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In June, our deacons approved a 5-phase regathering plan that was rooted in the health data and metrics provided by the City of Atlanta.  At the time this plan was approved, the city and Second-Ponce were in Phase 2. Based on a spike in COVID cases and hospitalization, Atlanta has regressed to Phase 1 and we must do the same. Below are the current guidelines for phase 1 which include closing our church office. Voicemail will be closely monitored and mail will still be collected.

General Guidance
· Stay home except for essential trips
· Wear face masks in public
· Wash your hands frequently
· Clean public and high touch areas frequently
· Practice social distancing

Church Activities
· Virtual worship services, Sunday School and Wednesday evening prayer call
· No childcare
· No in-person youth groups
· Church office is closed (The voicemail will be closely monitored and mail will still be collected)
· No outside group meetings

Metrics for Advancement
· Consistent decrease over a 14-day span using a 7-day trailing average of:
     o COVID cases
     o COVID hospitalizations
     o Percent of positive COVID tests
· Percent of hospital and critical care capacity remains above 50%
· Continue to Phase 2 after reaching and sustaining Phase 1 metrics

Use the buttons below to access our full regathering plan and to set up automated online giving.

Online but not alone

In times of chaos and uncertainty, Second-Ponce is still the Church. Know that you are cared for and prayed for by this community of faith. Here are quick links to frequently requested information.

Follow us on Instagram | @secondponce



Second-Ponce invites you to come as you are- You belong here. Through our deeply personal connections with each other, opportunities for worship, fellowship and Christian growth not only take root, they blossom.

We are a community of Christ-followers from all walks of life who desire an authentic relationship with God. Our mission is “To know Christ and to make Him known.” As a church family, we seek to follow Jesus’ example by offering hope and modeling love. Real community forms here because we bring our true selves to every occasion we spend together.

We are always happy to have you worship in person or online with us on Sundays, but we invite you to come be part of the rest of our church life. Allow this community to celebrate your victories, mourn your losses and care deeply for the life lived in-between.

Welcome to Second-Ponce.



2715 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305


Church office hours:

  • M-F: 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m.

  • Closed Saturday and Sunday

Worship: Sundays at 11 a.m. & 4 p.m.


WHAT WE value

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Worship at Second-Ponce offers the gifts of music, prayer, message and scripture. Our hope is that the depth of our worship both honors God and engages our own intellect and curiosity. Here, we value everyone’s faith expression in a spirit of hospitality and truth.


We believe God wants us to genuinely care for one another, and we are deliberate in making sure everyone feels connected to this church family. Everything we do, be it worship, mission service, small group study or fellowship, intentionally builds community with each other and with God.


By combining partnerships and hands-on service, Second-Ponce seeks to “take the whole gospel to the whole person,” as Jesus demonstrated during his ministry on earth. We aim to offer hope and model love through deep and long-term connections to local and global missions organizations.


We are a Christ-centered church family equipping people to discover God’s call for their lives. Through intentional prayer, scripture study, mission and fellowship, we continue our development as followers of Christ.


We Want To Hear From You

Thanks for connecting with Second-Ponce online. Use the form below to share faith concerns, prayer requests or questions about specific ministries. Your voice matters here.



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