Showing posts with label The shit you find on Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The shit you find on Facebook. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

He's *cough* living on something

I don't care if it's a set up. I never got Bon Jovi until this moment, this moment here:

As much as I love Prefab Sprout, I don't think you could do this to Lions In My Own Gardens (Exit Someone). Not even Walter White has made that drug yet.

eta: and, of course, it's from three or four years ago. I have to occasionally take my nose out of a book to see what's going on around me. Bear with me.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

'Be careful out there'

Liam's scared of his halloween costume. He refuses to put it on. We've scarred him for life.

I'm scared if I don't stock up with any treats today this will be the year when I'll finally get a barrage of kids banging on the door demanding mini almond mounds.

The witches of Salem had it easy by comparison.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Bloody Bolsheviks on your hands

There's something to this 1930s ad for Scot Tissue Towels:

If your eyesight is as bad as mine, the text reads:
“Try wiping your hands six days a week on harsh, cheap paper towels or awkward, unsanitary roller towels — and maybe you, too, would grumble. Towel service is just one of those small, but important courtesies — such as proper air and lighting — that help build up the goodwill of your employees. That’s why you’ll find clothlike Scot-Tissue Towels in the washrooms of large, well-run organizations such as R.C.A. Victor Co., Inc., National Lead Co. and Campbell Soup Co.”
Hat tip to 'RF' over at Facebook.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year . . .

. . . . to my three remaining readers. You know who you are:

2013 will mean more Simenon, more obscure Swedish films and a mite more politics.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Put another bird on the log fire

I'd be a bit less humbug about Christmas if my secondhand paperbacks from Thriftbooks were delivered to me by the Hipster Portland Santa. Do the East Coast, Portland Santa. I implore you!

The Hipster Williamsburg Santa refuses to travel this far south in Brooklyn after that incident in 2009 on the B Train at Beverley Road. 

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Favourite quote of yesterday . . .

A day late but worth taking the blog out of the mothballs for:

"So Ed Miliband wants a return to the ideas of an influential mid-Victorian political thinker, based in London in the 1840s, who came from a Jewish family that converted to Christianity? OK, but at least he could pick the right one ..."

Dave O over at Facebook reflecting on Ed Miliband's Labour Conference speech yesterday when Red Ed invoked the spirit of Disraeli's One Nation Toryism (in all but name).


Dave O expands on his pithy comment in a blog post here.

Back for Good

Just drenched the computer screen with spittle after reading this.

Friday, June 01, 2012

The Next 30 Day Song Challenge - day 01

I meant to do another one of these months ago but . . . but . . . you know the score. Let's not embarrass each other about this recurring matter.

Thirty days in June and a threadbare post count for 2012 gives me a cheap excuse to litter the page with embedded videos for the next thirty days. My one reader in Kerala with dial-up will be so so pleased.

day 01 - Your favourite cover version
It could be any number of Dick Gaughan's versions of Leon Rosselson songs and, up until a minute ago, it was going to be this wonderful version of a Chic classic but I suddenly remembered that I've had Kris Drever's version of Boo Hewerdine's 'Harvest Gypsies' on repeat for months now, and what better excuse to belatedly mention the song on the blog:

A great voice, a touching d-i-y video, and some backstory to the term 'Harvest Gypsies' and the John Steinbeck connection.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

'You're the ones we don't want'

Greasy. I feel nauseous.

Hat tip to SH over at Facebook.

ETA: Yes, in my head, it's 2010.

XXXing the UK

On this day of days a funny picture from a good soul over at Facebook:

And just because I'm a lazy blogger these days . . . months . . . years decades that's no excuse for not me pointing you towards the 'Voting for Socialism' post over at the SPGB's election blog. The SPGB is standing in the Lambeth & Southwark and the Merton & Wandsworth GLA constituencies. My old friend Danny, who is the SPGB candidate in Lambeth & Southwark, is featured in a ten minute video over at The Big Smoke website.

Check it out.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

If Facebook existed thru' history.

Darwin . . . Lincoln . . . Franklin . . . Glenn Hoddle but no Ricky Villa? That can't be right.