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10.13.09 - In celebration of the life of my son Joe, on his 29th birthday. I spoke these words at the memorial service for Joe on February 7, 2009.

02.19.2014 - "Death of an Engineer" -- In commemoration of the birthday of my Grandfather, Will Hoover Kinney, on February 19, 1894.


NOTE: The materials below are arranged chronologically, in the order in which they were published. User your web browser's "Search" function to key-word search for topics, names, etc., you are interested in

Taina  04.14.20 - Taina katynskogo rasstrela, the Russian translation of my book The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre: The Evidence, the Solution, 2018 (see below under 08.13.18), published on March 25, 2020, in Tver', Russia, is now available for free download in PDF format.

03.29.20 - Four-part interview of me by the Irish Socialist Republican organization.
Part 1: audio; transcript; Part 2: audio, transcript; Part 3: audio, transcript; Part 4: audio, transcript.
Many thanks to the IRS for this honor!

02.25.20 - "Yezhov vs. Stalin: The Causes of the Mass Repressions of 1937–1938 in the USSR". Journal of Labor and Society 20 (September, 2017) 325–347. The two-year embargo period is now over, so I can now post the published version of this article here.. This is an exact facsimile of the published article.

10.29.19 - "Leon Trotsky and the Barcelona 'May Days' of 1937." Journal of Labor and Society, 2019; 1-20. Preprint version.
There is a two-year embargo on my posting the published version of this article. Meanwhile, the policy of Wileyy publishers permits me to post this preprint version.
You may be able to access it here too, at the journal's website.

09.02.19 - In the Moldavian language! My letter to the late Domenico Losurdo, concerning Nicolas Werth's dishonest research, and Professor Losurdo's reply - see under 01.24.2013 below, or here. Many thanks to Linu Mihai!

08.23.19 - In the Gaelic (Irish) language! My article from Counterpunch, "The “Holodomor” and the Film “Bitter Harvest” are Fascist Lies" - see below under March, 2017, or here. My thanks to Brian Kiley!

04.26.19 - "Zagadka Katynskogo Rasstrela" by Oleg Sdvizhkov. An excellent, very intelligent, and strongly positive review of my book The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre. The Evidence, the Solution (see below, at 08.13.18). It has been republished on other sites, such as this one.


swcover  01.27.19 - Stalin: Waiting For ... The Truth! Exposing the Falsehoods in Stephen Kotkin’s Stalin. Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941. In this book, which took me 14 months to research and write, I show that every claim of crime, atrocity, etc., by Stalin in Kotkin's book is a fraud.
You can read the Preface to my book here.. Do it! You will be surprised at how many lies and fabrications a famous scholar like Kotkin (Princeton University, Hoover Institution) is capable of -- and how it is that such lies and falsifications get circulated and believed by all-too-naive readers.
It is also available at Amazon.com, and at the Amazon online bookstores in Canada, the UK, France, Italy, and Germany. European readers don't have to pay the high shipping costs from the USA any longer!

12.26.18 -  Stalinas ir kova už demokratines reformas pirma dalis - translation into Lithuanian of my 2005 article "Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform" (see below under 2005 for both parts in English). Many thanks to "Comrade Kalinin Kalinych" for this translation!

kmcover 08.13.18 - The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre. The Evidence, the Solution. (Kettering, OH: Erythrós Press & Media, LLC, 2018). This is the first objective study of the Katyn Massacre. I treat it as a mystery, without preconceived ideas as to which side -- the Soviets or the Germans -- was guilty. I marshal all the evidence and solve the mystery for once and for all. Also available from Amazon.com.

* A very good review, on Goodreads, of my Katyn book by someone who has clearly studied my book very carefully. Thanks to "Hatuxka"!

mtcover 07.15.18 - The Moscow Trials As Evidence. The testimony of the defendants at the three Moscow Trials requires vetting -- check-up to determine whether we can independently verify or disprove it. A study of this testimony, in the light of the documentary evidence now available, shows that the Moscow Trials defendants testified as they chose, without coercion or threats. Their testimony is valid evidence. This book gives the analysis.

FD Cover07.10.18 - The Fraud of the Dewey Commission. A short book (99 pages) with all the references to primary documents and scholarship, showing that Leon Trotsky lied to the Dewey Commission in 1937, and that the Dewey Commission would never have exhonerated him if they had known the truth.

07.01.18 - In Memoriam Professor Domenico Losurdo.  The great Marxist philosopher and fighter for the truth died in late June, 2018. This is my personal tribute to him.

kl_bengali.jpg 12.15.17 - Translation into Bengali (Bangla) of my book Khrushchev Lied. Many thanks to the skilled translator, Mr Siddartha Bhowmick!

12.12.17 - Translation into Estonian of my 2010 article "The Moscow Trials and the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938: What the Evidence Shows." Many thanks to professional translator Catherine Desroches for this outstanding job! (For the original article, see below, or go here.)

telegu_stalin.jpg  11.28.17 - Translation into Telugu, in book format, of my 2005 article "Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform" (For the original article see below, or go here.and here.)

11.16.17 - Poster for my talk to a student group at Rutgers University / New Brunswick. A great job! And entirely appropriate, since Trotsky REALLY DID collaborate with the Nazis and Japanese fascists.

 conspiracies-sm.jpg  10.15.17 - My book Leon Trotsky’s Collaboration with Germany and Japan: Trotsky’s Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume Two.
Available from my publisher, Erythros Press & Media, LLC; from Amazon.com.

08.29.17 - Bibliography, Appendix, and Errata / Corrigena page for my forthcoming book Leon Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan.

07.10.17 - Flyer for my forthcoming talk on July 30 at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library in Oakland CA: "YEZHOV VS. STALIN: THE TRUTH ABOUT MASS REPRESSIONS AND THE SO-CALLED 'GREAT TERROR' IN THE USSR."

03.31.2017 - "The Ukrainian Famine: Only Evidence Can Disclose the Truth, (Counterpunch) - my response to the original reviewer's response to my article below.

03.03.2017 - The “Holodomor” and the Film “Bitter Harvest” are Fascist Lies , published in Counterpunch. This is my response to an anticommunist review of the film "Bitter Harvest."

