa & French Montana | The Wire Theme

#football#NFL#fencing#track and field#Olympics#basketball#NBA#national anthem#protests#sports#politics#Ibtihaj Muhammad#Dr. John Carlos#Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf#activism#Donal Trump#Colin Kaepernick#Jerry Jones#Dallas Cowboys#David Irving Oct 24, 2017 / 2 notes1Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczTalking Collusion & Mental Health with Royce WhiteThis week, we speak to NBL MVP and former NBA player Royce White about mental health and what collusion looks like, in light of the recent news about Colin Kaepernick’s NFL lawsuit. Also, we have Just Stand Up and Just Sit Your Ass Down awards, a Kaepernick Watch that explores the politics of collusion, and a brilliant poem about sports, politics, and race written and read by Tariq Toure.Royce White, London LightningWebsiteHow Royce White Became the Most Important Basketball Player AliveFollow on TwitterZirin, Player Protests Are Not a Spectator Sport—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Examination - Del the Funky Homosapien | This Girl - Kungs vs Cookin’ on 3 Burners | Muddy Waters - LP | Every Single Piece - Redondo Bolier feat. She Keeps Bees | Hold You Down - The Alchemist | Oh No - Mos Def Feat. Pharoahe Monch & Nate Dogg | Organ Donor - DJ Shadow | Hate - Blaq Poet | Earth - MF Grimm | Guillotine (Swordz) - Raekwon | The Wire Theme 

#roycewhite#ColinKaepernick#nfl#nba#collusion#sports#protests#football#basketball#mentalhealth#secondamendment#politics Oct 17, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczNBA and Player Protest: A Collision Course?This week we talk face-to-face with Michael Lee, senior writer at The Vertical for Yahoo! Sports, about the prospect of players protesting during the anthem in the NBA and how NBA Commissioner Adam Silver will handle it. Also, we speak to Lindsay Gibbs, sports correspondent for ThinkProgress, about Cam Newton’s sexist comments to a female reporter and how racism against Cam became part of the story.

We have Choice Words about the stupidest argument ever against anthem protests, Just Stand Up and Just Sit Down awards, your weekly Kaepernick watch and much more!Michael Lee, NBA Senior Writer at The Vertical on Yahoo! SportsREAD: Why NBA players should be allowed to take a kneeFollow on TwitterLindsay Gibbs, Sports Reporter at ThinkProgress & Co-Host of the Burn It All Down PodcastREAD: Cam Newton’s sexist comment: A reminder about what women in media still deal withFollow on TwitterZirin, Protesting NFL Players Aren’t Being Demonized Only by Trumpers—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Eye Examination - Del The Funky Homosapien | Breathe - Fabolous | Alright - Kendrick Lamar | Potholderz - MF DOOM Feat. Count Bass D | It’s My Thing - EPMD | Hate It Or Love It - The Game Feat. 50 Cent | My Way - Kanye West | Switch - Iggy Azalea ft. Anitta | Find No Enemy - Akala | Fade - Kanye West | Brain Damage - Eminem | No Roots - Alice Merton | Uptown Anthem - Naughty By Nature | My Favorite Things - John Coltrane | The Wire Outro

#NFL#football#NBA#basketball#Adam Silver#LeBron James#J.R. Smith#Thabo Sefolosha#Cam Newton#Carolina Panthers#racism#sexism#Donald Trump#Rex Ryan Oct 10, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6Pinterestncz“U BUM!” Sports, Trump, & Resistance

We discuss the explosive weekend of anthem protests with former San Francisco 49er Chris Borland, who famously walked away from the league after his stellar rookie season. We also go through everything that happened in the last week, a period that could be called a maelstrom of sports, politics and resistance.

Finally, we ask the question: Is the original message of why players are taking a knee getting lost in the shuffle?

Chris BorlandTwitter:…rom-his-dream-job/

Zirin, The Fragile Toxic Masculinity of Donald…of-donald-trump/

Zirin, For The NFL, It Was Choose Your Side…our-side-sunday/

Zirin, Taking a Knee Is Not About Abstract Unity but Racial…-racial-justice/

— | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)

—Music: Eye Examination - Del The Funky Homosapien | Beautiful - Snoop Dogg Feat. Pharrell | Wait - Ying Yang Twins | Street Talkin’ - Slick Rick Feat. Outkast | Truth - Beanie Siegel | Who Do You Love - YG | Harder Than You Think - Public Enemy | Nickel Bags - Digable Planets | Down & Out - Cam'ron | Don’t Say Nuthin’ - The Roots | Cover Me Up - Jason Isbell | Intergalactic - Beastie Boys | Stand Up - Ludacris Feat. Shawnna | The Champ - Ghostface Killah | Hit ‘Em Up - Tupac | Tour Stories - Souls of Mischief | The Wire Outro

#ChrisBorland#san francisco 49ers#nfl#kapernick#ColinKaepernick#nflprotests#takeaknee#LeBron James#stephen curry#golden state warriors#greg popovich#johnwall#nba#sports#activism#blacklivesmatter Sep 27, 20171Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczSports Can Unlearn Toxic MasculinityThis week we speak to Joe Ehrmann, former NFL Player and founder of Inside Out Coaching: How Sports Can Change Lives. Also, I speak about the solidarity statement we organized to support Seattle Seahawk Michael Bennett, in his efforts to challenge the violence and racial profiling of the Las Vegas police; a solidarity statement that brought together people from Angela Davis to Colin Kaepernick.We have Just Stand Up for friend of the program, Jemele Hill, after she tweeted out truths about No. 45…and then was subsequently scolded by her employer. ESPN, you can Just Sit Down. As always, we’ve got your Kaepernick Watch – can you believe that we have something nice to say about Stephen A. Smith? You’ve gotta hear this!Joe Ehrmann, Former NFL Lineman Defensive LinemanFounder, InSideOut InitiativeZirin, The Las Vegas Police Union Goes in the Gutter to Attack Michael Bennett—/ | | | email us: | Edge of Sports hotline: 401-426-3343 (EDGE)—Music: Eye Examination - Del The Funky Homosapien | Chief Don’t Run - Jidenna | Pull Up - Wiz Khalifa Ft. Lil Uzi Vert | My Way - Calvin Harris | Cot Damn - Clipse | Passin’ Me By - The Pharcyde | Break ‘Em Off Somethin’ - UGK |  Ambitions Az a Ridah - Tupac | The Wire Outro

