• Help protect free speech in Scotland
  • Welsh govt plans would see Religion, Values and Ethics taught in a more pluralistic way. But they fall short of ensuring every pupil gets genuinely balanced and critical RVE. Find out more and help improve the proposals.

The National Secular Society works for the separation of religion and state and equal respect for everyone's human rights so that no one is either advantaged or disadvantaged on account of their beliefs.

Make a stand for freedom, fairness and human rights by adding your voice to the call for a secular democracy.

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A new High Court challenge to get humanist marriages legally recognised in England and Wales gives us an opportunity to consider how to reform our marriage laws for greater simplicity, equality and freedom, says Megan Manson....

It’s time for one marriage law for all

Posted: Tue, 07 Jul 2020

Religious schools that censor textbooks, teach creationism and limit pupils' chances aren't respecting the right to a quality education. The government shouldn't let them repeatedly fail inspections, says Stephen Evans.

We must protect pupils’ educational rights where schools consistently fail

Posted: Sun, 28 Jun 2020

As the government considers ways to end 'gay conversion therapy' it should give Ofsted the power to stop faith schools fostering anti-LGBT attitudes in the first place, says Megan Manson.

Why can't Ofsted stop state schools preaching that same-sex relationships are wrong?

Posted: Thu, 25 Jun 2020

Humza Yousaf has claimed a bill he's proposing isn't a threat to free speech because it sets a high threshold for criminality. But his careless words suggest he isn't taking concerns seriously, says Chris Sloggett.

Does Scotland’s justice minister realise the reach of his own hate crime bill?

Posted: Tue, 16 Jun 2020

Christian campaigners have questioned a ruling that allowed a severely ill man to die. Dr Antony Lempert says they're misrepresenting the case – and patients' views are significant when determining their best interests....

Religious campaigners shouldn't be able to veto the refusal of treatment

Posted: Mon, 15 Jun 2020

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What our members say

  • I chose a non-denominational school for my son and yet he still has to take part in daily collective worship. A theatre group called "Open the Book" entertain his class once a week with Bible stories, in addition to an RE class. Religion should be taken out of schools altogether and more time spent on aspects of the curriculum relevant to adult life. Excluding him would however make him the odd-one-out.

    Nicolle, London
  • "Thank you for all of your help. I had never heard of your organisation before, I bet there are many many families feeling like this with no idea how to broach it with the schools or where they stand legally. You do a great job in empowering people to have the confidence and knowledge to stand up for their beliefs."

    A Parent, whose school is pushing an increasing religious ethos
  • I have come to appreciate that the NSS is often a lone voice of rationality in the wilderness that is dominated by religious dogma, bigotry and political manipulation.

    David, Shropshire
  • My motivations for joining include faith schools, bishops in the House of Lords, religious intolerance towards women and minorities, any situation where the pious are given more respect or airtime than others, and people holding discriminatory views on religious grounds remaining influential.

    Paul, Huddersfield
  • On many secular issues, atheists and many theists have common interests. By working together on these issues, voices will be louder. While I am no longer religious, I absolutely support people's right to religious freedom.

    Tim, Cheltenham