01.29.2017 - Hindi translation of Khrushchev Lied is published in New Delhi, India. It is available at Amazon - India here! Also at Janchetna Books
My sincerest thanks to my friend Raj Sahai, without whose help and encouragement at every step this publication could not have happened!

12.30.2016 - my book Yezhov Vs. Stalin: The Truth About Mass Repressions and the So-Called 'Great Terror' in the USSR is published by Erythros Press & Media, LLC. It is available from the publisher; also from Amazon.com.

"Trotsky's Lies: What They Are, and What They Mean." Presentation at the 7th World Socialism Forum, World Socialism Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), October 22, 2016.

09.22.16 - Les Amalgames de Trotsky, the French translation of my book Trotsky's 'Amalgams' (see below) is published by Editions Delga, Paris.

05.31.2016 - Tamil translation of my book Khrushchev Lied  is published in India by Ponnugalam Pathipagan Publishers, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu.
Available at these bookstores in India: Marina Books ; Books - Dinamalar ; Keetru.com.

05.12.2016 - My article "Stalin, etc.," a critical review of recent research on the Stalin period, is published in Theory and Struggle 117 (May 2016), journal of the Marx Memorial Library in London U.K.

12.15.2015 - My book Trotsky’s “Amalgams.” Trotsky's Lies, The Moscow Trials As Evidence, The Dewey Commission. (Trotsky's Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume One). Kettering OH: Erythros Press & Media LLC, 2015.
Based on archival evidence, this book reveals that Leon Trotsky lied in virtually all his writings about the Soviet Union and Stalin after the end of 1934.
His deliberate falsifications, which were designed to protect his conspoiracies within the USSR, were assumed to be his real views then and ever since.

11.06.2015 - My critique of Professor Stephen Cohen's remarks in an interview with RT.COM on November 1, 2013. Cohen retails some of the more common lies of "the anti-Stalin paradigm." He and other anticommunists "believe" them but that does not in the least mean that they are true. My critique here is based on the best evidence available and shows that Cohen is not only biased, but wrong.

09.10.2015 - My book Le Massacre de Katyn. Une réfutation de la version " officielle "? published in September, 2015 by Editions Delga, Paris.
Available at Amazon.fr/ for 10 Euros. A flyer in PDF format describing my book is here. Give it to librarians and bookstores!

08.2017 - The Russian translation of this French book, done by activists in Tver', Russia, may be downloaded here.

09.2015 - Obolgannyi Stalinizm. Kleveta XX S"ezda is published by Algoritm, Moscow. This is the revised version of Antistalinskaia Podlost' (Dec. 2007)/ Teni XX S"ezda (2010)., including a new chapter.
Available at Vasha-Kniga and other Russian bookstores in the USA and, of course, in Russia. You can read it online (or copy and paste it) here, and download it from here.

The "Official Version" of the Katyn Massacre Is A Fraud!

I never thought this thorny yet fascinating historical conundrum would be solved -- until the excavations at Volodymyr-Volyns'kiy, Ukraine, came to light. Read my article and decide for yourself!

redball.gif (326 bytes)My book The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre: The Evidence, The Solution (Kettering, OH: Erythrós Press & Media LLC, 2018) has now been published. This is the only truly objective, scientific study of the Katyn Massacre. In it I reach the only possible conclusion, from the large amount of primary source evidence now available, that the Soviet Union did not murder the Polish POWs. Therefore, the German Nazis murdered them. The book is available at my publisher's website and on Amazon.com.

redball.gif (326 bytes) My book Le Massacre de Katyn. Une réfutation de la version " officielle "? published in September, 2015 by Editions Delga, Paris.
Available at Amazon.fr/ for 10 Euros. A flyer in PDF format describing my book is here. Give it to librarians and bookstores!

redball.gif (326 bytes) Here is the print version of my article "The 'Official' Version of the Katyn Massacre Disproven? Discoveries at a German Mass Murder Site in Ukraine," as  published in Socialism and Democracy Vol. 27, No. 2 (August 2013). This is the article exactly as published in the journal. The 18-month post-publication embargo has expired.

redball.gif (326 bytes)This "preprint" version of this article is identical to the published version, except that it contain photographs that are not in the printed version.
Here you can go straight to my revised "Katyn Forest Whodunnit" page, where you can find a great deal more information about the background and evidence concerning this historic fraud.

redball.gif (326 bytes) May 1, 2015: "Russia-Insider," a pro-Russia newsblog, published an interview with me on the subject of Katyn. My thanks to the reporter, Ekaterina Sokolova, for helping to get the word out!

redball.gif (326 bytes)Here is a short expose of the so-called "Katyn Memorial Day," April 13.

redball.gif (326 bytes)Here is an Open Letter to the President and Board of Trustees of Montclair State University (where I am on the faculty) asserting that I should not be able to publish my research about Katyn on my university web page.
The sad fact is that Ms Piórkowska does not know anything about the Katyn Massacre. She only thinks that she does.

redball.gif (326 bytes)Here is an attack on my research by Dr. Jarosław Szarek, President of the [Polish] Institute of National Remembrance, a right-wing nationalist -- and racist -- organization, supported by the Polish government.


09.01.15 - Publication of the text of my talk at Humboldt University, (East) Berlin: "Rede über mein Buch “Chruschtschows Lügen” und meine weiteren Forschungen am 30. 5. 2015 in Berlin Chruschtschows Lügen! Die Unwahrheiten in der 'Geheimrede' und andere anti-stalinistische Unwahrheiten" - in the July-August issue of Offen-siv: Zeitschrift für Sozialismus und Frieden, S. 38-56.

09.01.2015: Review of Chruschtschows Lügen, the German translation of Khrushchev Lied, and of my May 30, 205 talk at Humboldt University, (East) Berlin, in Junge Welt, the biggest left publication in German.

08.13.2015: "Robert Conquest: Good Riddance!" Obituary of Robert Conquest by Progressive Labor Party. More comprehensive than mine (see below).

08.05.2015: A response to the death of Robert Conquest, one of the great liars of history.

03.25.2015: I have received copies of Kruschev  Mintió, the Spanish translation of my book Khrushchev Lied.
It is published by Vadell Hermanos Editores, of Caracas, Venezuela. Here is the book's page at the publisher's site.