#sports#ESPN#Jemele Hill#Stephen A. Smith#Sloane Stephens#tennis#football#NFL#Michael Bennett#Seattle Seahawks#Las Vegas Police Department#Angela Davis#twitter#Joe Ehrmann#youth sports#coaching#youth sports coach Sep 19, 2017 / 2 notes1Twitter2Facebook5Google +6PinterestnczLoad MoreOlder →2015–2017 © Edge of Sports Podcast. All Rights Reserved. 12 (function (){var $K = $('#posts');function moreProjects(){$K.infinitescroll({navSelector:'#pagination',nextSelector:'#pagination a#older',itemSelector: ".entry",loading:{finishedMsg: function(){}}},function(newElements){var $newElems = $(newElements).css("opacity","0").css("pointer-events","none");$('#infscr-loading').fadeIn();$('.photoset-grid').photosetGrid({highresLinks: true,rel: $('.photoset-grid').attr('data-id'),gutter: '5px',onComplete: function(){}});$('.photoset-grid').each(function() {$(this).magnificPopup({delegate: 'a',type: 'image',gallery:{enabled:true},removalDelay: 200,mainClass: 'mfp-fade'});});var $newElemsIDs = $ (){return;}).get();$newElems.imagesLoaded(function (){$('#infscr-loading').fadeOut("medium");$(document).ready(function(){$("a.share-button").click(function(){var id = $(this).attr('rel');$('.share' + id).fadeIn()});$(".entry").mouseleave(function(){$(".share").fadeOut("")});$(".entry").fitVids();});$newElems.css("opacity","1").css("pointer-events","auto");$K.masonry('appended',$newElems,true);console.log($newElems,$newElemsIDs);Tumblr.LikeButton.get_status_by_post_ids($newElemsIDs);});});$(window).unbind('.infscr');$("a#load").click(function(){$(document).trigger('retrieve.infscr');return false;});$("a#load").click(function(){current = current + 1;$(document).trigger('retrieve.infscr');return false;});$(document).ajaxError(function(e,xhr,opt){if(xhr.status==404)$("#loader").css("opacity","0");});}moreProjects();})(); (function(){ var analytics_frame = document.getElementById('ga_target'); var analytics_iframe_loaded; var user_logged_in; var blog_is_nsfw = 'No'; var addthis_enabled = false; var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"; var eventer = window[eventMethod]; var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message"; eventer(messageEvent,function(e) { var message = ( && ?';') : ''; switch (message[0]) { case 'analytics_iframe_loaded': analytics_iframe_loaded = true; postCSMessage(); postGAMessage(); postATMessage(); postRapidMessage(); break; case 'user_logged_in': user_logged_in = message[1]; postGAMessage(); postATMessage(); break; } }, false); analytics_frame.src = "" + ""; function postGAMessage() { if (analytics_iframe_loaded && user_logged_in) { var is_ajax = false; analytics_frame.contentWindow.postMessage(['tick_google_analytics', is_ajax, user_logged_in, blog_is_nsfw, '/?route=%2F'].join(';'), analytics_frame.src.split('/analytics.html')[0]); } } function postCSMessage() { COMSCORE = true; analytics_frame.contentWindow.postMessage('enable_comscore;' + window.location, analytics_frame.src.split('/analytics.html')[0]); } function postATMessage() { if (addthis_enabled && analytics_iframe_loaded) { analytics_frame.contentWindow.postMessage('enable_addthis', analytics_frame.src.split('/analytics.html')[0]); } } function postRapidMessage() { if (analytics_iframe_loaded) { var is_ajax = ''; var route = '/'; var tumblelog_id = '267513107'; var yahoo_space_id = '1197719229'; var rapid_client_only = '1'; var apv = '1'; var rapid_ex = ''; analytics_frame.contentWindow.postMessage( [ 'tick_rapid', is_ajax, route, user_logged_in, tumblelog_id, yahoo_space_id, rapid_client_only, apv, rapid_ex ].join(';'), analytics_frame.src.split('/analytics.html')[0] ); } } })(); !function(s){s.src=''.replace(/&R=[^&$]*/,'').concat('&R='+escape(document.referrer)).slice(0,2000).replace(/%.?.?$/,'');}(new Image()); (function (w,d) { 'use strict'; var l = function(el, type, listener, useCapture) { el.addEventListener ? el.addEventListener(type, listener, !!useCapture) : el.attachEvent && el.attachEvent('on' + type, listener, !!useCapture); }; var a = function () { if (d.getElementById('tumblr-cdx')) { return; } var s = d.createElement('script'); var el = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.async = true; s.src = ''; s.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'tumblr-cdx'; d.body.appendChild(s); }; l(w,'load',a); }(window, document)); !function(s){s.src=''.replace(/&R=[^&$]*/,'').concat('&R='+escape(document.referrer)).slice(0,2000).replace(/%.?.?$/,'');}(new Image());