Hungry Ghosts - Stephen Malloch, Tricia Thom, Norman Lamont

songstories #19: Still

This goes a long way back.  Hungry Ghosts was a band I formed in the 1990s, a trio with Tricia Thom as singer and Stephen Malloch on violin. We were later joined by Sean Doyle on bass and Dave Haswell on percussion. This was our ‘greatest hit’, which actually won some kind of song competition […]

Jacques Brel

songstories #17 – Ricky

Ricky is a song I introduce at gigs as ‘a collaboration with two other writers, neither of whom know they’ve collaborated with me on it’. The first was Jacques Brel (1929-1978 see Jacques Brel on Wikipedia). He called it Jacky (or Le Chanson de Jacky) and in it he imagines himself growing old as a […]

Di Williams site is up

Di Williams site is up

Some time ago I posted about my quest to create an online presence for the late Di Williams, a songwriter whose work I love and who seemed to be resigned to obscurity. Well that site is now up. Through various friends I’ve managed to track down some people who knew her, and even a photo. […]

Di Williams cassette Take Route

In Search of Di Williams

This is the start of a quest. In the mid-1980s I was living in Manchester. During this time I got to know a singer called Di Williams. She first came along to a folk club I ran with Lynne Percival at the Lamplight Club in Chorlton. She seemed a slightly eccentric figure, in charity shop clothes […]