ˇMuchas gracias, companeros!

02.23.2015: Refuting Lies about the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of August 1939: My reply to Steven M. Miner
Roger Moorhouse has written a dishonest and incompetent book on the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, also known as the "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact" and, to anticommunists only, as the "Hitler-Stalin Pact."
Professor Steven M. Miner reviewed it for the H-Diplo list. Minter's review is as full of falsehoods and as anticommunist as Moorhouse's book.
Professor Geoffrey Roberts wrote an excellent reply to Miner. Miner replied with a dogmatic and anticommunist retort to Roberts.

I wrote a documted reply to Miner. It was rejected by the H-Diplo editors. I present it here, along with links to the whole discussion.

02.09.2015: Su-Gong Ershi Da: "Mimi Baogao" yu Heluxiaofu de huangyan" - the Chinese translation of Khrushchev Lied, published by the Social Sciences Academic Press in Beijing, associated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Instute of World Socialism research.Publixhed January 2015.
Link on the publisher's web page.

12.09.2014: Chruschtschows Lügen. The German translation of my book Khrushchev Lied, is published by Eulenspiegel Verlagsgruppe - Das Neue Berlin, Berlin Germany. Vielen Dank, Kollegen! Here is its page at Amazon.de; and here at the publisher's site.

Review of my new book Blood Lies in Challenge-Desafio, newspaper of the Progressive Labor Party / Partido Laboral Progresista: English; Spanish. Excellent review -- thanks, comrades / camaradas!
Also, perceptive, critical  letter on my book Khrushchev Lied by a Challenge reader, back on May 11, 2011. I had not see this before!

10.18.14 - My presentations,  in Chinese: talks in Beijing, translations. Includes my talks to: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, World Marxism division; Chinese Military Academy; Social cience Academic Press; Tsinghua University; Peking University; Renmen (People's) University; Chinese Academy of Political Science and Law; Beiwai University; China Geosciences University; Beijing Jiaotong (Communications) University.
Many thanks to all the translators and my hosts!

09.2014: My talk to the Stalin Society of the U.K. in London was just put up by the CPGB-ML. It's in their newspaper Lalkar in two parts: Part One; Part Two. Many thanks!

khrouchtchev_a_menti_cover.jpg (50111 bytes)09.18.2014 - Publication of Khrouchtchev a menti (Paris: Editions Delga 2014).  French translation my book Khrushchev Lied. At the publisher's page ; at Amazon.fr.

08.26.14 - Publication of my new book Blood Lies: The Evidence that Every Accusation against Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union in Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands Is False (New York: Red Star Publications, 2014). See it at the publisher's page ; at Amazon.com.

06.13-14 -  "Bukharin's Last Plea", by Vladimir Bobrov and myself, translated into Chinese by Professor Ma Weixian of the Chinese Academy of Social Science.

Artikel von Grover Furr und Wladimir Bobrow zur sowjetischen Geschichte der Stalin-Zeit - Germa translations of many of out articles on Soviet history. Many thanks to Gerhard Shnehen, the skilled and dedicated translator!
Note: I will be adding more articles to this page as fast as I can HTML them! (Choose Character Encoding "Western" or "ISO-8859-1")

04.13.2014 - April 13 is "Katyn Memorial Day." And the "official version" of the Katyn massacre -- that "Stalin" and "the Soviets" killed the 22,000 Polish POWs -- is false, a Nazi-inspired fraud.

04.12.2014 - An abbreviated version of my "Katyn" article, in the form of an interview, is published in Tverskaia Gazeta, of Tver', formerly Kalinin, Russia.

03.14.2014 - Italian translation of my article "The 'Official' Version of the Katyn Massacre Disproven?" published by Noicommunisti in Italy. Molto Grazie! Also in PDF, in Italian.

02.18.2014 - Interview with me about my Turkish-language book Stalin and Democracy - Trotsky and the Nazis (see below at January 3, 2013). I just learned of it now. Thanks to Mr Yusuf Can Kaya for informing me!

01.12.2014 - Review of Grover Furr’s “Khrushchev Lied” by Alfonso Casal in The Red Phoenix. A very perceptive review. Thanks, Mr Casal!

12.02.2013 - Preprint version of my article "The 'Official' Version of the Katyn Massacre Disproven?" (see 08.06.2013, below) is republished in The Greanville Post.

11.13.13 - Translation of my article "Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform" into Lithuanian.

Many thanks to Johannes Rau!

  09.12.13 - Translation into Czech of my article "The Moscow Trials and the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938: What the Evidence Shows" .
Done by Daniela Milton of Prague, a professional translator. Thank you, Ms Milton!

08.13.13 - Publication of Ubiystvo Kirova: Novoe rassledovanie, the Russian translation of my book The Murder of Sergei Kirov. Available:

07.02.13 - A very positive review of my book (in English)  Khrushchev Lied on the Austrian site Kominform.at. It was written in December 2011 but I just learned of it now! Danke, Kameraden!

06.29.13 - A very positive review of my book The Murder of Sergei Kirov by Professor Candan Badem of Tunceli University, Turkey. Many thanks to Prof. Badem!

06.01.2013 - my book The Murder of Sergei Kirov. History, Scholarship and the Anti-Stalin Paradigm is published.

  • Here is the Home Page for this book at Erythros Press & Media LLC, my publisher. Buy it from Erythros -- they are a small left publisher that deserves the business!
  • Here it is on Amazon.com

As mentiras de K.jpg (43442 bytes) 05.25.2013 - As Mentiras de Khrushchev, the Galician translation of my book Khrushchev Lied, is published by Edicions Benigno Alvarez in Galicia, Spain. Grazas a todos!

