chris bergบัญชีตัวจริง


co-director . adjunct fellow . academic fellow . board of . yes of course i have a podcast .

melbourne, australia
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ พฤษภาคม 2551


คุณได้บล็อค @chrisberg

คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดูทวีตเหล่านี้ การดูทวีตเหล่านี้ไม่ถือเป็นการยกเลิกการบล็อค @chrisberg

  1. 12 ก.ย.
  2. ได้รีทวีต
    11 ก.ย.

    I ran out of the space in the story, but the key thing to remember is that tracing wasn’t overwhelmed when hit 700 cases a day. It was overwhelmed when we were barely into double digits. That’s how we got to 700 cases a day.

  3. ได้รีทวีต
    11 ก.ย.

    If the new trustbusters get their way, tech platforms might be forced to pay money to traditional news outlets for the privilege of linking to their content.

  4. ได้รีทวีต
    11 ก.ย.

    A must read piece by in on and the Morrison Government’s egregious attempt to siphon cash from Google and Facebook and hand it directly to media organisations.

  5. ได้รีทวีต
    10 ก.ย.

    As the Australian response to Google and Facebook shows, a combination of confused regulators and aggrieved, politically connected industries is a dangerous thing.

  6. ได้รีทวีต
    10 ก.ย.
  7. ได้รีทวีต
    10 ก.ย.

    This is genius. NASA will pay some company or companies to go to the moon and bring back soil. Not because the soil is important. Because they are creating a market in the capability to go to the moon. “Create a market for the thing you want to do” is a great strategy. Bravo.

  8. 10 ก.ย.

    i'm in today on the commonwealth govt's attempt to take money from google and facebook and directly hand it to media companies on incredibly spurious grounds

  9. 10 ก.ย.

    to be fair, an australian leadership spill would be the sort of return to normalcy we are all so desperate for

  10. 10 ก.ย.

    i don't normally like to share rumours but this one is from someone who has been right before: i'm hearing that queen elizabeth is holding urgent consultations with the local cia station chief about premier andrews' future

  11. 9 ก.ย.

    hmm i thought 'fear is the mind-killer' was my catchphrase

  12. 9 ก.ย.
  13. ได้รีทวีต
    8 ก.ย.

    We've learned a lot working with the team on the economy and token plan. We look forward to sharing our plans in the near future!

  14. ได้รีทวีต
    8 ก.ย.

    This book is a call to arms. The liberty movement has spent too much time begging the state for its liberties back. We can now use new technologies to build free institutions for human flourishing without permission.

  15. ได้รีทวีต
    7 ก.ย.
  16. ได้รีทวีต
    7 ก.ย.
  17. ได้รีทวีต
    6 ก.ย.

    “This is not about ‘pretending this is over because we want it to be’, or wanting to ease restrictions ahead of time, this is about using our data to inform tailored, precise, evidence-based responses.” Deakin epidemiologist Catherine Bennett nails it.

  18. 6 ก.ย.

    when will dan andrews tackle this

  19. ได้รีทวีต
    6 ก.ย.

    Many elite university economists have been telling us there are no trade-offs. Josh Gans has a different view.

  20. 6 ก.ย.

    the vic govt's policy is now full elimination or no christmas with families (for all but the smallest families), having denied for months that elimination was their goal. could the dan stans let us know when it is ok to debate this? do trade offs exist yet?



ทวิตเตอร์อาจรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหวหรืออาจมีอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

