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UK News

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The latest news, views and analysis about the UK written by a dedicated team from RT’s London bureau.
Jul 10, 2020 12:05
‘How Islam moderated slavery’: BBC blasted for piece explaining the ‘nice’ way to treat humans as property
‘How Islam moderated slavery’: BBC blasted for piece explaining the ‘nice’ way to treat humans as property
In the current climate of heightened racial tensions, marked by worldwide protests and the tearing down of colonial-era statues, it has emerged that not all slavery was created equal – at least, according to the BBC.


Bulletin board

New: Trump and Florida gov wrong on COVID-19 hospital numbers
Florida officials are reporting a rate of nearly 100 deaths per day from COVID-19 as the outbreak intensifies across the state and Miami hospitals near full capacity. Florida accounts for more than 15 percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US....
This is why the US is in a second wave
The US has set a new record of 59,000 new COVID-19 cases in a single day. Restrictions on business and public gatherings are reappearing as lockdown measures are reimposed across the country. Rick Sanchez examines the ongoing coronavirus crisis and...
Debunked NY Times story turns Americans against Russia
The New York Times has acknowledged the dearth of real evidence behind their allegations in June that Russia paid bounties to the Taliban to encourage the death of US-led coalition troops in Afghanistan. Rick Sanchez explains. Then RT...