01.24.2013: "Lo storico statunitense Grover Furr a proposito del dibattito su Stalin tra Domenico Losurdo e Nicolas Werth" (In English). This is my letter to Prof. Losurdo, one of the foremost Marxist academic in Europe, concerning his debate with anticommunist historian Nicolas Werth. Prof. Losurdo was good enough to post it to his academic blog. Molto grazie! (A clearer copy may be read here).

 furr-kapak.jpg 01.07.13: My book Stalin ve Demokrasi - Trotskiy ve Naziler ("Stalin and Democracy - Trotsky and the Nazis") is published by Yazilama Publishers of Istanbul, Turkey.
Yazilama publishes works by Marx, Engels, Plekhanov, Rosa Luxemburg, and Keeran and Kenny, Socialism Betrayed

Jack Smith IV. "The Defamation of Grover Furr." The Montclarion, December 13, 2012. Pretty good article in the student newspaper refuting the anticommunist liars who attack my research on the Stalin period without engaging the evidence and who want me fired for "indoctinating" my students. Also here, in HTML. And here is my "Response to Comments" on this page as of December 18 2012 (mirrored here).

tukhkakmypredalibk.jpg 10.23.12 - Our essay ""Marshal S.M. Budiennyi on the Tukhachevsky Trial. Impressions of an Eye-Witness" (in Russian)", from Klio (see 03.20.12 below) is reprinted in the book M.N. Tukhachevskii: Kak My Predali Stalina ("M.N. Tukachevsky. How We Betrayed Stalin"), Moscow: Algoritm, September 2012, pages 174-230.

beriaimperiabk.jpg10.17.12 - Beria. Imperia GULAG. Book of essays by David Holloway, Donald Rayfield, and myself, on Lavrentii Beria and the legends and lies surrounding his name.

07.15.12 - My letter to the Editor of the New York Times Book Review about Witold Pilecki, Polish Nationalist spy and/or terrorist, executed by pro-Soviet Poland in 1948.
Though no longer loyal to any government Pilecki and many other members of the Aramia Krajowa carried on a guerrilla war in post-1945 Poland. The Polish communsit government executed Pilecki  while sparing all the other defendants convicted with him.

  07.12 - Review of my book Khrushchev Lied  by Ray Light. Many thanks!

07.09.12 - My contribution to "The Stalin Debate", an article on the History News Netword about a new book by super-falsifier Jörg Baberowski. It's the first "comment" under the abbreviated article from Deutsche Welle. I refer to my 2010 article "Baberowski's Falsification".

 04.18.12 - "I Protest the Appearance of Professor Timothy Snyder!" Snyder, author of Bloodlands, spoke at Kean University on April 17 2012. Snyder may be the most blatant falsifier of history now active in mainstream academia! I distributed this leaflet to all those in attendance. Frankly, even I was shocked to see how Snyder blithely mouthed lie after lie about Soviet history, propagating the historical misrepresentations of Ukrainian and Polish nationalist, anti-Semites and participants in the Holocaust.

  04.01.12 - "Learning from the Communist Movement of the 20th Century. A Response to Richard Rubin." Platypus Review #45 (April 2012). My thanks to the Platypus editors who consented to publish this essay of mine which is strongly critical of one main trend in their movement!

03.20.12 - "Marshal S.M. Budiennyi on the Tukhachevsky Trial. Impressions of an Eye-Witness" (in Russian). Klio No. 2 (2012), pp. 8-24.

This is an edition of Budiennyi's letter to Voroshilov 2 weeks after the June 12, 1937 Tukhachevsky trial (the "Tukhachevsky Affair."). This letter is still top-secret in Russia today -- presumably because it is very powerful
evidence that Tukhachevsky and the other military figures were guilty. About five years ago I found this document in the Volkogonov Archive, Library of Congress. My colleague Vladimir Bobrov and I have published it with a detailed introduction in which we discuss its history and the previous references to it (all of them wrong, some deliberately misleading).

Budiennyi, who was a member of the Military Tribunal that tried Tukhachevsky and seven other high-ranking officers associated with the Marshal's conspiracy, wrote detailed impressions about the trial in the form of a letter to Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, People's Commissar for Defense. Budiennyi's letter provides strong evidence that Tukhachevsky and the rest were guilty not only of conspiracy themselves but of conspiring with Germany against the USSR. It also provides strong evidence that Leon Trotsky conspired with Germany.

The trial transcript is still top-secret in Russia today.

03.20.12 - "The Moscow Trials and the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938: What the Evidence Shows." (Written July 2010).

Please note especially the translations of the confessions of Nikolai Ezhov, compiled from various printed sources. This material has been available in print for 2 to 10 years but is very seldom cited.

01.02.12 - Grover Furr and Vladimir L. Bobrov. "Stephen Cohen's Biography of Bukharin: A Study in the Falsehood of Khrushchev-Era 'Revelations'". In Cultural Logic 2010.

NOTE: Or, you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

12.10.11 - My response to Prof. Roger Keeran's somewhat critical review of my book Khrushchev Lied, on the MLToday website.
My thanks to Prof. Keeran and to the MLToday.com editors! Another, possibly more readable version of my reply to Keeran is here, at the Espresso Stalinist site.

kl_vn_cover_sm.jpg (56758 bytes) 11.25.11 - The Vietnamese translation of my book Khrushchev Lied - "Trň hčn ma.t cho^'ng Stalin" -  is published by Knowledge Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam. "Knowledge" publishes works by Karl Marx and American Marxist physicist David Bohm, among others. My introduction, in Vietnamese, is online here. Thank you, friends!

Some other pages that list this Vietnamese translation of my book: "Bookaholic Club".

11.12.11 - The Turkish translation of my book Khrushchev Lied! is published by Yordam Kitap. (They also publish E.H. Carr, Alexander Rabinowitch, Bertell Ollman, Terry Eagleton, among others)

11.12.11 - Review of my book Khrushchev Lied! on blog of CPGB-ML. Many thanks for the positive words!

10.23.11. - My article "Anatomy of an Anticommunist Fabrication: The Death of Oliver Law" is republished at the site Red Ant Liberation Army My thanks to B.J. Murphy! (For original publication in 2008 and other republications, see below).

04. 04.11 - Turkish translation of my interview with Georgian Times! Thanks to Garbis Altinoglu! Also here, and here.

kl-cover-small.jpg (18194 bytes) 02.26 11 - Publication of the book Khrushchev Lied. (Subtitle: The Evidence that Every "Revelation" of Stalin's (and Beria's) "Crimes" in Nikita Khrushchev's Infamous "Secret Speech" to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, Is Provably False.) Home Page at Erythrós Press and Media.; at Abebooks.com; at Amazon.com; at Abebooks.co.uk.

My talk at the January 2011 Modern Language Association meeting on the cutbacks in public higher education.

pravosudie.jpg 11.08.10 - Publication of the book 1937. Pravosudie Stalin. Obzhalovaniiu Ne Podlezhit! by my Moscow colleague Vlaimir Bobrov and myself. This is a collection of essays, all but one previously unpublished. I don't have any copies yet. Home page at EKSMO , a major Moscow publishing house; at Labirint.ru (online Moscow bookstore); at Ozon.ru (large online Moscow bookstore); at Politkniga (publisher's bookstore);  at Eastview (main US distributor of Russian books).
NOW AT US-based Russian bookstores (cheapest and quickest here): at Biblio-Globus (Mass); at Setbook.US (Boston, MA area).

Introduction to my book Antistalinskaia podlost' - in English, Khrushchev Lied! -- translated into Vietnamese.

  • Just last week (10.30.10) I was contacted by a major Hanoi publishing house that wants to bring out a Vietnamese-language edition of my book. Maybe this is page is what got them interested?

New edition of my book on Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" is published. New title: "Shadows of the 20th Party Congress". Moscow Books; Ozon.ru; Kniga.com in Brooklyn; the publisher's (Eksmo) page.

11.10.10 - 4th interview of me by Georgian Times: in English (PDF here); in Russian (PDF here); in Georgian (PDF only)

10.18.10 - 3rd interview of me by Georgian Times: in English; in Galician. Also here, in PDF (English).

10.11.10 - 2nd interview of me by Georgian Times: in Russian; in English; in Galician.

10.10.10 - The text of my first two interviews with Georgian Times, in Russian translation, has been put on the Internet by Mr Jugashvili. You can increase the size of this small font in your browser (at least I had to do this).

09.17.10 - Interview of me by Georgian Times (Tbilisi, Georgia). The interviewer is Jacob Jugashvili, Joseph Stalin's great-grandson! His name is at the end of the interview (as he has informed me).

07.13.10 - Interview of me by Brazilian socialist newspaper A Verdade. Muito Obrigado, Companheiros!!

07.02.10 - Arabic translation of "The Sixty-One Untruths of Nikita Khrushchev", Literaturnaia Rossiia June 13, 2008. Many thanks to Mr Yeheskel Kojaman - "shukran jazeelan!"

07.02.10 - My page on the "Katyn Massacre Affair" is updated to include the dramatic new developments since February 2010 that tend to cast doubt upon the "mainstream" anticommunist position that "the Soviets shot all the Poles." Same page mirrored here.

06.04.10 - Norwegian translation of "The Sixty-One Untruths of Nikita Khrushchev" , Literaturnaia Rossiia June 13, 2008. (for original and other languages see below). Thanks to Tjen Folket Kommunistisk Forbund!

06.01.10 - "Anatomy of a Lie: The Death of Oliver Law" published in The Volunteer, journal of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archive. This is an abbreviated version of my longer and more fully documented study published in Reconstruction vol. 8, No. 1, February 2008 and noted below.

05.11.10 - Response to Mahir Ali, "The Ghosts of Triumphs and Tragedies Past", Dawn (Pakistan). Mahir Ali is some kind of Trotskyist "cultist".. But many honest people believe the falsehoods Ali repeats, so this may be of some interest.

04.25.10 - "'Eyjafjallajökull' — It’s English (Almost)", a little essay I wrote for my students and friends.

04.03.10 - "Evidence of Leon Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan." In Cultural Logic for 2009. On the evidence there's no doubt that Trotsky conspired with the Germans and Japanese as alleged during the second and third Moscow Trials of January 1937 and March 1938.

NOTE: Or, you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

01.18.10 - Furr and Bobrov, "Bukharin's Last Plea: Yet Another Anti-Stalin Falsifiication." In this article we trace the story of a note supposedly found in Stalin's desk after his death in which Bukharin supposedly wrote: "Koba, why is my death necessary for you?"

We prove that this and a couple of related stories, which originate with Roy Medvedev, are fabrications -- in plain English, falsehoods. (For the "canonical", i.e. unquestioned and completely mendacious version of this story see, for example, Robert Service, Stalin. A Biography. Cambridge: Belknap Press 2005, p. 592. We quote this in the article itself.)

The Russian version of this article was published in February 2009 in the Russian language online history journal "Aktual'naia Istoriia" ("Current History", Home Page http://actualhistory.ru/ ). It has since been reprinted here (in Russian), on the "Stalinism.ru" webpage. In addition, the Russian editors of this online journal inserted some good graphics! All in all, a creditable job of publishing.

01.15.10 - "Baberowski's Falsification" is a short article I wrote about the dishonesty of a leading German anticommunist researcher on the Stalin period in the USSR. Joerg Baberowski is a professor at Humboldt University in Berlin publishes widely in both academic and popular media.
Falsifications like the one I point out here would get a US professor disciplined, or at least publically embarrassed -- if writing about, say, American history. But in Soviet history, "anything goes" as long as it's anticommunist. Thanks once again to Patrice Greanville, editor and publisher of Cyrano's Journal, for publishing it.
It's also available here, on my own site. Or just copy and paste www.tinyurl.com/baberowski into your browser's window!
04.24.12 - The article is still there, but the link doesn't work! I don't know why, but if you copy and paste this URL - http://www.cjournal.info/2010/01/11/baberowski's-falsification/ - into your browser window, you'd get the article. Or, just go to the version on my own Home Page (above).

Vladimir L. Bobrov, "The Secret of Ordzhonikidze's Death" (Russian). This is an excellent piece of sleuthing and research by Vladimir. My English translation is here.  The Russian version is also available here, on the Kara-Murza site.

12.21.09 - Obolgannyi Stalin, or "Stalin Slandered", is the title of a new book published on Dec. 11 '09, with contributions by three authors: IUrii Mukhin, Grover Furr ("Ferr"), and Aleksei Golenkov. Here is the book's listing at Kniga.com in Brooklyn ; at Russian Mega-Store (Rego Park, Queens, NY); at Russlovo (Rockaway Park, Queens NY); at Biblio-Globus, US (Brighton, Mass.); at Ozon.ru in Moscow ; at Moscowbooks (guess where?); at Eksmo, Moscow; at Moskovskii Dom Knigi (Moscow House of Books).

My article in The Montclarion of December 3, 2009 on cutbacks as strategy to lower real wages.

11.20.09 - "Alternative Versions of the Katyn Shooting" (Russian). This is a much more objective account than the super-anticommunist main page. There's also an older "alternative" account that was originally on the Russian Wikipedia site.. It was removed -- censored by the Russian language Wikipedia. It's more than a year old now and so out of date. I don't like censorship, so here it is.

11.10.09 - Anti-Stalin Lies in Wikipedia 'Democratic Centralism' Article; in Vitalii Ginzburg NYT Obit

10.08.09 - "Are Afghanistan and Iraq Our Vietnam?" The Montclarion October 8 2009. Also here.

09.02.09 - "Did the Soviet Union Invade Poland in September 1939?", in Cyrano's Journal Online for September 2 2009. This is an article with 20 further pages of documentation and evidence, all of which are linked on this index page. (Also directly accessible here). I read an earlier version of this paper at the summer 2009 institute of the Marxist Literary Group at Portland State University. Many thanks to Cyrano's editors!

(NOTE: This article is more complete than my older (2007-2008) article "Sense and Nonsense About the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939", so I have removed the link to this older article.]

05.09.09 - "HISTORY REVISITED: The truth about the death of Oliver Law", in Cyrano's Journal Online for May 9 2009.
This is a reprint of my article "Anatomy of an Anticommunist Fabrication: The Death of Oliver Law, An Historiographical Investigation" (originally published in reconstruction 8:1 in March '08 -- see below). Thanks to the editors for the very supportive introductory and other remarks!

05.09.09 - Tomsk State Pedagogical University has put my book on its list of "Supplementary Readings" for its degree candidates in Russian History! There are five "required" readings, all textbooks. Of the 53 "supplementary readings" there are only five by non-Russians: three by Italians and two by Americans, of which I'm one.

04.08.09 - "Anti-Stalinist Villany" Praised In Book By Russian Historian. Russian historian IUrii Emel'ianov has devoted a nice paragraph in his recent book to my own book. The Russian original and the English translation are both here.

03.12.09 - A reader on a Russian blog praises my book very highly! Thanks, Mr. Mikhail Khas'minskii.

  A very positive review of my book on a Russian-language history blog! Thanks to "aberrationist" for this incisive, critical, and supportive review. Spasibo, 'Aberrationist'!

Refutation of yet another anticommunist lie by Ludwik Kowalski. A retired physicist, Kowalski knows fluent Russian but chooses to repeat any anti-Stalin lies he finds rather than do any research, though he knows very well how to do it.

"Mikhail Kol'tsov and the Evidence". A post to the ALBA (Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives) list of November 5, 2008. An anticommunist reviewer at The Economist shows no interest in the evidence or the truth.

Furr and Bobrov, "Nikolai Bukharin's First Statement of Confession in the Lubianka" in English translation, in the 2007 issue of Cultural Logic. This is an excellent issue of an important American Marxist journal and we're proud to be in it. (See below for the Russian original published in March '07.)

NOTE: Or you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

Somebody created a Wikipedia page on me. That's wikipedia.ru, the Russian version. They got a few things wrong, so I made the corrections.
(My thanks to my Moscow colleague and fellow researcher Vladimir L. Bobrov, who informed me 06.30.08). Wikipedia.ru uses Cyrillic letters in the filename part of the URL. If you can't get to this page, let me know and I'll correct it.

"The Sixty-One Untruths of Nikita Khrushchev" -- Interview of me by Literaturnaia Rossiia, issue No. 24 for June 13, 2008. Also available here (PDF) 

This is a weekly writers' publication. It used to be put out by the Moscow branch of the Soviet Writers' Union, and is now independent. According to its own webpage, it has a print circulation of 19,650. Let's hope every one of them buys a copy of my book! Many, many thanks to my wonderful colleague Vladimir L. Bobrov of Moscow for arranging this!

Russian translation of my 1988 article "New Light On Old Stories About Marshal Tukhachevskii: Some Documents Reconsidered" by my colleague Vladimir L. Bobrov.

Two references to Vladimir Bobrov's and my "Lichnye pokazaniia N. Bukharina." Klio (St. Petersburg), No. 1 (2007) here and here.

"Some Remarks On Yet Another Anticommunist Article Concerning Communist Solidarity With The Spanish Republic In The Spanish Civil War." My brief outline of the "Stalin problem" in studies of the Spanish Civil War. First posted to the H-HOAC list on April 7 '08.

A very positive Review of my book Antistalinskaia Podlost' by historian Sergei Semanov in the journal Russkii Vestnik March 13, 2008. (Echoed at my publisher's website here). And here's another version of the same review, a bit longer, by Semanov in the journal Slovo of April 4 2008.

Semanov is a prolific historian born in 1934, journal editor, has worked with the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences (Soviet), now associated with the Institue of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A list of more than a dozen of his works of history now in print is available here, at the site of Ozon.ru, a major Russian online bookstore.

"Anatomy of an Anticommunist Fabrication: The Death of Oliver Law, An Historiographical Investigation." In Reconstruction 8.1. (Published March 19, 2008.)

Oliver Law was, for four days in July 1937, commander of the Lincoln Battalion and the first black man to command white American troops. He died as a hero in battle, shot while leading a charge against the fascist forces on July 9, 1937. The essay examines how the late William Herrick fabricated a false story -- really, a couple of them -- about the death of Oliver Law, and how others, especially Cecil Eby, have abetted the falsification. It is a case study in historical falsification for anticommunist purposes.

NOTE: Access this article here, at the Internet Achive. (The Eserver, which hosts Reconstruction, is down as of January, 2018.)

Review of Cecil Eby, Comrades and Commissars. The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War. Published in The Volunteer. Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Vol.XXIV, No. 4 (December 2007), p. 19. Also in HTML here.

Home page for my book, Antistalinskaia Podlost' -- roughly, "Anti-Stalinist Villany" --  published by "Algoritm" publishers in Moscow, in Russian.

The publisher insisted on the title, which echoes that of a book published a few years back that sold very well. The English title -- mine --  is:
"Khrushchev Lied: The Evidence That Every "Revelation" of Stalin's (and Beria's) "Crimes" in Nikita Khrushchev's Infamous "Secret Speech" to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, is Provably False. *
There's a link at the bottom of the page for interested readers to download an analytical chapter omitted from the published version. Or, just go here.

05.11.08 - My book now scanned and PDF'd on the web. I don't know who did it! But it must be a compliment. And, it has the potential to spread the book more widely, so Spasibo, tovarishch, whoever you are. In ZIP format.

04.16.08 - The final chapter from the book, put on the web by the publisher (PDF format, in Russian - for HTML, see a few lines above).

Humble thanks to my colleague, editor and translator Vladimir Bobrov of Moscow, without whom I would never have undertaken, much less completed, this job!

(* Except one minor one, which I can neither verify nor disprove.)

  Page from Russian reader's blog of Feb. 18, 2008, praising my book. Mr Pokrovsky says he emailed me to thank me, and he did! A fine guy -- thanks, Mr. Pokrovsky!

07.15.2008 - A fine recommendation for my book in an article by Leonid Zhura in IUrii Mukhin's journal Duel':

"One does not require archival research in order to refute the slanders of the illiterate Khrushchev at the 20th Party Congress concerning the supposed 'cult of personality of Stalin' and 'unfounded repressions' ... Grover Furr, in his book 'Antistalinskaia Podlost'', has exposed this personage especially well."

05.17.2008 -   A nice compliment for my book on a Russian discussion blog:

"Slava, did you get the book by Grover Furr, "Antistalinskaia podlost'"?
Yes, Lionia. It's a good book... I did not expect that from a foreign author."

January 10 2008: Accuracy in Academia names me "Scholar of the Year"!
What they really mean is "worst scholar of the year." But what that means is: They disagree with me. Yes, "conservatives" do not care about the truth. They only care whether you "promote their 'party line'".
Though conservatives attack Postmodernists for denying objective reality, the conservatives themselves pretend it doesn't exist. Of course -- because reality is very different from what they say it is! So I really am honored they think me the "worst". (Also here, as a PDF file).

  • February '08 - AinA puts me on pages one and five of their February newsletter. Download it here, or here.

Horowitz-Stalin Controversy, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review March - May 2006.
David Horowitz isn't interested in the truth, and neither are his defenders. This exchange in Richard Mellon Scaife's conservative newspaper demonstrates this. (For more detail about how this happened, see "Academic Repression in the First Person", also linked below).

Furr and Bobrov, "Pervye priznatel'nye pokazaniia N.I. Bukharina na Lubianke." Klio No. 1 (2007). Introductory article to our publication of Nikolai Bukharin's previously unpublished confession of June 2, 1937.

Furr and Bobrov, eds. "Lichnye pokazaniia N. Bukharina." Klio (St. Petersburg), No. 1 (2007). Nikolai Bukharin's first confession, of June 2, 1937. Never before published and still unavailable to scholars in Russia.

Remarks on the Moscow Trials, on Evidence, and Objectivity. I wrote this in June 2006 to answer inaccurate criticisms by a young radical who has, however, been influenced by Cold War anticommunist falsehoods. Since we have all been so influenced, to one degree or another, I think it may be useful to others.

Interview of me by Carl Miller, plus a few other things of mine (I think...) translated into Japanese! (English interview also here, at this Spanish site).

Exchange on the Katyn Massacre evidence. Mr. Sergey Romanov put our email exchange online despite the fact I refused to give him permission to do so. Well, there it is! So I will make the best of it and put a link here. Maybe Romanov is right, and the exchange "makes me look bad"? You be the judge!

  • Mr Romanov refers to a page I wrote on Katyn to help people who ask me for something short about it. I changed the URL when I edited it; this is the new one.

"Did George Washington Turn Down An Offer To Be A King? The Story Behind the Myth." A student in one of my classes mentioned this story. I told her I'd never verified it, and set out to do so. Here's the result (March 2007)

A Masters Thesis in History by one Jason Foster, accepted at Texas Tech U. in August 2006, contains lies about an essay of mine on the Vietnam War. Here is my reply: "A Critique of Jason Everitt Foster's Thoroughly Dishonest Comments on an Essay by Grover Furr." (February 2007)

The Editors of the CUNY Graduate Center Advocate invited me to write an article on Academic Freedom and David Horowitz's stupid attack on me and others. I wrote  "Academic Repression in the First Person: Lies, Damn Lies, and David Horowitz" for their November 2006 issue. Thanks, people! (Here in PDF)

"Stalin and Support for the Spanish Republic." Letter to The Volunteer, March 2005, with response by Prof. Gabriel Jackson.

"Communism and Anti-Semitism -- A Rejoinder." This email of mine to several mailing lists was reprinted by Revolutionary Democracy, a communist journal in India, and in part in Challenge and Desafio (August 16, 2006) of the Progressive Labor Party (USA).

A young man named "Celticfire" did an email-interview with me in June 2006, and posted it in two parts on his fine Maoist blog Celticfire. Here are the links to this interview. Part I at the top of the page, and Part II about half-way down. My thanks to you, Celticfire! (Also available here, in PDF; and here, at the original blog's archive).

A short essay of mine about my research on Stalin is in an Interview on Carl Miller's blog, "Reason In Revolt Now Thunders,"  May 12 2006. My thanks to Mr. Miller for giving me this opportunity to state things as I seen them! (Look down the page for "Interview with Grover Furr," May 12). Also here; and here, at a Spanish site.

(Un)critical Reading and the Discourse of Anti-communism. Published February 2006 in The Red Critique, No.11

Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform, Parts I and II together, published in Galician at "Estoutras Notas Politicas". They even gave my articles their own URL -- "http://stalinreforma.blogspot.com/! Molto Obrigado!

Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform: Part Two. Published December 2005 in Cultural Logic.

NOTE: Or, you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform: Part One. Published April 2005 in Cultural Logic.

NOTE: Or, you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

Horowitz's Lies About Me. Some of my friends asked me to detail Horowitz's specific lies about me in his book, so I've done so briefly here.

Il'ya Erenburg, "Answer to a Letter", in Russian original and English translation, transcribed and with an introduction by Grover Furr (PDF).
Originally published in Pravda, September 21 1948, this is the famous Soviet Jewish writer's criticism of Zionism. I have written an introduction, transcribed the Russian text from the original in Pravda, and also provide an English translation from the American Communist magazine Jewish Life, June 1949, pp. 25-27.

April 26, 2004: What Can We Learn from the Teens? Protest, Rebellion, Commitment: Then and Now, published in Counterpunch today. I wrote this paper for, and delivered it at, a panel at the 2003 MLA Convention sponsored by the Radical Caucus of the MLA. Counterpunch did not publish the notes and bibliography, so here they are.

November 10, 2001: An article of mine on the criminal war against Afghanistan from the student newspaper, The Montclarion. Also in Counterpunch, the on-line muckraking journal.
               - 1/17/02: Now also translated into Greek here (!) ; also (03.24.06) at this Greek site. (originally at

I hope these pages will be useful to students and all others who have an interest in the topics on which I've collected information.

There will ultimately be five separate pages of links and information. You'll be able to reach them by jumping from the table at the end of this short page.

Medieval Literature and History
Research and Documentation
Politics and Social Issues
The Vietnam War

Please check out my Page of Fine Undergraduate Papers. They are a model of what undergraduate students can achieve, and are excellent sources of research in their own right!

Here are links to some of my own articles:

"Useful and Little-Known Applications of Adobe Acrobat 5.0", Edtexpo Annual Conference 2003, Montclair State University, September 2003.

"From "Paperless Classroom" to "Deep Reading": Five Stages in Internet Pedagogy", in Technology Source, September-October 2003.   Also available here, in PDF format.

  “Fraudulent Anti-Communist Scholarship From A "Respectable" Conservative Source: Prof. Paul Johnson.” Published 2004.

"Anatomy of a Fraudulent Scholarly Work: Ronald Radosh's Spain Betrayed", in Cultural Logic, 2003.

NOTE: Or, you may access this article here, at the Internet Achive.

Two short film reviews from Cineaste magazine: of "Unfinished Symphony" (Fall 2001) and "Jung: In the Land of the Mujaheddin" (Winter 2001).

"The Educational Applications of Streaming Audio: Accessible, Do-It-Yourself Multimedia", from the January-February 2001 issue of Technology Source. Go here for the tutorial (also linked within the article itself). Also available here, in PDF format.

"Vietnam to Yugoslavia: What I Learned," from The Montclarion (Montclair State Univ. student weekly newspaper),  Thursday, April 15, 1999, p. 14. Reprinted here by 'Open Copy.'

Review of Hugo Keiper, Christoph Bode, and Richard J. Utz, eds. Nominalism and Literary Discourse: New Perspectives. Series: Critical Studies, Vol. 10. Amsterdam/Atlanta, Georgia: Rodopi B.V., 1997, in The Medieval Review (TMR), April 6 1999.

Review of Herbert Eiden, "In der Knechtschaft werdet ihr verharren ...": Ursachen und Verlauf des englischen Bauernaufstandes von 1381. Trier: Trierer Historische Forschungen, Vol. 32, 1995, in Prolepsis: The Tübingen Review of English Studies (on-line journal), October 1998.

"Using History to Fight Anti-Communism" -- A review of Robert W. Thurston, Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1934-1941. (London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, in Cultural Logic (on-line journal), vol. 1, No: 2 (Summer, 1998).

NOTE: Access this article here, at the Internet Achive. (The Eserver, which hosts Cultural Logic, is down as of January, 2018.)

"Corporate Ideology and Literary Criticism: How the New Right Pushes the Ideology of Exploitation in the Field of Literary Studies and What To Do About It" (1997), in NST: Nature, Society, and Thought Vol. 9, No. 3 (1998), 311-325.

"The Fallacies of Afrocentrism". Reprinted in The Liberator magazine, 2007.

"Nominalism in the Nun's Priest's Tale: A Preliminary Study". . Originally published in Richard J. Utz, ed. Literary Nominalism and the Theory of Rereading Late Medieval Texts: A New Research Paradigm. Medieval Studies: Volume 5. The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995, 135-146.

"Separatist Movement Shows Nationalism = Fascism, (originally composed Nov. 1995). Reprinted here by 'OpenCopy.'

"Welcome the Rebellion!" About the Los Angeles 'Rodney King' rebellion, Canadian Dimension 26 n. 5, July-August 1992

"New Light On Old Stories About Marshal Tukhachevskii: Some Documents Reconsidered" . And here is a PDF facsimile of that article, as it originally appeared in Russian History/Histoire Russe of 1986 (actually published in 1988).

"France vs. Italy: French Literary Nationalism in 'Petrarch's Last Controversy' and a Humanist Literary Debate of ca. 1395"

"Jhesu Nichil Est Commune Ligurgo: A French Humanist Debate of ca. 1405"

Review of Thomas G. Butson, The Tsar's Lieutenant: The Soviet Marshal (New York: Praeger, 1984).

"A Lethal Form of Lying: Notes on Anti-Semitism and Cold War Scholarship," from Comment, Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4 (Spring 1984), 24-29. (PDF file)

"The Politics Behind the Shooting of the Pope", from Comment, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1983), 15-18.

" The AFT, the CIA, and Solidarnosc," from Comment, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1982), 31-34.

My 1979 Ph.D. dissertation, The Quarrel of the Roman de la Rose and Fourteenth Century Humanism, is now on the web.

I hope you find them useful. Please click here to send me comments.

Also check out Workplace: the journal for academic labor. Excellent, hard-hitting articles by members of the Grad Student Caucus of the MLA; by other graduate student scholar-activists; and by academic activists.

... and HERE are links to a few verses I have always liked;

"I Paint What I See", by E.B. White.
"Apolitical Intellectuals", by Otto René Castillo.
"The Cremation of Sam McGee", by Robert W. Service.
"The Shooting of Dan McGrew", by Robert W. Service.
"The Ballad of Yukon Jake", by Edward H. Paramore, Jr.
"The Little Red God," author unknown.
"Evolution", by Langdon Smith.
"The Montreal Tramway Song", by Wade Hemsworth.
"The Squid-Jiggin' Ground", by Art Scammell.

Grover Furr's Web Pages






Vietnam War

PLEASE! Contact me with your suggestions.

http://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/  *  Email me  *  Last modified April 16, 2020